State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Journal of the Senate
JANUARY SESSION of the General Assembly begun and held at the State House in the City of Providence on Tuesday, the fourth day of January in the year of Our Lord two thousand.
Volume 127, No. 14
Thursday, February 10, 2000
Fourteenth Day
The Senate meets pursuant to adjournment and is called to order by His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, Charles J. Fogarty, at 3:15 o'clock P.M.
The roll is called and a quorum is declared present with -9 Senators present and 1 Senator absent as follows:
His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, by unanimous consent, presents Senator Bates, to deliver the invocation.
(See Appendix for Invocation)
His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, by unanimous consent, presents Senator Bates, to lead the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
The Senate Journal of Wednesday, February 9, 2000 proceedings is read in part.
Upon suggestion of Senator Kelly and by unanimous consent, further reading of the Journal is dispensed with and the Journal approved as recorded.
Upon suggestion of Senators Issa and Celona, and by unanimous consent, His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, welcomes to the Chamber Dr. Zeki Saritoprak of Washington, D.C.
Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and by unanimous consent, His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, welcomes to the Chamber Mike Reeves, Director of Community Program Services at Harmony Hill School.
Upon suggestion of Senator Coderre, and by unanimous consent, His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, welcomes to the Chamber Alice Brickach of Doyle Manor, Pawtucket.
Senator Kelly extends congratulations and best dishes to Senate Aide Rebecca Pazienza, who has served the Senate for the last six years, most recently as Assistant to the Communications Director, and is leaving to work with the public relations firm, GPC O'Neil. She has graced the Senate with style, professionalism and a maturity beyond her years. She will be missed by both the Senators and Senate Staff and everyone wishes her well in her new endeavors.
A message from the House of Representatives transmits with announcement of passage:
(2000-H 7844) Joint Resolution inviting His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Honorable Senate to join the House of Representatives in Joint Session for the purpose of receiving a message of His Excellency, the Governor, regarding the state budget.
Senator Kelly requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.
Unanimous consent for immediate consideration is granted.
Upon motion of Senator Kelly, seconded by Senators Algiere, and by unanimous consent, read and passed, under suspension of the rules, upon a voice vote.
Senator Paiva Weed, from the Committee on Judiciary, reports back, with recommendation that the advice and consent of the Senate be given to the following appointments:
Appointment of Ann R. Crawford of Charles-town (Representing Small Public Libraries) VICE Jenny LaPerriere to the Library Board of Rhode Island for a term expiring December 31, 2002.
Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Appointment of Barbara Fields Karlin of Providence (Community Development Intermediary) VICE Mary Jane K. "Susan" Baxter to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2002.
Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Reappointment of Kevin Flynn of Cranston (Local Planner) to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2003.
Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Appointment of Mary Jane K. "Susan" Baxter of Providence (Public Member) to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2003.
Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Appointment of Rose Ellen A. Reynolds of Cranston (Representing Coalition of Library Advocates) VICE Dr. Robert J. McKenna to the Library Board of Rhode Island for a term expiring December 31, 2002.
Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Appointment of Sheila Cabral Sousa of Warwick (Senior Housing Advocate Seat) to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2003.
Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.
Senators Paiva Weed, Roberts, Goodwin and Gibbs present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2571) Senate Resolution respectfully requesting the Department of Human Services to apply to the Federal Health Care Financing Administration to expand its home and community based waiver programs.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Cicilline and Perry present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2572) An Act relating to education - curriculum.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Gibbs, Roberts, Cicilline and Goodwin present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2573) Senate Resolution respectfully directing the Department of Elderly Affairs to implement a volunteer guardianship program.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Kelly presents (00-S 2574) An Act relating to health and safety public access defibrillation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Izzo, Roberts, Connors, Cicilline, Fogarty and others present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2575) An Act relating to children.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senator Ruggerio, DaPonte, Igliozzi, Walton, Coderre and others present (00-S 2576) An Act relating to public property and works preference to state citizens.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Walton, Igliozzi, Kells, Tocco and others present (00-S 2577) An Act relating to hoisting engineers.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Goodwin, Coderre, Walaska, DaPonte and others present (00-S 2578) An Act relating to the merit system.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Igliozzi, Fogarty, Celona, Goodwin and others present (by request of the Secretary of State) (00-S 2579) An Act relating to state contracts - prevailing wage.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Gallo, DaPonte, McDonald, Kells and others present (00-S 2580) An Act relating to businesses and professions
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, DaPonte, Goodwin, Gallo, Igliozzi and others present (00-S 2581) An Act relating to arbitration of labor controversies.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Goodwin, DaPonte, Celona, McDonald and others present (00-S 2582) An Act relating to towns and cities-
optional retirement for members of police force and fire fighters.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Ruggerio, DaPonte, Felag, Fogarty, McCaffrey and others present (00-S 2583) An Act relating to labor and labor relations - hours of employment.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Goodwin, Igliozzi, Gallo, Coderre and others present (00-S 2584) An Act relating to causes of action.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Walsh, Celona, Felag, Tocco and others present (00-S 2585) An Act relating to law enforcement - aptitude and psychological test for law enforcement candidates.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Ruggerio, Walsh, Fogarty, Felag, Tocco and others present (00-S 2586) An Act relating to reserve police officers.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Ruggerio, Goodwin, DaPonte, Coderre, Kells and others present (00-S 2587) An Act relating to the retirement system-
membership and service credits.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Ruggerio, Igliozzi, Kells, DaPonte, Walton and others present (00-S 2588) An Act relating to the award of municipal contracts.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Gallo, Kells, DaPonte, Celona and others present (00-S 2589) An Act relating towns and cities - general powers.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Celona, Goodwin, Tocco, Igliozzi and others present (00-S 2590) An Act relating to teachers' retirement.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Ruggerio, Igliozzi, Tocco, Gallo, Goodwin and others present (00-S 2591) An Act relating to businesses and professions.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Goodwin, DaPonte, Tocco, Celona and others present (00-S 2592) An Act relating to businesses and professions
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, DaPonte, Igliozzi, Goodwin, Tocco and others present (00-S 2593) An Act relating to labor and labor relations-
Division of Professional Regulation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, DaPonte, Igliozzi, Kells, Goodwin and others present (00-S 2594) An Act relating to arbitration of labor controversies.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, DaPonte, Gallo, Tocco, Igliozzi and others present (00-S 2595) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, DaPonte, Goodwin, Kells, Igliozzi and others present (00-S 2596) An Act relating to telecommunications.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Ruggerio, Felag, DaPonte, Alves, Hells and others present (00-S 2597) An Act relating to Division of Personnel Administration.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Ruggerio, Gallo, Kells, Walton, Goodwin and others present (00-S 2598) An Act relating to towns and cities - ordinances.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senator Graziano presents (00-S 2599) An Act relating to insurance coverage - genetic testing.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Flynn and Patterson present (00-S 2600) Joint Resolution memorializing Congress to enact a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting the Courts from imposing tax increases.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senator Graziano presents (00-S 2601) An Act relating to insurance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Roney present (00-S 2602) An Act relating to The Uniform Commercial Code.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Paiva Weed, Goodwin, Connors and Gibbs present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2603) An Act relating to residential care and assisted living facility licensing act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senator Oster presents (00-S 2604) An Act relating to zoning ordinances.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Cote, Felag, Bates, DaPonte, Damiani and others present (00-S 2605) An Act relating to health and safety health care accessibility and quality assurance act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Kelly presents (00-S 2606) An Act relating to alcoholic beverages.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senators Irons and Tocco present (by request) (00-S 2607) An Act relating to health and safety - environmental response fund.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Irons, Graziano, DaPonte, Gallo, Cote and others present (00-S 2608) An Act relating to health and safety - Rhode Island student assistance to individuals in distress program.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Perry, Graziano, Goodwin, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and others present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2609) An Act relating to elderly transportation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators McDonald, Paiva Weed, Oster, Damiani, Kells and others present (00-S 2610) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles-
suspension revocation of licenses.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator McDonald presents (00-S 2611) An Act
relating to state affairs and government -Department of the Environment.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Cote, Walaska and McBurney present (00-S 2612) An Act relating to taxation - public service corporation tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Blais presents (00-S 2613) An Act relating to fire safety.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Blais, Breene and Flynn present (00-S 2614) An Act relating to school and municipal playground safety.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Igliozzi and Gibbs present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2615) An Act relating to health and safety-
healthcare accessibility and quality assurance act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Perry, Cote, Walsh and Sosnowski present (00-S 2616) An Act relating to campaign finance reform.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Irons presents (by request) (00-S 2617) An Act relating to public property and works
contractors bonds.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Sosnowski, Bates, Paiva Weed and Goodwin present (00-S 2618) An Act relating to agricultural functions of Department of Environmental Management.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Sosnowski, Perry, Gallo and Roberts present (00-S 2619) An Act relating to animal care.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senators Paiva Weed, Roney, Revens, McDonald and Igliozzi present (00-S 2620) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure-
procedure generally - evidence.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Badeau presents (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2621) An Act relating to the pension revocation and reduction act -definitions.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Sosnowski, Irons and Bates present (00-S 2622) An Act relating to sales and use taxes - liability and computation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Sosnowski, Paiva Weed, Walsh, Irons, patterson and others present (00-S 2623) An Act relating to waters and navigation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Sosnowski, Irons and Bates present (00-S 2624) An Act relating to sales and use taxes - liability for use tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators DaPonte, Goodwin, Connors, Fogarty, Felag and others present (00-S 2625) An Act relating to public property and works - state purchases.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Irons presents (by request) (00-S 2626) An Act relating to interest and usury.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Celona and Raptakis present (00-S 2627) An Act relating to regulation of boats.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senators Celona, Tocco, Igliozzi, Kells and Damiani present (00-S 2628) An Act relating to towns and cities relief of firefighters and police officers.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Celona, Tocco and Igliozzi present (00-S 2629) An Act relating to personal income tax.
Read an(~referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Roney presents (00-S 2630) An Act relating to towns and cities - district management authorities.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Irons presents (by request) (00-S 2631) An Act relating to insurance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Irons presents (by request) (00-S 2632) An Act relating to financial institutions.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Roney presents (00-S 2633) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure - levy and sale on execution.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Roney presents (00-S 2634) An Act relating to health care accessibility and quality assurance act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senator Roney presents (00-S 2635) An Act relating to corporations, associations and partnerships.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Goodwin, Bates and Damiani present (00-S 2636) An Act relating to lotteries - prize payments percentage.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Goodwin, Bates and Damiani present (00-S 2637) An Act relating to lotteries - prize payments percentage.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Irons, Perry, Sosnowski, Izzo, Walaska and others present (by request of the Attorney General) (00-S 2638) An Act relating to taxation - cigarette tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Coderre presents (by request) (00-S 2639) An Act relating to correctional institutions -parole.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Kells, Coderre, Walton, Flynn, Irons and others present (00-S 2640) An Act relating to the General Assembly.
Read and referred to the Joint Committee on Naming State Constructions.
Senators Coderre, Enos, Walton, Perry, Gallo and others present (00-S 2641) An Act relating to the Board of Governors for Higher Education - Miss Rhode Island Scholarship.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators McDonald and Oster present (00-S 2642) An Act relating to state affairs and government - open meetings.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Roney, Paiva Weed, Oster, McCaffrey and Walton present (00-S 2643) An Act relating to criminal offenses sexual offender registration and community notification.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Perry, Walton, Kells, Cicilline, Ruggerio and others present (00-S 2644) An Act relating to animals and animal husbandry.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senators Walton, Paiva Weed, Enos, Goodwin and McDonald present (00-S 2645) An Act relating to public officers and employees.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Perry, Walton, Igliozzi, Goodwin, Cote and others present (00-S 2646) An Act relating to taxation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Perry, Goodwin, Cote and Cicilline present (00-S 2647) An Act relating to taxation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Izzo, Roberts, Roney and Patterson present (00-S 2648) An Act relating to taxation - personal income tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Izzo, Perry, Cicilline, Walton and Goodwin present (00-S 2649) An Act relating to state affairs and government.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Paiva Weed, Sosnowski, Perry, Walsh and Graziano present (00-22650) An Act relating to confidential records.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Connors, Damiani and Goodwin present (00-S 2651) An Act relating to licensing of health care facilities - governmental funding of mandates.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Coderre, DaPonte, Igliozzi, Tocco, Damiani and others present (00-S 2652) An Act relating to criminal offenses - child molestation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Sasso and Graziano present (by request) (00-S 2653) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Sasso presents (00-S 2654) An Act relating to elections-
registration of voters.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Sasso presents (00-S 2655) An Act relating to agricultural land - acquisition of land.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Paiva Weed, Irons, Algiere, Parella and Kells present (00-S 2656) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - special stops required.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Raptakis, Igliozzi, Walsh, Issa and Caprio present (00-S 2657) An Act relating to taxation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Raptakis, Igliozzi, Issa, Walsh and Caprio present (00-S 2658) An Act relating to taxation sales and use taxes liability and computation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Sasso, Walsh, Raptakis, Issa, Badeau and others present (00-S 2659) An Act relating to health and safety - Prescription Drug Review Board.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Sasso presents (00-S 2660) An Act relating to deceptive trade practices - elderly -prescription drug labels.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senator Sasso presents (00-S 2661) An Act relating to commercial law - deceptive trade practices.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Irons, Goodwin, DaPonte, Walaska and Ruggerio present (00-S 2662) An Act relating to the workforce opportunity improvement act of 2000.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Walsh, Gallo, Perry, Sosnowski, Graziano and others present (00-S 2663) An Act relating to education - alternative school investment fund.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Coderre, Roberts, Tocco, Igliozzi, Walton and others present (by request of the Attorney General) (00-S 2664) An Act relating to criminal offenses - weapons.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Coderre, Goodwin, Enos, Bates, Roney
and others present (00-S 2665) An Act relating to incorporation of United Electric Power Company.
Read and referred to the Committee on
Senators Paiva Weed, Graziano, Ruggerio, Tocco and Kells present (00-S 2666) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - suspension or revocation of licenses.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Walton and Cicilline present (00-S 2667) An Act relating to video lottery terminals - division of revenue.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Walton and Cicilline present (00-S 2668) An Act relating to state affairs and government - video lottery terminals.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senator Irons presents (by request) (00-S 2669) An Act relating to credit card lending.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Graziano, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and Goodwin -present (00-S 2670) An Act relating to food and drugs - uniform controlled substance act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Goodwin, Perry, Igliozzi, Graziano, Kells and others present (00-S 2671) An Act relating to lead paint actions.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Igliozzi, Goodwin, Graziano and Kells present (00-S 2672) An Act relating to municipal public building authorities.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Goodwin, Graziano, Kells, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and others present (00-S 2673) An Act relating to health and safety-
elevators, escalators and dumbwaiters.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Kells, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and others present (00-S 2674) An Act relating to criminal offenses-
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Roney, Graziano and Goodwin present (00-S 2675) An Act relating to taxation -investment tax credit.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Caprio, Graziano, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and Goodwin present (00-S 2676) An Act relating to criminal offenses - children.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Ruggerio, Goodwin, Perry, Igliozzi and Caprio present (00-S 2677) An Act authorizing the city of Providence to issue bonds and notes in an amount not exceeding fifty million ($50,000,000) dollars for the purpose of redevelopment and/or capital improvements.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Graziano, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and Goodwin present (00-S 2678) An Act relating to food and drugs - uniform controlled substances act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Goodwin, Graziano and Igliozzi present (00-S 2679) An Act relating to the Providence Water Supply Board.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Ruggerio, Perry, Igliozzi, Graziano, Goodwin and others present (00-S 2680) An Act relating to state aid.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Ruggerio, Perry, Igliozzi, Graziano, Goodwin and others present (00-S 2681) An Act relating to state aid.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Igliozzi, Goodwin and Kells present (00-S 2682) An Act relating to civil procedure -governmental tort liability.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Igliozzi, Perry, Graziano and Goodwin present (00-S 2683) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers - franchises.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Ruggerio and Goodwin present (00-S 2684) An Act relating to motor vehicles - motor fuel tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Goodwin, Graziano, Kells, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and others present (00-S 2685) An Act relating to public officers and employees -employee pension revocation and reduction act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Ruggerio, Goodwin and Igliozzi present (00-S 2686) An Act relating to indebtedness of towns and cities - pension fund refinancing bonds.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Roney, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Ruggerio and others present (00-S 2687) An Act relating to public property and works - public buildings.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Roney, Ruggerio, Igliozzi, Perry, Goodwin and others present (00-S 2688) An Act relating to the downcity section of Providence.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Goodwin, Connors, DaPonte and Coderre present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2689) An Act relating to stalking, crime of cyberstalking.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Fogarty, Enos and Coderre present (00-S 2690) Senate Resolution respectfully requesting the Veterans Administration to restore funding to VISN One (Veteran Integrated Service Network).
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senator Irons presents (by request) (00-S 2691) An Act relating to insurance -- insurance premium finance agreements.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Enos, Irons, Damiani and Coderre present (00-S 2692) An Act relating to businesses and professions - the healing art of acupuncture.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Enos, Irons, Damiani and Coderre present (00-S 2693) An Act relating to businesses and professions - the healing art of acupuncture.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Enos, Irons, Damiani and Coderre present (00-S 2694) An Act relating to insurance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Kelly, Fogarty, Enos and Coderre present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2695) An Act relating to insurance prior notification requirement for notice of discontinuance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Kelly, Igliozzi, Enos and Coderre present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00-S 2696) An Act relating to insurance - health maintenance organization.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Paiva Weed, Perry, Cicilline and Walton present (00-S 2697) An Act relating to racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Irons and Bates present (by request) (00-S 2698) An Act relating to taxation
declaration of estimated tax by corporation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Fogarty, Walaska, DaPonte, Goodwin and Cote present (by request) (00-S 2699) An Act relating to domestic relations.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Coderre, Irons and Perry present (00-S 2700) An Act relating to elections - elective meeting.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Roberts, Goodwin, Izzo, Enos and Coderre present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor) (00.52701) An Act relating to insurance
prompt payment for health care services.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Fogarty, Irons, Walaska, Cicilline and DaPonte present (00-S 2702) An Act relating to taxation - levy and assessment of local taxes.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Irons, Perry, Cicilline and Izzo present (by request) (00-S 2703) An Act relating to health and safety utilization review of health care services.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Damiani, Kelly, Bates, Felag, Irons, Walaska and others present (00-S 2704) An Act relating to criminal offenses-
sex offender central registry.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Revens, Breene, Sosnowski, Walsh, Parella and others present (00-S 2705) An Act relating to department of state affairs and government.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Perry, Walton and Cicilline present (00-S 2706) An Act relating to elections.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Walton, Goodwin and Igliozzi present (00-S 2707) An Act relating to criminal offenses - liability for discharge of firearms.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Walton, Goodwin and Igliozzi present (00-S 2708) An Act relating to highways
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Coderre, Walton and Raptakis present (00-S 2709) An Act relating to public accountancy.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Coderre, Enos, Walton, Igliozzi, Sosnowski and others present (00-S 2710) An Act relating to the General Assembly-
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Coderre, Walton, Izzo, Damiani, Paiva Weed and others present (00-S 2711) An Act relating to education.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Coderre, DaPonte, Cicilline and Walton present (00-S 2712) An Act relating to unfair sales practices.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Coderre, Irons, Revens, Bates, Caprio and others present (00-S,2713) An Act relating to businesses and professions.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Coderre presents (by request) (00-S 2714) An Act relating to military affairs and defense.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senators Irons and Kelly present (00-S 2715) An Act relating to freshwater wetlands.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Coderre, Fogarty, DaPonte and Izzo present (by request of the Lieutenant Governor)
(00-S 2716) Senate Resolution respectfully directing all state departments that fund long-term care services to provide appropriate cost of living adjustments.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Coderre presents (00-S 2717) An Act relating to food, drugs and cosmetics act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Graziano, Goodwin, DaPonte and Connors present (00-S 2718) An Act relating to health insurance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Goodwin, Ruggerio and Walton present (00-S 2719) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Goodwin, Coderre and DaPonte present (00-S 2720) Joint Resolution creating a special legislative commission to investigate the issue of problem gambling in the state of Rhode Island.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senators Goodwin, Paiva Weed, Roberts, Gallo and Perry present (00-S 2721) An Act relating to the domestic violence prevention act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Walton, Goodwin, DaPonte, Cicilline and Perry present (00-S 2722) An Act relating to insurance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Walton, Kells, Ruggerio, DaPonte, Goodwin and others present (00-S 2723) An Act relating to labor and labor relations-
minimum wages.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Walton, Coderre, Goodwin, Cicilline and Paiva Weed present (00-S 2724) An Act relating to state affairs and government-
prompt payment by Department of Administration.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Walton and DaPonte present (00-S 2725) An Act relating to the Public Transit Authority.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Goodwin presents (by request) (00-S 2726) An Act relating to textbooks.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Goodwin, Graziano, DaPonte and Ruggerio present (00-S 2727) An Act relating to informed consent for abortion.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Raptakis and Tocco present (00-S
2728) An Act relating to health and safety -emergency medicine transportation services.
Read and referred to the Joint Committee on
Highway Safety.
Senators Connors, Damiani, Goodwin and Coderre present (00-S 2729) An Act relating to medical assistance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Connors, Damiani, Goodwin and Coderre present (00-S 2730) An Act relating to human services - medical assistance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Connors, Damiani, Goodwin and Coderre present (00-S 2731) An Act relating to medical assistance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Connors, Damiani, Goodwin and Coderre present (00-S 2732) An Act relating to health and safety.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators DaPonte, Goodwin, Coderre and Connors present (00-S 2733) An Act relating to the sales tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Revens and Roney present (00-S 2734) Joint Resolution to approve and publish, and submit to the electors a proposition of amendment to the Constitution of the State (qualification for office).
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senators Connors, Goodwin, DaPonte and Coderre present (00-S 2735) An Act relating to towns and cities - relief of firefighters and police officers.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Connors, Damiani, Goodwin and Coderre present (00-S 2736) An Act relating to rates of payment to nursing facilities.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Paiva Weed presents (00-S 2737) An Act relating to motor vehicles.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Paiva Weed presents (00-S 2738) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - adjudication of traffic offenses.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Connors, DaPonte, Goodwin, Montalbano, Walton and others present (00-S 2739) An Act relating to labor and labor relations
minimum wage.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Senators Paiva Weed and Roney present (00-S 2740) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure - courts - Family Court.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators McDonald, Walton, Connors and Coderre present (00-S 2741) An Act relating to courts and civic procedure - courts.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Irons, Bates, Walton, DaPonte, Patterson and others present (by request of the Governor and the Economic Development Corporation) (00-S 2742) An Act relating to insurance.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Irons, Bates, Breene, Patterson, Igliozzi and others present (by request of the Governor and the Economic Development Corporation) (00-S 2743) An Act relating to taxation
sales and use taxes - liability and computation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Irons, Bates, DaPonte, Algiere, Patterson and others present (by request of the Governor and the Economic Development Corporation) (00-S 2744) An Act relating to state affairs and government - jobs development act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Irons and Bates present (by request) (00-S 2745) An Act relating to towns and cities - comprehensive planning and land use act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Irons and Coderre present (00-S 2746) An Act relating to elections - elective meetings.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Irons, Blais, Cote and Walaska present (by request) (00-S 2747) An Act relating to insurance - authorizing health care providers to negotiate with health care insurers and providing for the powers and duties of the Attorney General.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Badeau presents (00-S 2748) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - dealers', manufacturers' and rental licenses.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senator Cicilline presents (00-S 2749) An Act relating to criminal offenses - children.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator DaPonte presents (by request) (00-S 2750) An Act relating to retirement system -membership and service credits.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Izzo and Sosnowski present (00-S 2751) An Act relating to sales tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Izzo and Roberts present (00-S 2752) An Act relating to taxation - cigarette tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Coderre, McCaffrey, Goodwin, DaPonte, Roney and others present (00-S 2753) An Act relating to insurance benefits-
retired employees.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Coderre, Fogarty, Goodwin and Ruggerio present (00-S 2754) An Act relating to teachers' retirement.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Izzo and Connors present (by request of the Attorney General) (00-S 2755) An Act relating to property - injunctive relief and appointment of receivers.
Read and referred to the Committee on
Senator Coderre presents (00-S 2756) An Act relating to the Department of Business Regulation - consumer affairs.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Coderre presents (00-S 2757) An Act relating to education-
Rhode Island Certification Standards Board.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senators Coderre and Connors present (00-S 2758) An Act relating to the licensing of health care facilities.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Coderre presents (00-S 2759) An Act relating to public officers and employees -retirement system - administration.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Coderre presents (by request of the Board of governors for Higher Education) (00-S 2760) An Act relating to Board of Governors for Higher Education.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Coderre and Izzo present (by request of the Board of Governors for Higher Education) (00-S 2761) An Act relating to education - Rhode Island College.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Walton and Irons present (00-S 2762) An Act relating to the pharmaceutical assistance to the elderly act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senators Coderre and Izzo present (by request of the Board of Governors for Higher Education) (00-S 2763) An Act relating to education - Board of Governors for Higher Education.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Paiva Weed presents (00-S 2764) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers -franchises.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senators Perry and Paiva Weed present (00-S 2765) An Act relating to the Rhode Island Ethics Commission.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senators Paiva Weed and Perry present (00-S 2766) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure
judicial selection.
Read and referred to the Committee on judiciary.
Senator Perry presents (00-S 2767) An Act relating to businesses and professions - physician employment contracts.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Coderre presents (by request of the Board of Governors for Higher Education) (00-S 2768) An Act relating to public officers and employees.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Paiva Weed presents (00-S 2769) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - adjudication of traffic offenses.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Walton presents (00-S 2770) An Act relating to indictments, informations and complaints.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Badeau presents (00-S 2771) An Act relating to taxation-
personal income tax.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator Irons presents (00-S 2772) An Act relating to animals and husbandry.
Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.
Senator Badeau presents (00-S 2773) An Act relating to General Assembly - fiscal notes.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Senator McDonald presents (00-S 2774) An Act relating to businesses and professions pharmacies - freedom of choice.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Badeau presents (00-S 2775) An Act relating to state affairs and government -catastrophic health insurance plan act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Gallo presents (00-S 2776) An Act relating to health and safety - smoking in public places.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senator Gallo presents (00-S 2777) An Act relating to health and safety - smoking in public places.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Senator Roney presents (00-S 2778) An Act relating to the uniform commercial code.
Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Senator Badeau presents (00-S 2779) An Act relating to insurance-
nonprofit hospital service corporation.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Gallo presents (00-S 2780) An Act relating to insurance-
independent medical examinations.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Irons presents (by request) (00-S 2781) An Act relating to agents, brokers and solicitations.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Senator Montalbano presents (00-S 2782) An Act relating to child safety - lead poisoning prevention act.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, the Calendar is deferred to Tuesday, February 15, 2000.
Senator Cote announces that the Committee on Corporations will meet today at the rise of the Budget Address in Room 212 of the State House.
Senator Paiva Weed announces that the Committee on Judiciary will meet today at the rise of the Budget Address in Room 313 of the State House.
By unanimous consent, all matters on the Clerk's desk are ordered to be transmitted to His Excellency, the Governor or to the Honorable House of Representatives forthwith.
Upon motion of Senator Kelly, seconded by Senator Algiere, the Senate adjourns at 3:38 o'clock P.M.
Clerk of the Senate
Heavenly Father, instill in us Your wisdom, peace, and understanding. As we endeavor to be true leaders of our State, be ever at our sides in spirit. Amen.
In order for Tuesday, February 15, 2000:
1. Appointment of Ann R. Crawford of Charlestown (Representing Small Public Libraries) VICE Jenny LaPerriere to the Library Board of Rhode Island for a term expiring December 31, 2002.
Committee on Judiciary recommend that the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.
2. Appointment of Barbara Fields Karlin of
Providence (Community Development Intermediary) VICE Mary Jane K. "Susan" Baxter to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2002.
Committee on Judiciary recommend that the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.
3. Reappointment of Kevin Flynn of Cranston (Local Planner) to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2003.
Committee on Judiciary recommend that the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.
4. Appointment of Mary Jane K. "Susan" Baxter of Providence (Public Member) to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2003.
Committee on Judiciary recommend that the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.
5. Appointment of Rose Ellen A. Reynolds of Cranston (Representing Coalition of Library Advocates) VICE Dr. Robert J. McKenna to the Library Board of Rhode Island for a term expiring December 31, 2002.
Committee on Judiciary recommend that the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.
6. Appointment of Sheila Cabral Sousa of Warwick (Senior Housing Advocate Seat) to the Rhode Island Housing Resources Act for a term expiring January 31, 2003.
Committee on Judiciary recommend that the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.
In order for Tuesday, February 15, 2000:
1. (00-S 2185) An Act relating to the town of Scituate - property tax assessment.
Committee on Corporations recommends passage.
2. (00-S 2195) An Act relating to insurance compliance self audit.
Committee on Corporations recommends passage.
(2000-H 6705) An Act relating to education
- Chariho Regional School District.
Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.
4. (00-S 2117 as amended) An Act relating to elections.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended.
RAYMOND T. HOYAS, JR. Clerk of the Senate
Thursday, February 10, 2000
Thursday, February 10, 2000
His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, Charles J. Fogarty, in the Chair.
The Joint Session is called to order at 3:50 o'clock P.M.
Upon suggestion of His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, and by unanimous consent, the reading of the roll of the Senate and the roll of the House of Representatives is dispensed with, there being a quorum of the Senate and a quorum of the House of Representatives present, therefore a quorum of the Joint Session.
Upon suggestion of His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, and by unanimous consent, the reading of the Resolution (2000-H 7844) of invitation is dispensed with.
His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, by unanimous consent, appoints Senators Goodwin, Parella, Walaska, Graziano and Flynn, and Representatives Watson, Giannini and Martineau, a Committee to escort His Excellency, the Governor, Lincoln Almond and guests to the Chamber.
Joint Session attends while the State University and College Presidents enter the Chamber.
Joint Session attends while the Mayors, Town Administrators and Local City and Town Officials enter the Chamber.
Joint Session attends while the Directors of the Executive Departments and invited guests enter the Chamber.
Joint Session attends while members of the Judiciary enter the Chamber.
Joint Session attends while the Honorable Paul J. Tavares, General Treasurer, enters the Chamber.
Joint Session attends while His Excellency, the Governor, Lincoln Almond enters the Chamber.
His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, presents His Excellency, the Governor, Lincoln Almond, to the Joint Session. The Governor delivers his Budget Message.
(See Appendix for Budget Message.)
Upon suggestion of His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, and by unanimous consent, the Joint Session attends while the committee escorts His Excellency, the Governor, Lincoln Almond, members of the Governor's family and invited guests from the Chamber.
Upon motion of Representative Harwood, seconded by Senator Kelly, and by unanimous consent, Joint Session adjourns and the two Houses separate at 4:19 o'clock P.M.
RAYMOND T. HOYAS, JR. Clerk of the Senate
Thursday, February 10, 2000
Mr. Speaker; Lieutenant Governor Fogarty; Majority Leader Kelly; Members of the General Assembly; Members of the Judiciary; Distinguished Guests.
I don't have to tell you that the budget is our single most important challenge. The investments we make today set the course for our future.
When I took office five years ago, it was my top priority to get our fiscal house in order. At that time, our economy was in a decline. We had budget deficits, high taxes and high debt.
We weren't investing adequately in our economy or our infrastructure. Our bridges, roads and state buildings were falling apart. Together we developed a long-term investment strategy to strengthen our economy and make our state more competitive. Our efforts are paying great dividends. Without question, we have brought long-term financial stability to our state.
Unemployment is below 4 percent. That means more and more Rhode Islanders are working. That's enabling our residents to achieve the American dream.
Our state's finances are stronger because our debt is declining. We are paying off DEPCO debt at record speeds.
Just look at the chart, and you'll see the line going down. In a matter of months, we'll be putting DEPCO out of business. That's one ''out of business'' sign we'll all look forward to seeing.
Back in 1995, the Department of Transportation was in the red for 30 million dollars. We've changed that.
Additionally, we've doubled the road program without increasing the level of debt. By dedicating more of the gas tax to transportation, we've invested more than 100 million dollars over the past four years out of current revenue for transportation services.
If we stay the course over the next two years, we will have achieved my goal to move all of the gas tax where it belongs -- in funding transportation.
Our bond rating is up. No one thought we'd be able to hold our bond rating steady four years ago. Some though it would take a miracle to accomplish this goal. But we did that and more. Today Fitch and Moody's are giving us high marks. That's testimony to the strong financial plan we've created.
We are also holding the line on employment in state government.
This afternoon I am pleased to report that the State of the Budget is healthy. Very healthy. Through exercising sound fiscal judgment, we have come a long way.
We have to remember that debt avoidance is just as important as debt reduction.
That's why we instituted an aggressive pay-as-you-go asset protection plan that has greatly reduced our reliance on debt for repairs to state-owned property.
With this budget, we will have put more than 90 million dollars out of current revenue into capital projects. That has enabled us to invest in so many facilities -- from our State House to our parks, from our fishing piers to our beaches.
Last week I highlighted my vision for Rhode Island for the year to come. A vision that focuses upon education, the economy, health care and the environment. A vision that will enable us to build upon the momentum we've gained in making Rhode Island a better place in which to live and work.
Our children are our future. We know that the brain develops the most from birth to age 6. That's why we have placed a strong emphasis on early childhood programs. That's why we're providing quality, affordable child care to working families. We're investing millions more in child care and we've created thousands of new child care slots for children.
Since 1998, the number of children in state child care programs has increased 55 percent. 55 percent. That's an accomplishment we can all be very proud of. This year I am earmarking 1 point 8 million dollars to create a comprehensive child care service network for at-risk children. Through this network, providers will monitor children's health, nutrition, and their overall well-being.
Our children acquire the knowledge they need to make their dreams a reality in our public schools. That's why we have dramatically enhanced the face of education in Rhode Island. Since I took office, we have invested over 150 million dollars in additional school funding. Just look at the graph, and you'll see the trend.
Education spending continues to be on the rise. I intend to keep it that way. This afternoon I am pleased to announce that I am proposing to increase local education aid by 34 point 9 million dollars. We have plans to do even more. My administration is also seeking additional federal Medicaid funding which could bring over 8 million dollars to our school districts.
As additional funds become available in May, I will seek to increase funding for elementary and secondary education.
While we're investing more in our schools, we have to spur the growth of programs that will enable children to enter school ready to learn.
That's why I am continuing my push for full-day kindergarten. Three hours a day simply isn't enough time for children to receive the tools they need to succeed in school. Let's better prepare our children for the challenges before them by making full-day kindergarten more readily available.
Based on their level of education aid, I am proposing that school districts receive incentive grants up to 1,500 dollars for each student enrolled in full-day kindergarten. We have to help the cities and towns institute or expand full-day kindergarten. This proposal will help get the job done.
By investing in professional development in reading, we are working together to achieve my goal to have all students proficient in reading by the fourth grade. As we improve our children's reading skills, we also must help our students excel in math. That's why I am recommending 180 thousand dollars to help our math teachers with instruction.
Over the years, we have instituted accountability in our public schools. We must take education reform to the next level and intervene where it's needed. That's why I am recommending one million dollars for the Department of Education to ensure that schools have capable leadership, a challenging curriculum and ongoing professional development.
Once our students graduate from high school, we want them to look towards our state's colleges and university to further their studies.
To ensure that our institutions of higher education meet the challenges of the 21st century, I am proposing to increase funding by more than 10 million dollars.
We've also dedicated an additional 2 point 3 million dollars in debt service for higher education at the Department of Administration. All told, this means a 7.5 percent increase for higher education. In addition, I am recommending 6 point 5 million dollars to improve buildings at our colleges and university.
I am also calling for a 63 million dollar bond for the November ballot to renovate and build dorms at URI and Rhode Island College. These monies will also pave the way for a new Community College Campus in Newport.
We must continue to move our state forward by investing in the industries of tomorrow.
Through our Slater Centers, we are pushing new frontiers in the fields of Biotechnology and Ocean Technology. I am proposing to allocate 3 million dollars to ensure the success of our existing Centers and create four new Centers.
When we talk about investing in the future of Rhode Island, there is no greater investment than the arts. The arts spark our economy; fuel our tourism industry and enhance our quality of life. The arts give us Tony Award winning theater, beautiful museums, world-class actors, sculptors and painters. For every dollar we invest in the arts, the returns are enormous.
Let's increase the Arts Council funding by 400 thousand dollars and help bring the arts to every corner of our state. Let's make sure that we have a thriving cultural community throughout the 21st century.
We are also making our state government more customer friendly. That's why I am proposing 3.5 million dollars for a technology fund to enhance information systems. We need to enter the age of E-government. That will enable us to deliver services to individuals more effectively and efficiently.
We are also committed to relieving the tax burden on Rhode Islanders. By cutting the income tax, we are putting more money in the pockets of our residents. We have cut the income tax for three straight years, and we will do it again next year.
Over the course of four years including this budget, taxpayers will have saved approximately 120 million dollars on their income taxes.
We've also put more money back in the pockets of Rhode Islanders through the reduction in the car tax.
We have financed the second round of the motor vehicle excise tax phase out. My budget includes 48 million dollars to continue funding current car tax exemptions. However, my budget does not include 16.2 million dollars to fund the next level. Since the onset of this program, we have always said that we would assess the affordability of expanding it each year.
Based on current resources and the needs of our state, there's simply not enough money to increase the car tax exemption this year, especially when you consider our investments in education and health care.
We want our residents to lead healthy fulfilling lives.
Over the past five years, we have seen a lot of success from our Ritecare program. To ensure the well-being of our children, we're providing comprehensive health care to youth up to age 19.
Let's further protect our children's health by providing two point 6 million dollars for Project Reach to support community-based mental health services for children.
With federal dollars no longer available, it's imperative that the state continue providing these services to the children who benefit from them.
We've made great strIdes in helping DCYF meet its mission.
Today the Department has a new, centrally located home, and a state-of-the-art computer system. Each year we have also increased programs and services for DCYF in our state's budget.
Back in 1998, I issued an Executive Order to establish a Commission designed to study the placement of children in foster and adoptive care.
The budget I am submitting today supports two of the Commission's recommendations -- creating an Office of Community Relations at the Department and enhancing our capacity to recruit foster and adoptive families. That's why I'm proposing 300 thousand dollars to support these initiatives.
As we're providing loving homes for our children, we're doing all that we can to enable our elders to maintain their independence. We are increasing wages for home health and community care workers for the second year in a row.
Additionally, I am recommending that we expand the Medicaid program to 100 percent of the poverty level. That will allow more seniors to have services like prescription drugs and adult day care.
Residents of all ages enjoy spending an afternoon walking, jogging or biking on our bikepaths.
It's my goal to become the first state in the Northeast to complete its segment of the East Coast Greenway which is designed to connect cities from Maine to Florida. We are moving miles ahead in our efforts to create more bikepaths in our state. Just think. Four years from now, we'll have 50 miles of bikepaths in our communities.
As we are creating more trails for men, women and children to explore, we are also protecting open space. Since 1995, we have preserved 4 thousand acres. Let's make that 35 thousand acres by 2010. We can do that by approving the 50 million dollar bond referendum I have proposed for November.
I urge you to say yes to my efforts to keep Rhode Island green.
My commitment to the environment doesn't end there. I am recommending 30 million dollars for the first phase of the combined sewer overflow project. That will greatly improve the water quality of Narragansett Bay.
I am also proposing 12 million dollars for local communities, businesses and nonprofit organizations to address water quality issues including septic tanks, storm water treatment and pollution abatement.
In order to effectively safeguard our environment, we need a strong DEM. That's why we need to invest more resources in the Department. Let's increase the staffing level and create 14 additional positions.
I am also continuing to support this agency's development of a new permit processing and tracking system. That's why I am proposing over one million dollars for this purpose.
That means residents will be able to track their permit applications online. That means we'll be making it easier and quicker for Rhode Islanders to do business with this Department.
Rhode Islanders deserve a state government that's responsive to their needs -- whether they're 5 or 65.
When I look at the budget, I see children born today with proper health care and child care.
I see their brothers and sisters expanding their horizons in our public schools. I see economic opportunity for their parents. I see services to keep their grandparents independent.
I can see three generations taking a drive to the beach, walking through green fields, or spending a day at our parks.
This budget will bring this vision alive.
As always, your comments concerning this page are welcomed and appreciated.