State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Journal of the Senate

JANUARY SESSION of the General Assembly begun and held at the State House in the City of Providence on Tuesday, the fourth day of January in the year of Our Lord two thousand.
Volume 127, No. 62 Thursday, June 22, 2000 Sixty-second Day

The Senate meets pursuant to adjournment and is called to order by His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, Charles J. Fogarty, at 4:30 o'clock P.M.

The roll is called and a quorum is declared present with 47 Senators present and 3 Senators absent as follows:

PRESENT - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster. Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

ABSENT - 3: Senators Algiere, Alves, McCaffrey.


His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, by unanimous consent, presents Senator Badeau, to deliver the invocation.

(See Appendix for Invocation)


His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, by unanimous consent, presents Senator Badeau, to lead the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.


The Senate Journal of Wednesday, June 21, 2000 proceedings is read in part.

Upon suggestion of Senator Kelly and by unanimous consent, further reading of the Journal is dispensed with and the Journal approved as recorded.


Upon suggestion of Senator Irons, and by unanimous consent, His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, welcomes to the Chamber members of the General Federation of Womens Clubs, each a past president of their state chapter, Mary Irons of Rhode Island, Gail Garlinghouse of Arkansas, Norma Chesney of Illinois, Davida Barter of Maine, Rita Hartley of Connecticut, JoAnn Prue of New Hampshire, Pat Swan of Georgia and Sylvia Ayers of South Carolina.


His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, presents the following communication from His Excellency, the Governor, transmitting the following appointments and requesting the advice and consent of the Senate thereto:


Lincoln Almond

June 16,2000

To the Honorable, the Senate:

I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of Section 23.19.6 of the Rhode Island General Laws, I have made the following appointment to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation:

Michael A. Salvadore, Jr. of Warwick
Jerry W. Ligon

for a term expiring July 1, 2001.

To this appointment, I respectfully request your advice and consent.



Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



Lincoln Almond

June 21, 2000

To the Honorable, the Senate:

I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of Section of the Rhode Island General Laws, I have made the following appointment to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeals:

Richard A. O'Connell of Hope
(Fire Protection Industry Representative.)
Joseph Pangborn

for a term expiring July 1, 2006.

To this appointment, I respectfully request your advice and consent.



Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



A message from the House of Representatives transmits with announcement of passage:

(2000-H 6718) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to tourism.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 7697) An Act relating to taxation property subject to taxation.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8129 as amended) An Act relating to East Providence real estate nonutilization tax.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8318 as amended) An Act relating to personal watercraft regulations.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8370) An Act authorizing the town of North Kingstown to finance the acquisition of development rights to farmland and other real estate and to issue not more than $4,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8371) An Act authorizing the town of Portsmouth to finance the construction of an athletic facility at Portsmouth High School by the issuance of not more than $3,500,000 bonds and/ or notes therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8376) An Act to vacate the forfeiture or revocation of the charter of Providence Teachers Union, AFT AFL-CIO 958.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8016) An Act relating to the Downcity section of Providence.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.


(2000-H 8369) An Act relating to sales and use taxes - enforcement and collection.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.


(2000-H 7417) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state affairs and government - open meetings.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


(2000-H 8182) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure courts court administration.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


(2000-H 8266 as amended) An Act relating to the town of Middletown JuvenIle hearing board.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


(00-S 2395) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to deer hunting.

Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.


(2000-H 7615) An Act relating to used oil recycling.

Read and ordered to be held on the Desk.


(2000-H 7990) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to public works- night outdoor public lighting.

Read and ordered to be held on the Desk.



Senator Irons, from the Committee on Corporations, reports back, with recommendation of passage of the following measure:

(00-S 2954) An Act relating to the Bonnet Shores Fire District.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.


Senator Goodwin, from the Committee on Special Legislation, reports back, with recommendation of passage of the following measure:

(00-S 2122) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to commercial fisheries.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.


Senator Kells, from the Joint Committee on Veterans Affairs, reports back, with recommendation of passage of the following measures:

(00-S 2004) Senate Resolution respectfully requesting the Veterans Administration to restor funding to VISN One (Veterans Integrated Service Network).

Read and ordered to be held on the Desk.

(00-S 2015 as amended) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles- registration of vehicles.

Read and ordered to be held on the Desk.

(00-S 2860) An Act relating to military affairs and defense- extension of veterans benefits.

Read and ordered to be held on the Desk.

Senator Izzo, from the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, in accordance with Senate Rule 6.14, moves to transfer the following bill from the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare to the Committee on Corporations:

(2000-H 8173) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to education - private schools.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Senator Paiva Weed, from the Committee on Judiciary, in accordance with Senate Rule 6.14, moves to transfer the following bill from the Committee on Judiciary to the Committee on Corporations:

(2000-H 7640) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to waters and navigation boating safety.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


Senator Paiva Weed, from the Committee on Judiciary, reports back, with recommendation that the Advice and Consent of the Senate be given the following appointment:

Appointment of Kenneth Aurecchia of Johnston VICE Louis Perrotta to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation for a term expiring July 1, 2002.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.


Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, the following acts are removed from the Desk and placed on the Calendar for Tuesday, June 27, 2000:

(2000-H 7243) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to highways- construction and maintenance.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7783) An Act in amendment of and in addition to Chapter 55 of the Public Laws, 1958, as amended, entitled, "An Act authorizing the towns of Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton, to join a regional school district, incorporating said regional school district, and providing for the issuance of bonds, construction and operation of a regional school system for the joint use of the participating towns, within said regional school district established by this act" and authorizing the Chariho Regional School District to issue (A) not more than $12,000,000 bonds and notes for the acquisition, construction, renovation and equipping of two or three new elementary schools (Kindergarten through Grade 5), (B) not more than $17,000,000 bonds and notes for land acquisition, additions to, renovation and equipping of the existing Chariho High School (Grades 9 through 12), and (C) not more than $8,500,000 bonds and notes for the renovation and equipping of the existing Ashaway, Charlestown, Hope Valley and Richmond Elementary Schools (Kindergarten through Grade 5).

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8006) An Act authorizing the town of New Shoreham to finance additions, renovations, improvements, alterations and repairs and to finance the purchase of furnishing and equipment for schools and school facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $4,963,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.


The following item s are received and referred to committee pending any objection of the body on the next legislative day.

Senators Kelly and Blais present (00-S 3049) Senate Resolution extending condolences.

Senator Kelly requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

Unanimous consent for immediate consideration is granted.

Upon motion of Senator Kelly, seconded by the entire Senate, and by unanimous consent, read and passed, under suspension of the rules, upon a rising vote.

Senators Kelly and Blais present (00-S 3000) Senate Resolution extending congratulations.

Senator Kelly requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

Unanimous consent for immediate consideration is granted.

Upon motion of Senator Kelly, seconded by the entire Senate, and by unanimous consent, read and passed, under suspension of the rules, upon a voice vote.

Senators Kells, Felag and Parella present (00-S 3051) Senate Resolution honoring Marlene Laliberte, RSM for twelve years of outstanding leadership and service to the Genesis Center.

Senator Kells requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

Unanimous consent for immediate consideration is granted.

Upon motion of Senator Kells, seconded by the entire Senate, and by unanimous consent, read and passed, under suspension of the rules, upon a voice vote.

Senators Gibbs and Paiva Weed present (00-S 3052) An Act authorizing the town of Middletown to finance the acquisition of open space for preservation and groundwater protection and the development of public recreational facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $500,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Senators Coderre, Perry, Roney and Roberts present (00-S 3053) An Act relating to public officers and employees - insurance benefits.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.


In order for the day is taken up as follows:

1.(00-S 2210) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to Children, Youth and Families Department - child restraints.

Ordered on the Calendar.

Senator Cicilline moves passage, seconded by Senator Enos.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 43 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 43: Senators Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo. Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton

NAYS -0.

2. (00-S 3007) An Act authorizing the town of Lincoln to issue general obligation bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed one million dollars for the purpose of acquiring and preserving open space and acquiring, preserving, constructing or improving recreational areas or facilities in the town.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Senator Oster moves passage, seconded by Senators Fogarty and Issa.

The act is read and passed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

3. (00-S 3008) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the acquisition, construction, improvement, renovation, alteration, repair and equipping of infrastructure including, but not limited to, protective improvements to the city's shoreline along Narragansett Bay, sidewalk, highway and traffic control improvements, landscaping and lighting by the issuance of not more than $4,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Senator Gallo moves passage, seconded by Senators Sasso, Roberts, Izzo and others.

The act is read and passed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 44 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 44: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Fogarty, Gallo, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

4. (00-S 3009) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the renovation, rehabilitation, repair, improvement, furnishing and equipping of schools and school facilities including, but not limited to, additions to Cranston High School East and the Western Hills Middle School and improvements to the Park View Middle School in the city by the issuance of not more than $13,865,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Senator Roberts moves passage, seconded by Senators Gallo, Sasso, Izzo and others.

The act is read and passed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano. Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

5.(00-S 3013) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the acquisition and preservation of open space by the issuance of not more than $1,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senators Igliozzi, Sasso, Roberts and Gallo.

The act is read and passed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

6. (00-S 3012) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, furnishing and equipping of a new police station in the city including land acquisition by the issuance of not more than $13,100,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senators Sasso, Gallo, Roberts, Igliozzi and others.

The act is read and passed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

(00-S 3002) An Act relating to solemnization of marriages.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Senator Roney moves passage, seconded by Senators Perry and Coderre.

The act is read and passed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 45 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 45: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

8.(00-S 2918) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to public finance - public corporation debt management.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Senator Lenihan moves passage, seconded by Senators Coderre, Paiva Weed, Perry, Walsh, Parella, Tocco, Igliozzi, Roney and others.

Senator Lenihan, seconded by Senator Coderre, offers the following written motion to amend:



(00-S 2918) (Substitute "A")

Mr. President:

I hereby move to amend (00-S 2918) (Substitute "A") entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC FINANCE - PUBLIC CORPORATION DEBT MANAGEMENT", as follows:

On page 6, line 14, delete the words, "upon passage and insert in lieu thereof, "January 1, 2001".

Respectfully submitted,

Senator, District 22

The motion to amend prevails upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

Upon motion of Senator Lenihan, seconded by Senators Coderre and Walton, the bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney. Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

9. (00-S 2587 as amended) An Act relating to the retirement system - membership and service credits.

Committee on Finance recommends passage as amended.

Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Tuesday, June 27, 2000.

10.(00-S 2027 as amended) An Act relating to property tax relief - historical residences.

Committee on Finance recommends passage as amended.

Senator Roney moves passage, seconded by Senators Roberts, Lenihan, Paiva Weed and others.

The act is read and passed, as amended, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

11. (00-S 3010) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, reconstruction and installation of storm drains and the acquisition of public works equipment necessary for storm drain operation by the issuance of not more than $900,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senators Sasso, Roberts, Gallo, Igliozzi and others.

The act is read and passed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

12.(2000-H 6927) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to education.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senators Tocco, Badeau and others.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

13.(2000-H 7004) (Substitute "A') An Act relating to holidays and days of special observance - work on holidays and Sundays.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

Senator Badeau moves passage, seconded by Senator Tocco.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, upon a roll call vote with 41 Senators voting in the affirmative and 4 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 41: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Fogarty, Gallo, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Patterson, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS - 4: Senators Flynn, Issa, McDonald, Parella.

14.(2000-H 7138) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to health and safety - child day care centers.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

Senator Cicilline moves passage, seconded by Senator Enos.

Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Tuesday, June 27, 2000.

15.(2000-H 7210) An Act relating to civil rights of persons with disabilities.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

Senator Cicilline moves passage, seconded by Senator Enos.

The act is read and passed, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty. Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

16.(2000-H 7274) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to roofing contractors.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

Senator Badeau moves passage, seconded by Senator Graziano.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton

NAYS -0.

17.(2000-H 7377 as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Committee on Labor recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

Senator Badeau moves passage, seconded by Senator Graziano.

The act is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene. Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio. Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

18.(2000-H 7397 as amended) An Act relating to education curriculum.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

Senator Raptakis moves passage, seconded by Senators Ruggerio and Celona.

The act is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 45 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 45: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

19.(2000-H 7456) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations -division of occupational safety.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

Senator Badeau moves passage, seconded by Senator Damiani.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

20.(2000-H 7462) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to businesses and professions physician assistants.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senator Roberts.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

21.(2000-H 7463 as amended) An Act relating to health and safety - long term care coordinating council.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

Senator Roberts moves passage, seconded by Senators Ruggerio and Coderre.

The act is read and passed, as amended, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 44 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 44: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Ruggerio. Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.


His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, presents the following communication:


I, John A. Celona, holding the position of
Senator, District 36, hereby under oath depose and say:

1. A matter involving

(2000-H 7465) (Substitute "A") is presently before the Rhode Island Senate.

2. I have the following interest in the matter noted in paragraph 1 above:

I am a consultant with the Village at Elmhurst.

3. In compliance with Rhode Island General Laws § 36 14-6(1), I hereby recuse from participating in the discussion of or taking official action relating to said matter. (This does not prohibit participation as a member of the public in an open meeting, pursuant to Commission Regulation 7003.)

Advisory Opinion.

Signed under the penalties of perjury this 22nd day of June, 2000.

Senator, District 36

Received and ordered to be placed on file.


22.(2000-H 7465) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to residential care and assisted living facility licensing act.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senators Gibbs and Kells.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative, 0 Senators voting in the negative and 1 Senator abstaining as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

ABSTAINED - 1: Senator Celona.

23.(2000-H 7466) An Act relating to education - children with disabilities.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, ordered to be placed on the desk.

24.(2000-H 7660 as amended) An Act relating to health and safety - health care quality steering committee.

Committee on Health, Education and 'Welfare recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senator Gibbs.

The act is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 45 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 45: Senators Badeau, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh. Walton.

NAYS -0.

25.(2000-H 7706) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations -pipefitters and refrigeration technicians, fire protection sprinkler contractors and journeypersons sprinkler fitters, sheet metal contractors and journeypersons and oil heat contractors.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, ordered to be placed on the desk.

26.(2000-H 8144) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to days of special observance.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

Senator Badeau moves passage, seconded by Senators Felag and Irons.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 45 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 45: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walsh, Walton.


27.(2000-H 7676 as amended) An Act relating to refuse disposal licenses.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

Senator Irons moves passage, seconded by Senators Cote and Damiani.

Senator Irons, seconded by Senators Cote and Damiani, offers the following written motion to amend:



(2000-H 7676 as amended)

Mr. President:

I hereby move to amend

(2000-H 7676 as amended) entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO REFUSE DISPOSAL LICENSES", as follows:

On page 2, by adding the following language after the word "located" on line 5.

(e) The local fire chief or his or her designee, shall be authorized to conduct random, unannounced inspections of facilities licensed under this section to insure continued compliance with the approved fire protection plan. If any facility at the time of inspection is found not to be in compliance with the approved plan said facility shall immediately cease operation until such time as they correct any deficiency and the local fire chief or his or her designee finds the facility is in compliance with the approved fire protection plan.

(f) Any facility that is found to be in violation of the fire protection plan under this section on three separate inspections, within any three year time period shall have their license to operate under this section revoked."

Respectfully submitted,

Senator, District 39

The motion to amend prevails upon a roll call vote with 44 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 44: Senators Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Revens, Roberts, Ruggerio. Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

Upon motion of Senator Irons, seconded by Senators Cote and Damiani, read and passed, as amended, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

28.(2000-H 7920) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to the uniform commercial code.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

Senator Irons moves passage, seconded by Senators Graziano and Roney.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 45 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 45: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patter. son, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

29.(2000-H 7010) An Act relating to lobbying.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage in concurrence.

Senator Coderre moves passage, seconded by Senators Paiva Weed and Celona.

The act is read and passed, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

30.(2000-H 8130) An Act relating to town housing authorities.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

Upon suggestion of Senator Irons, and without objection, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Tuesday, June 27, 2000.

31.(2000-H 8123) An Act relating to towns and cities - optional retirement for police/ firefighters.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, ordered to be placed on the desk.

32.(2000-H 8198) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 ($3,500,000 of which shall be to preserve open space and $500,000 of which shall be to acquire recreation land).

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

Upon suggestion of Senator Irons, and without objection, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Tuesday, June 27, 2000.

33.(2000-H 8139 as amended) An Act relating to taxation - tri-town economic opportunity committee.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage as amended.

Senator Irons moves passage, seconded by Senator Paiva Weed.

The act is read and passed, as amended, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 43 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 43: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh.

NAYS -0.

34.(2000-H 7919) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to the uniform commercial code.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

Senator Irons moves passage, seconded by Senator Roney.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 46 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

35.(2000-H 7592 as amended) An Act relating to domestic relations divorce and separation.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

Senator Paiva Weed moves passage, seconded by Senators Irons, McDonald, Badeau and others.

The act is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

36.(2000-H 7529) (Substitute "A'-) Joint Resolution creating a special legislative commission to study an enhanced role for probation and parole.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

Senator Paiva Weed moves passage, seconded by Senators Tocco, Celona and Cicilline.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon voice vote.

37.(2000-H 7507) (Substitute "B") An Act relating to elections - ballots for blind and visually impaired voters.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and the bill marked Substitute "A" and passage of Substitute "B".

Senator Igliozzi moves passage, seconded by Senators Celona, Tocco, Roney, Felag and Damiani.

The bill marked Substitute "B" is read and passed, and the original bill and the bill marked Substitute "A" indefinitely postponed, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 47 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 47: Senators Badeau, Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kells, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

38.(2000-H 7380 as amended) An Act relating to motor vehicles- special stops.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

Senator Paiva Weed moves passage, seconded by Senators Cicilline, Kells, Damiani and Tocco.

Senators Blais and Paiva Weed discuss the act.

The act is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 43 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 43: Senators Badeau, Bates, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Graziano, Igliozzi, Issa, Izzo, Kelly,. Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Montalbano, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.

39.(2000-H 7796) An Act relating to elections.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage in concurrence.

Senator Paiva Weed moves passage, seconded by Senators Cicilline and Igliozzi.

The act is read and passed, in concurrence, upon a roll call vote with 36 Senators voting in the affirmative and 1 Senator voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 36: Senators Badeau, Blais, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Coderre, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Felag, Fogarty, Gallo, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Izzo, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Roberts, Roney, Ruggerio, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS - 1: Senator Enos.

Upon suggestion of Senator Enos, and without objection, the following act is taken from the Calendar for Tuesday, June 27, 2000, and placed before the body for consideration.

12.(2000-H 8223) An Act relating to solemnization of marriages.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage in concurrence.

Senator Izzo moves passage, seconded by Senator Paiva Weed.

The act is read and passed, in concurrence, by unanimous consent, upon a roll call vote with 42 Senators voting in the affirmative and 0 Senators voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 42: Senators Bates, Blais, Breene, Caprio, Celona, Cicilline, Connors, Cote, Damiani, DaPonte, Donelan, Enos, Felag, Flynn, Fogarty, Gallo, Gibbs, Goodwin, Graziano, Igliozzi, Irons, Issa, Izzo, Kelly, Lenihan, McBurney, McDonald, Oster, Paiva Weed, Parella, Patterson, Perry, Raptakis, Revens, Roney, Ruggerio, Sasso, Sosnowski, Tocco, Walaska, Walsh, Walton.

NAYS -0.


Senator Kelly extends congratulations and best wishes to David Noble, Director of Senate Communications, as he leaves Rhode Island to become Executive Director of the Young Democrats of America. The entire Senate joins in wishing him well in his new endeavor.


Senator Cote announces that the Committee on Corporations will meet today at the rise of the Senate in Room 212 of the State House.


Senator Lenihan announces that the Committee on Finance will meet today at the rise of the Senate in Room 211 of the State House.


Senator Paiva Weed announces that the Committee on Judiciary will meet today at the rise of the Senate in Room 313 of the State House.


Senator Enos announces that the Senate will meet on Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 3:00 o'clock P.M., Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 3:00 o'clock P.M. and on Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 2:00 o'clock P.M.

Without objection, so ordered.


By unanimous consent, all Senate matters and

(2000-H 8223) on the Clerk's desk are ordered to be transmitted to His Excellency, the Governor or to the Honorable House of Representatives forthwith.


Upon suggestion of Senator Kelly, and by unanimous consent, the Senate stands at recess at 5:15 o'clock P.M. until the call of the chair in order to receive Committee Reports and transmittals from the Honorable House of Representatives.


The Senate is called to order at 3:08 o'clock P.M., Tuesday, June 27, 2000, by His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, Charles J. Fogarty.

His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, announces that the following Committee Reports, Appointments and transmittals from the House were received on Friday, June 23, 2000 and acted on as follows:


His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, presents the following communication from His Excellency, the Governor, transmitting the following appointment and requesting the advice and consent of the Senate thereto:


Lincoln Almond

June 23, 2000

To the Honorable, the Senate;

I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of Article 10, Section 4 of the Rhode Island Constitution entitled Judicial Selection, I have made the following appointment as Associate Justice of the Rhode Island District Court;

Richard A. Gonnella of Cranston
Associate Justice Gilbert V. Indeglia

To this appointment, I respectfully request your advice and consent.



Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



Lincoln Almond

June 22, 2000

To the Honorable, the Senate.

I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of Section 42130-5 of the Rhode Island General Laws, I have made the following appointment to the Rhode Island Rural Development Council;

Robert E. Harding of Narragansett
Business Representative located in Rural Community

for a term expiring July 1, 2003.

To this appointment, I respectfully request your advice and consent,


Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



Lincoln Almond

June 21, 2000

To the Honorable, the Senate:

I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with the provisions of Section 23-28.3-2 of the Rhode Island General Laws, I have made the following appointment to the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeals;

June K. Evans of Newport
(Building Official)
Joseph A. Marciano, Jr.

for a term expiring July 1, 2006.

To this appointment, I respectfully request your advice and consent.



Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


Senator Irons, from the Committee on Corporations, reports back, with recommendation of passage of the following measures:

(00-S 2176) An Act relating to taxation.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3019) An Act authorizing the town of Middletown, with the approval of the qualified electors, to issue bonds and notes for the construction, improvement, renovation, furnishing and equipping of library facilities.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3020) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for renovation and repair of municipal buildings and neighborhood preservation.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3021) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $7,000,000 for improvements and expansion of the ice arenas of the city of Warwick.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3022) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 for renovation and improvement of the water system infrastructure of the city of Warwick.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3023) An Act authorizing the town of Bristol to issue general obligation bonds and notes in anticipation thereof in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for the purpose of financing the construction of additions, renovations and repairs to certain improved property in Bristol, Rhode Island known as Rogers Free Library, including the furnishing and equipping thereof, and the provision of architectural, engineering, surveying and other services necessary or appropriate therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3032) An Act relating to city housing authorities.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3035) An Act authorizing the town of Charlestown to finance the acquisition, preservation or protection of open space or any interest therein alone or in conjunction with federal agencies, state agencies, land conservancies, land trusts or preservation organizations for preservation, groundwater protection or the development of public recreational facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $2,000,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3036) An Act authorizing the town of Portsmouth to finance the construction of an athletic facility at Portsmouth High School by the issuance of not more than $3,500,000 bonds and/ or notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3037) An Act authorizing the town of Cumberland to issue general obligation bonds and notes for the purpose of acquiring and preserving open space and acquiring, preserving, restoring or improving recreational areas, and to issue not more than $1,500,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3039) An Act authorizing the town of Cumberland to finance construction of additions, renovations and repairs to the public schools and public buildings in the town, including the furnishing of equipment and furniture in connection therewith and the provision of architectural, engineering, surveying and other services necessary or appropriate therefor, and to issue not more than $3,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 3042) An Act authorizing the town of New Shoreham to finance the acquisition of open space for preservation and groundwater protection and the development of public recreational facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $1,000,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar,

(00-S 3043) An Act authorizing the town of North Kingstown to finance the acquisition of development rights to farmland and other real estate and to issue not more than $4,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7050) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to establishing the Smithfield Land Trust.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7298) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to insurance.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7344) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to commercial law electronic commerce security act.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7365) An Act establishing a North Providence Land Trust.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7613 as amended) An Act relating to health and safety refuse disposal.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8147) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the renovation and expansion of buildings and park facilities at the town hall and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8148) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the renovation and/ or replacement of the roof of the South Road School and to issue not more than $400,000 bonds therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8149) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the development and construction of multi-use playfields and park facilities on property located in Green Hill and to issue not more than $600,000 bonds therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8150) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the development and construction of multi-use playfields, bikeways and park facilities on property located off Broad Rock Road and to issue not more than $1,100,000 bonds therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8151) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance public works capital improvement projects and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8152) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for open space, recreation and agricultural purposes and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8196) An Act in amendment of Chapter 12 of the public laws of 1987 of the State of Rhode Island entitled "An Act to incorporate the Ashaway Fire District."

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8301) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 for renovation and improvement of the water system infrastructure of the city of Warwick.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8303) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for renovation and repair of municipal buildings and neighborhood preservation.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8307) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the acquisition, construction, improvement, renovation, alteration, repair and equipping of infrastructure including, but not limited to, protective improvements to the city's shoreline along Narragansett Bay, sidewalk, highway and traffic control improvements, landscaping and lighting by the issuance of not more than $4,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8308) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, improvement, renovation, repair, alteration and equipping of playgrounds and athletic fields by the issuance of not more than $2,400,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8309) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, reconstruction and installation of storm drains and the acquisition of public works equipment necessary for storm drain operation by the issuance of not more than $900,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8310) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the acquisition and preservation of open space by the issuance of not more than $1,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8311) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, furnishing and equipping of a new police station in the city including land acquisition by the issuance of not more than $13,100,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8312) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the renovation, rehabilitation, repair, improvement, furnishing and equipping of schools and school facilities including, but not limited to, additions to Cranston High School East and the Western Hills Middle School and improvements to the Park View Middle School in the city by the issuance of not more than $13,865,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.


Senator Lenihan, from the Committee on Finance, reports back, with recommendation of passage of the following measures:

(00-S 2089) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to the Department of Children, Youth and Families.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2098) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state agencies and public corporation financial integrity and accountability.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2159) An Act relating to state affairs and government- mounted video/audio surveillance cameras - State Police.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2193) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to human services public assistance.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2240) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to the pharmaceutical assistance to the elderly act - eligible drugs.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2280) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to taxation.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2290 as amended) An Act relating to human services - medical assistance.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2387) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to education- requiring certain schools to institute a breakfast program.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2501 as amended) An Act relating to the Corrections Department.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2528) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to human services.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2529) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to human services- health care for the elderly and disabled residents.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2574) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety public access defibrillation.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2675) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to taxation investment tax credit.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2688) An Act relating to the Downcity section of Providence.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2760) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Board of Governors for Higher Education.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2840) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to public assistance.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2863) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to pharmaceutical assistance to the elderly.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(00-S 2898) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act making an appropriation of $96,000 for the National World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7332) An Act relating to public buildings.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7562) (Substitute "B") An Act relating to automobile excise tax.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.


Senator Paiva Weed, from the Committee on Judiciary, reports back, with recommendation of passage of the following measures:

(00-S 3031) An Act relating to elections.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7373) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to motor and other vehicles.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7540) (Substitute as amended) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - motor vehicle offenses.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7579 as amended) An Act relating to domestic relations- divorce and separation.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 7861) An Act relating to criminal offenses - jails and prisons.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8005 as amended) An Act relating to criminal offenses- weapons.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(2000-H 8066) An Act relating to health and safety - board of certification of operators of public water supply facilities.

Read and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

Senator Lenihan, from the Committee on Finance, in accordance with Senate Rule 6.14, moves to transfer the following bills from the Committee on Finance to the Committee on Corporations:

(2000-H 7223) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to distressed areas - economic revitalization act.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(2000-H 8363) An Act exempting from taxation the real property of the Cranston Land Trust.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Senator Lenihan, from the Committee on Finance, in accordance with Senate Rule 6.14, moves to transfer the following bills from the Committee on Finance to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare:

(00-S 3053) An Act relating to public officers and employees- insurance benefits.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.

(2000-H 6711) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety of pupils.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.

Senator Lenihan, from the Committee on Finance, in accordance with Senate Rule 6.14, moves to transfer the following bill from the Committee on Finance to the Committee on Judiciary:

(2000-H 7439) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to taxation.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.



A message from the House of Representatives transmits with announcement of passage:

(2000-H 8385) An Act authorizing the town of Narragansett to finance the installation, expansion, construction and improvement of (1) sewers and storm drains primarily located on a portion of assessor's plat Y-3 and serviced or to be serviced by the Scarborough Plant and (2) interceptors, pumping stations and sewage treatment and disposal facilities to service such sewers and storm drains and to impose assessments therefor under Chapter 1278 of the Public Laws of 1928, as amended, and to issue not more than $4,200,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8392) An Act authorizing the town of Middletown to borrow up to $3,500,000 for the purpose of financing road construction and drainage improvements through the issuance of its general obligation notes or bonds.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8393) An Act authorizing the town of Middletown to borrow up to $1,000,000 for the purpose of financing the construction of sewers and sewerage systems through the issuance of its general obligation bonds including but not limited to, any notes or bonds issued pursuant to financing agreement with the Rhode Island Clean Water Finance Agency.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8394) An Act authorizing the town of Middletown to finance the acquisition of open space for preservation and groundwater protection and the development of public recreational facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $500,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8395) An Act authorizing the town of Middletown to borrow up to $4,392,000 for the purpose of financing school repairs and capital improvements through the issuance of its general obligation notes or bonds.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.


(2000-H 8348 as amended) Joint Resolution respectfully requesting the Rhode Island Department of Health to protect the public health care workers, patients, food service and food processing workers, manufacturers, hairdressers, child care workers, and children from exposure to latex allergens protein in disposable non-sterile latex gloves and proclaim Latex Awareness Week October 1 through October 7, 2000.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.


(2000-H 8383) Joint Resolution creating a special legislative commission to prepare for the Centennial Celebration of the Rhode Island State House.

Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.


(2000-H 7862) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act making appropriations for the support of the state for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.


Upon motion of Senator Kelly, seconded by Senator Algiere, the Senate adjourns at 3:09 o'clock P.M.

Clerk of the Senate




Almighty God, grant to us Your servants patience, charity and wisdom for our tasks. Answer our prayers and those of our constituents. Make us instrumental in promoting Your Will. Amen.



In order for Tuesday, June 27, 2000:

1. Appointment of Kenneth Aurecchia of Johnston VICE Louis Perrotta to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation for a term expiring July 1, 2002.

Committee on Judiciary recommends the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.

2.(00-S 2954) An Act relating to the Bonnet Shores Fire District.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Clerk of the Senate
Thursday, June 22, 2000



In order for Tuesday, June 27, 2000:

1. Appointment of John H. Hardiman, Esquire of Providence VICE Stephen P. Nugent, Esquire as Public Defender for a term expiring February 1,2001.

Committee on Judiciary recommends that the Senate give its Advice and Consent to this appointment.

2.(00-S 2587 as amended) An Act relating to the retirement system - membership and service credits.

Committee on Finance recommends passage as amended.

3.(00-S 2989) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to criminal procedure - public defender.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

4.(00-S 3006) An Act making an appropriation to pay certain claims.
Joint Committee on Accounts and Claims recommends passage.

5.(2000-H 7138) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to health and safety - child day care centers.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

6.(2000-H 8130) An Act relating to town housing authorities.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

7.(2000-H 8198) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 ($3,500,000 of which shall be to preserve open space and $500,000 of which shall be to acquire recreation land).

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

8.(2000-H 7139) (Substitute "B") An Act relating to Children, Youth and Families Department.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and the bill marked Substitute "A" and passage of Substitute "B".

9.(2000-H 7162) An Act relating to licensing of health care facilities.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

10.(2000-H 7750) (Substitute "B" as amended) An Act relating to termination of parental rights.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and the bill marked Substitute "A" and passage of Substitute "B" as amended.

11.(2000-H 8069) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage in concurrence.

12.(2000-H 8215) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of Pawtucket to provide for the renovation and reconstruction and equipping of public recreation facilities in the city of Pawtucket and authorizing the financing thereof, including the issue of not more than $700,000 bonds and notes therefor, to fund improvements for two fiscal years.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

13.(2000-H 8217) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of Pawtucket to provide for the renovation and equipping of public school buildings in the city of Pawtucket and authorizing the financing thereof including the issue of not more than $3,200,000 bonds and notes therefor, to fund improvements for two fiscal years.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

14.(2000-H 8218) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of Pawtucket to provide for the renovation and improvement of public buildings in the city of Pawtucket and authorizing the financing thereof, including the issue of not more than $475,000 bonds and notes therefor, to fund improvements for two fiscal years.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

15.(2000-H 8219) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of Pawtucket to provide for the improvement and replacement of road and traffic control devices in the city of Pawtucket and authorizing the financing thereof, including the issue of not more than $200,000 bonds and notes therefor, to fund improvements for two fiscal years.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

16.(2000-H 8232) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of Pawtucket to provide for the construction and reconstruction of sanitary and storm drains in the city of Pawtucket and authorizing the financing thereof, including the issue of not more than $475,000 bonds and notes therefor, to fund improvements for two fiscal years.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

17.(2000-H 8233) (Substitute "A" An Act authorizing the city of Pawtucket to provide for the construction and reconstruction of streets and sidewalks in the city of Pawtucket and authorizing the financing thereof, including the issue of not more than $750,000 bonds and notes therefor, to fund improvements for two fiscal years.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

18.(2000-H 8234) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of Pawtucket to provide for the reconstruction of highway bridges in the city of Pawtucket and authorizing the financing thereof, including the issue of not more than $200,000 bonds and notes therefor, to fund improvements for two fiscal years.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.



In order for Wednesday, June 28, 2000:

1. (00-S 2089) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to the Department of Children, Youth and Families.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

2.(00-S 2098) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state agencies and public corporation financial integrity and accountability.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

(00-S 2122) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to commercial fisheries.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

4.(00-S 2159) An Act relating to state affairs and government mounted video/audio surveillance cameras State Police.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

5.(00-S 2176) An Act relating to taxation.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

6.(00-S 2193) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to human services- public assistance.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

7.(00-S 2240) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to the pharmaceutical assistance to the elderly act - eligible drugs.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

8.(00-S 2280) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to taxation.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

9.(00-S 2290 as amended) An Act relating to human services- medical assistance.

Committee on Finance recommends passage as amended.

10.(00-S 2387) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to education- requiring certain schools to institute a breakfast program.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

11.(00-S 2501 as amended) An Act relating to the Corrections Department.

Committee on Finance recommends passage as amended.

12.(00-S 2528) (Substitute "A" An Act relating to human services.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

13.(00-S 2529) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to human services - health care for the elderly and disabled residents.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

14.(00-S 2574) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety - public access defibrillation.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

15.(00-S 2675) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to taxation - investment tax credit.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended.

16.(00-S 2688) An Act relating to the Downcity section of Providence.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

17.(00-S 2760) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Board of Governors for Higher Education.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

18.(00-S 2840) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to public assistance.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

19.(00-S 2863) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to pharmaceutical assistance to the elderly.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute A

20. (00-S 2898) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act making an appropriation of $96,000 for the National World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended.

21. (00-S 3019) An Act authorizing the town of Middletown, with the approval of the qualified electors, to issue bonds and notes for the construction, improvement, renovation, furnishing and equipping of library facilities.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

22. (00-S 3020) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for renovation and repair of municipal buildings and neighborhood preservation.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

23. (00-S 3021) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $7,000,000 for improvements and expansion of the ice arenas of the city of Warwick.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

24. (00-S 3022) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 for renovation and improvement of the water system infrastructure of the city of Warwick.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

25. (00-S 3023) An Act authorizing the town of Bristol to issue general obligation bonds and notes in anticipation thereof in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for the purpose of financing the construction of additions, renovations and repairs to certain improved property in Bristol, Rhode Island known as Rogers Free Library, including the furnishing and equipping thereof, and the provision of architectural, engineering, surveying and other services necessary or appropriate therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

26.(00-S 3031) An Act relating to elections.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

27.(00-S 3032) An Act relating to city housing authorities.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

28. (00-S 3035) An Act authorizing the town of Charlestown to finance the acquisition, preservation or protection of open space or any interest therein alone or in conjunction with federal agencies, state agencies, land conservancies, land trusts or preservation organizations for preservation, groundwater protection or the development of public recreational facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $2,000,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

29. (00-S 3036) An Act authorizing the town of Portsmouth to finance the construction of an athletic facility at Portsmouth High School by the issuance of not more than $3,500,000 bonds and/ or notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

30. (00-S 3037) An Act authorizing the town of Cumberland to issue general obligation bonds and notes for the purpose of acquiring and preserving open space and acquiring, preserving, restoring or improving recreational areas, and to issue not more than $1,500,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

31. (00-S 3039) An Act authorizing the town of Cumberland to finance construction of additions, renovations and repairs to the public schools and public buildings in the town, including the furnishing of equipment and furniture in connection therewith and the provision of architectural, engineering, surveying and other services necessary or appropriate therefor, and to issue not more than $3,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

32. (00-S 3042) An Act authorizing the town of New Shoreham to finance the acquisition of open space for preservation and groundwater protection and the development of public recreational facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $1,000,000 bonds and.-or notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

33. (00-S 3043) An Act authorizing the town of North Kingstown to finance the acquisition of development rights to farmland and other real estate and to issue not more than $4,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

34.(2000-H 7050) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to establishing the Smithfield Land Trust.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

35.(2000-H 7243) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to highways construction and maintenance.

Ordered on the Calendar.

36.(2000-H 7298) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to insurance.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

37.(2000-H 7332) An Act relating to public buildings.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

38.(2000-H 7344) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to commercial law electronic commerce security act.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

39.(2000-H 7365) An Act establishing a North Providence Land Trust.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

40.(2000-H 7373) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to motor and other vehicles.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

41.(2000-H 7540) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles motor vehicle offenses.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

42.(2000-H 7562) (Substitute "B" An Act relating to automobile excise tax.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and Substitute "A" and passage of Substitute "B".

43.(2000-H 7579 as amended) An Act relating to domestic relations- divorce and separation.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

44.(2000-H 7613 as amended) An Act relating to health and safety - refuse disposal.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage as amended.

45.(2000-H 7783) An Act in amendment of and in addition to Chapter 55 of the Public Laws, 1958, as amended, entitled, "An Act authorizing the towns of Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton, to join a regional school district, incorporating said regional school district, and providing for the issuance of bonds, construction and operation of a regional school system for the joint use of the participating towns, within said regional school district established by this act" and authorizing the Chariho Regional School District to issue (A) not more than $12,000,000 bonds and notes for the acquisition, construction, renovation and equipping of two or three new elementary schools (Kindergarten through Grade 5), (B) not more than $17,000,000 bonds and notes for land acquisition, additions to, renovation and equipping of the existing Chariho High School (Grades 9 through 12), and (C) not more than $8,500,000 bonds and notes for the renovation and equipping of the existing Ashaway, Charlestown, Hope Valley and Richmond Elementary Schools (Kindergarten through Grade 5).

Ordered on the Calendar.

46.(2000-H 7861) An Act relating to criminal offenses - jails and prisons.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage in concurrence.

47.(2000-H 8005 as amended) An Act relating to criminal offenses weapons.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended in concurrence.

48.(2000-H 8006) An Act authorizing the town of New Shoreham to finance additions, renovations, improvements, alterations and repairs and to finance the purchase of furnishing and equipment for schools and school facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $4,963,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Ordered on the Calendar.

49.(2000-H 8066) An Act relating to health and safety board of certification of operators of public water supply facilities.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage in concurrence.

50. (2000-H 8147) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the renovation and expansion of buildings and park facilities at the town hall and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

51.(2000-H 8148) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the renovation and/or replacement of the roof of the South Road School and to issue not more than $400,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

52.(2000-H 8149) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the development and construction of multi-use playfields and park facilities on property located in Green Hill and to issue not more than $600,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

53.(2000-H 8150) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the development and construction of multi-use playfields, bikeways and park facilities on property located off Broad Rock Road and to issue not more than $1 100,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

54.(2000-H 8151) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance public works capital improvement projects and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

55.(2000-H 8152) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for open space, recreation and agricultural purposes and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

56.(2000-H 8196) An Act in amendment of Chapter 12 of the public laws of 1987 of the State of Rhode Island entitled "An Act to incorporate the Ashaway Fire District."

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

57.(2000-H 8301) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000 for renovation and improvement of the water system infrastructure of the city of Warwick.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.


(2000-H 8303) An Act authorizing the city of Warwick to issue bonds and notes in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for renovation and repair of municipal buildings and neighborhood preservation.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

59.(2000-H 8307) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the acquisition, construction, improvement, renovation, alteration, repair and equipping of infrastructure including, but not limited to, protective improvements to the city's shoreline along Narragansett Bay, sidewalk, highway and traffic control improvements, landscaping and lighting by the issuance of not more than $4,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.


(2000-H 8308) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, improvement, renovation, repair, alteration and equipping of playgrounds and athletic fields by the issuance of not more than $2,400,000 bonds and notes therefor. View Middle School in the city by the issuance of not more than $13,865,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

61.(2000-H 8309) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, reconstruction and installation of storm drains and the acquisition of public works equipment necessary for storm drain operation by the issuance of not more than $900,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

62.(2000-H 8310) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the acquisition and preservation of open space by the issuance of not more than $1,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

63.(2000-H 8311) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the construction, furnishing and equipping of a new police station in the city including land acquisition by the issuance of not more than $13,100,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

64.(2000-H 8312) An Act authorizing the city of Cranston to finance the renovation, rehabilitation, repair, improvement, furnishing and equipping of schools and school facilities including, but not limited to, additions to Cranston High School East and the Western Hills Middle School and improvements to the Park

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

Clerk of the Senate
Thursday, June 22, 2000

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