State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

JANUARY SESSION of the General Assembly begun and held at the State House in the City of Providence on Tuesday, the sixth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.
Volume 125, No. 21 Thursday, February 26, 1998 Twenty-first Day

The House of Representatives meets at the State House in Providence, Thursday, February 26, 1998, and is called to order at 333 0 clock P.M., by the Honorable John B. Harwood, Speaker.

The roll is called and a quorum is declared present with 93 members present and 7 members absent as follows:

PRESENT - 93; The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, 6., Lima, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Martineau, McCauley, McGowan, McNamara, Menard, Mesolella, Metts, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Murphy, Naughton, Palangio, Palumbo, Panciera, Picard, Pires, Pisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Williamson, Winfield.

ABSENT - 7: Representatives Anzeveno, Cambio, Campbell, Coderre, Ferguson, Little, Malik.


The Honorable Speaker presents Representative Walter, who delivers the Invocation and leads the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. (For Invocation, see Appendix, this Journal) CORRECTION By unanimous consent, the House Journal of Wednesday, February 25, 1998 is hereby corrected on page 7, column 1, line 21, by inserting "Joint" before "Committee" and deleting "Finance" and inserting "Accounts and Claims".

By unanimous consent, the House Journal of Wednesday, February 25, 1998, is approved as corrected.


A message from the Honorable Senate transmits with announcement of passage, of the following measures:

(98-S 2255 as amended) An Act relating to insurance - health maintenance organizations.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2162) An Act relating to unfair sales practices.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2036 as amended) An Act relating to aeronautics - airports and landing fields.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2256 as amended) An Act relating to real estate brokers and salespersons.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2258 as amended) An Act relating to businesses and professions- automobile body repair shops.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2308) An Act relating to health and safety.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.

(98-S 2400) An Act relating to health and safety.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.

(98-S 2307 as amended) An Act relating to health and safety- home care patient/client rights.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.

(98-S 2226) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to appointments.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2193 as amended) An Act relating to public officers and employees - retirement system -contributions and benefits.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

(98-S 2160) Joint Resolution creating a special legislative commission to study the various land trusts and open space projects in the state.

Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.



Representative Winfield gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning Rhode Island clean water finance bonds. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 69

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative S. Anderson gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning prison labor. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 42

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Williamson gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning taxation. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 38 Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Kelley gives notice that on the next legislative day she will introduce a measure concerning days of special observance. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 49

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Benoit gives notice that on the next legislative day she will introduce a measure concerning proceedings in Family Court. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 64

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Moura gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning group homes. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 2

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Moura gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning utilities, This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 2

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Moura gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning dormitories. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 2

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Faria gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce two measures concerning workers' compensation. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 72

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Salisbury gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning school to work transition. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 54

Received and ordered to be placed on file.

Representative Iannitelli gives notice that on the next legislative day she will introduce a measure concerning state aid to education. This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.

Representative, District 57 Received and ordered to be placed on file.


Representative Benoit, for the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, reports back the following measure (98-H 7798), with recommendation of transfer to the Committee on Finance:

(98-H 7798) An Act relating to taxation -nursing home residents. Received and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Benoit, for the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, reports back the following measure (98-H 7458), with recommendation of transfer to the Committee on Finance:

(98-H 7458) An Act relating to the Department of Elderly Affairs- family - Caregiver Network. Received and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Benoit, for the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, reports back the following measure (98-H 7612), with recommendation of transfer to the Committee on Finance:

(98-H 7612) An Act relating to education. Received and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Benoit, for the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, reports back the following measure (98-H 7650), with recommendation of transfer to the Committee on Finance:

(98-H 7650) An Act relating to Department of Children, Youth and Families. Received and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Kennedy, for the Committee on Corporations, reports back the following measure (98-H 7278), with recommendation of transfer to the Committee on Judiciary:

(98-H 7278) An Act relating to municipal detention facilities. Received and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


Representatives Henseler, Garvey, Carter, S. Anderson, Benoit and several other members of the House introduce (98-H 8661) House Resolution proclaiming April 11, 1998 as World Parkinson Disease Day.

Representative Henseler requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Henseler, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.

Representatives Jacquard, Barone, Pisaturo, Russo, San Bento and several other members of the House introduce (98-H 8662) House Resolution urging the Director of the Department of Health to provide that the meningitis vaccine be administered in all the public schools of the state.

Representative Jacquard requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

Representative Jacquard moves passage, seconded by Representatives Salisbury, Benson and several other members of the House.

Representatives Jacquard, Barr, Lopes, Benson and Costantino discuss the Resolution.

Representative Barr objects. Ordered to be held on the desk.

Representatives Martineau, Burlingame, Picard, Benoit and Munschy introduce (98-H 8663) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $20,000 for Mike King House.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Menard and Reilly introduce (98-H 8664) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $20,000 for the Cumberland Hill Fire District.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Reilly introduces (98-H 8665) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $2,500 for Boy Scouts - Diamond Hill Troop #1.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8666) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $50,000 for Technologies in Schools.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Rose, Coelho, Barone, Dennigan and Lopes introduce (98-H 8667) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $10,000 for Self-Help.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly and Iwuc introduce (98-H 8668) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $5,000 for the North Cumberland Fire District.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8669) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $50,000 for the Cumberland Youth Athletic Council (CYAC).

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8670) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $25,000 for Cumberland Senior Center.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8671) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of$7,500 for Blackstone Valley Tourism Council.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Iannitelli introduces (98-H 8672) An Act relating to taxation - real estate construction - Smithfield.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Representatives C. Levesque and Quick introduce (98-H 8673) An Act authorizing suit against the city of Providence by Michael Dahaney.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Representatives Flaherty, Sherlock and Naughton introduce (98-H 8674) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $20,000 for the Warwick Community Action, Inc.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Martineau, Burlingame, Picard, Benoit and Munschy introduce (98-H 8675) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $4,000 for Family Resources, Inc.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Flaherty, Sherlock and Naughton introduce (98-H 8676) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $10,000 for the city of Warwick Recreation Department.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Flaherty, Sherlock and Naughton introduce (98-H 8677) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $2,000 for H.O.P.E. - (Helping Others Promote Equality).

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Flaherty and Ginaitt introduce (98-H 8678) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of$2,000 for Joseph L. Carrolo Community and Senior Center.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Russo introduces (98-H 8679) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $500.00 for Pell Manor Association.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Metts, Williams, Slater, Carpenter, Cicilline and Benoit introduce (98-H 8680) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $50,000 for Dorcas Place.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8681) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $2,500 for the Ocean State Games.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Metts, Williams, Slater, Carpenter and Cicilline introduce (98-H 8682) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $150,000 for Family Aid's Center.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Flaherty and Ginaitt introduce (98(H 8683) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $10,000 for Jonah, Inc.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Kelly, Carter, Garvey and Benson introduce (98-H 8684) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $10,000 for Adeline LaPlante Memorial Center.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Flaherty, Sherlock and Naughton introduce (98-H 8685) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $16,000 for the Warwick Emergency Shelter Fund.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8686) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $2,500 for the Cumberland Senior Citizens Appreciation Day, Inc.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8687) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $25,000 for Cumberland Public Library.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Martineau introduces (by request) (98-H 8688) An Act relating to Catholic cemeteries - increase holdings.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Representative Rabideau introduces (98-H 8689) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $2,000 for Burrillville Historic Preservation Society.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Iwuc, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8690) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $15,000 for Arnold's Mills Parade Association.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Flaherty introduces (98-H 8691) An Act relating to rates of payment to nursing facilities.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Flaherty introduces (98-H 8692) An Act relating to rates of payment to nursing facilities.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Iannitelli introduces (98-H 8693) An Act relating to handicapped children.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Martineau, Burlingame, Picard, Benoit and Munschy introduce (98-H 8694) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $15,000 for Senior Services, Inc., Woonsocket.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Reilly, Menard and Farrell introduce (98-H 8695) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $2,500 for the Cumberland Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program (D A R E)

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Quick and Hetherington introduce (98-H 8696) House Resolution proclaiming the month of March, 1998 as Professional Social Work Centennial Month.

Representative Quick requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Quick, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.

Representatives Slater, Giannini, Russo, Fox, Carpenter and several other members of the House introduce (98(H 8697) House Resolution memorializing the President and Congress to grant full and immediate citizenship to Hmong-Lao Soldiers who supported the United States during the Vietnam War and their families.

Representative Slater requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Slater, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.

Representatives Henseler and Long introduce (98-H 8698) House Resolution extending condolences.

Representative Henseler requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Henseler, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a rising vote.

Representatives Dennigan, Wasylyk and

Also: Benoit introduce (98-H 8699) House Resolution respectfully requesting that facilities with automatic drug dispensing devices inspect and count the dosage units.

Representative Dennigan requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Dennigan, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.

Representative Winfield introduces (98-H 8700) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $5,000 for Sentinel Striders.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Henseler and Benson introduce (98-H 8701) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $500 to pay the claim of William J. Kinnaman of 115 Eileen Drive, North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852.

Read and referred to the Joint Committee on Accounts and Claims.

Representatives Henseler, Bramley and Benson introduce (98-H 8702) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $1,500 for Potowomut Pond.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.


Representative Faria announces that the Committee on Labor will meet today at the rise of the House.


Representative C. Levesque announces that the Committee on Special Legislation will meet today after the Joint Session.

Representative Flaherty announces that the Committee on Judiciary will meet today at the rise of the House.


Representative Cicilline welcomes to the House as a guest Hollie Courage, President of the League of Women Voters.


Representative Salisbury welcomes to the Chambers former Representative Paul Archetto.


By unanimous consent, all matters on the Clerk's desk are ordered to be transmitted to His Excellency, the Governor, and to the Honorable Senate forthwith.


The Honorable Speaker appoints Representatives Coelho, Giannini, McNamara, Long, Walter and Iannitelli, as a Committee to escort His Honor, the Lieutenant Governor and the members of the Honorable Senate to join the House of Representatives in Joint Session for the purpose of receiving an address by Dr. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., Professor of Surgery, Howard University School of Medicine.


At 3:56 o'clock P.M. on motion of Representative Kelley, and as a further mark of respect to the memory of Ruth Tucker; on motion of Representative Williamson, and as a further mark of respect to the memory of Detective Norman Frenette, seconded by Representatives Henseler and Salisbury, the House adjourns, on a unanimous rising vote.

Recording Clerk




Almighty God, we ask your blessings on all the people of Rhode Island, but more especially the children. Keep them in your care, we pray.Amen.



In order for Tuesday, March 3, 1998:

1. (98-H 7387) Joint Resolution extending the reporting date of and amending the special legislative commission to develop and coordinate state policy concerning RIte Care and to make recommendations concerning all issues related to RIte Care. Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

2. (98-H7365) An Act relating to taxation -collection of taxes generally - municipal lien certificates. Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

3. (98-H7332) An Act relating to the town of Charlestown- Juvenile Hearing Board. Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

4. (98-H7361) An Act relating to the town of Hopkinton - Juvenile Hearing Board. Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

5. (98-H7300) An Act relating to the Westerly Fire District. Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Reading Clerk

Thursday, February 26, 1998

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