State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
JANUARY SESSION of the General Assembly begun and held at the State House in the City of Providence on Tuesday, the sixth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.
Volume 125, No. 32
Wednesday, March 25, 1998
Thirty-second Day
The House of Representatives meets at the State House in Providence, Wednesday, March 25, 1998, and is called to order at 3:08 o'clock P.M., by the Honorable Frank J. Anzeveno, Jr., Deputy Speaker.
The roll is called and a quorum is declared present with 97 members present and 3 members absent as follows:
ABSENT - 3: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Murphy, Shavers.
The Honorable Deputy Speaker presents Father George Economou of the Church of the Assumption, Pawtucket, who delivers the Invocation and leads the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
(For Invocation, see Appendix, this Journal.)
By unanimous consent, the House Journal of Tuesday, March 24, 1998, is approved as printed.
A message from the Honorable Senate transmits with announcement of passage, of the following measures:
(98-S 2769) An Act relating to sales tax exemptions (administration of pharmaceutical).
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
(98-S 2963) An Act relating to agriculture and forestry.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
(98-S 2499) An Act relating to foreign insurance companies.
Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.
(98-S 2850 as amended) Joint Resolution creating a special legislative commission to study the feasibility of allowing unionized classified employees at all higher education institutions to be able to negotiate directly with the Rhode Island Board of Governors.
Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.
(98-S 2743 as amended) An Act amending enterprise zones.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Representative Carter gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure relating to elections - State Board of Elections.
This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.
Representative, District 46
Received and ordered to be placed on file.
Representative Iwuc gives notice that on the next legislative day he will introduce a measure concerning unfair sales practices.
This notice is given in compliance with House Rule 41.
Representative, District 68
Received and ordered to be placed on file.
Representative Kennedy, for the Committee on Corporations, reports back the following measure, with recommendation of transfer to the Committee on Finance:
(98-H 7971) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers franchises.
Received and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Representative Benoit, for the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, reports back the following measures, with recommendation of transfer to the Committee on Finance:
(98-H 8741) An Act relating to education -school-to-work transition.
Received and referred to the Committee on Finance.
(98-H 7869) An Act relating to health and safety - nursing homes.
Received and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Representatives Henseler, Cambio, Benson and Naughton introduce (98-H 8892) An Act relating to sexual harassment, education and training in the workplace.
Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.
Representatives Henseler, Benson and Carter introduce (by request) (98-H 8893) An Act relating to education - education aid.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Representatives Naughton, Montanaro, Winfield, Coderre, Kelley and several other members of the House introduce (98-H 8894) House Resolution congratulating the University of Rhode Island Men's Basketball Team on reaching the Sweet Sixteen in the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
Representative Naughton requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.
There is no objection.
Read and passed, on motion of Representative Naughton, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.
Representative Pires introduces (98-H 8895) Joint Resolution memorializing Congress to amend Title Ten, United States Code relating to the compensation of retired military.
Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Representatives Kelley, M. Anderson, Walter, Carter, Benson and several other members of the House introduce (98-H 8896) An Act relating to parks and recreational areas - bridle and hiking trails.
Read and referred to the Joint Committee on Environment and Energy.
By unanimous consent, Majority Leader Caruolo requests to place item number 1 (98-H 7267) (Substitute "A") from Friday's Calendar to number 4 on tomorrow's Calendar, and the remainder of Friday's Calendar to be placed on the Calendar for Tuesday, March 31, 1998.
The Majority Leader Caruolo announces there will be no session on Friday, March 27, 1998.
Representative Kennedy announces that the Committee on Corporations will meet today at the rise of the House in Room 203 of the State House.
Representative Flaherty announces that the Committee on Judiciary will meet today at the rise of the House.
Representative Benoit announces that the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare will meet today at the rise of the House in Room 135 of the State House.
The Majority Leader Caruolo and Representative Inman extend a "Happy Birthday" to Representative Mabel Anderson.
At 3:24 o'clock P.M. the Honorable Deputy Speaker yields the rostrum to Representative George, in order to make a toast in celebration of Greek Independence Day.
By unanimous consent, Representative George delivers a toast to the members of the House.
(For Toast, see Appendix, this Journal)
At 3:25 o'clock P.M. the Honorable Deputy Speaker returns to the rostrum.
At 3:27 o'clock P.M. on motion of Representative George, seconded by Representative Caruolo, the House adjourns, on a voice vote.
Recording Clerk
O Lord our God, You hold together the universe in Your power, and by Your divine and almighty will You govern the world; You created from one blood all nations of mankind that inhabit the face of the earth, and assigned to each its boundaries; You have conferred special blessings upon the Greek Nation. You kept it free for centuries by Your divine grace, You preserved and saved it, when enslaved, and You restored it, once again to a life of freedom. Blessing its struggles that begun on that historic day of 25th March 1821 on the great Feast of the Annunciation. And now O Lord, All-Holy Master, accept our prayers of thanksgiving at this very hour for the liberation and rebirth of that nation and hear us, who fervently pray to You: Give rest to the souls of all those who nobly fought for their faith and country and died with glory, or were slain or hanged or perished in captivity. Make us all worthy of freedom, preserve us in peace and concord, and guide us to every good work that is pleasing to You. Keep in peace and concord - the President of this our great nation, our Governor, members of the House of Representatives and every authority and power in our nation and the Greek nation. For You are the prince of peace and the savior of our souls, and to You we ascribe glory, forever and to the ages of ages.Amen.
I ask my colleagues to join me in a toast in celebration of Greek Independence Day and of the incomparable Greek heritage we all enjoy:
The debt of gratitude we owe this small and ancient nation is immeasurable. We in this chamber are part of a democratic tradition that has its roots in Athenian democracy. The Greeks were the first to prove that rule by the people was possible. We see the imprint of classical Greek architecture all around us. The rich stream of western philosophy began with Plato and Aristotle. It is ironic that in light of all this, Greece only won her independence after centuries of struggle in 1830. All the more we must honor her on this day.
In order for Thursday, March 26, 1998:
1. (98-S 2043) An Act reinstating and restoring forfeited or revoked corporate charters.
Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.
2. (98-H7684) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to taxation.
Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".
Reading Clerk
Wednesday, March 25, 1998
In order for Thursday, March 26, 1998:
1. (98-H 8727 as amended) An Act relating to towns and cities-
Warren Municipal Court.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended.
2. (98-H8738 as amended) An Act authorizing the establishment of a Municipal Court in East Greenwich.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended.
3. (98-H7570) An Act relating to solemnization of marriages.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
4. (98-H7267) (Substitute "A") An Act making revised appropriations for the support of the state for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998.
Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".
In order for Tuesday, March 31, 1998:
1. (98-H 8236) An Act relating to judicial selection.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
2. (98-H8036) An Act relating to Administrative Adjudication Court.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
3. (98-H7464) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to motor vehicles.
Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.
4. (98-H7720) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to towns and cities - Central Falls Municipal Court.
Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.
5. (98-H8034) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to domestic violence.
Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".
6. (98-H7118) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to domestic relations - denial of visitation rights.
Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.
7. (98-H7390) An Act relating to payment of fines.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
8. (98-H7117) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles-
special stops required.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
9. (98-H7890) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure-
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
10. (98-H7541) An Act relating to criminal procedure - victim's rights.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
11. (98-H7744) An Act relating to judicial selection.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
12. (98-H7499) An Act relating to criminal procedure - bounty hunters.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
13. (98-H8310) An Act relating to judicial selection.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
14. (98-H7184) An Act relating to identification and apprehension of criminals.
Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.
Reading Clerk
Wednesday, March 25, 1998
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