State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

JANUARY SESSION of the General Assembly begun and held at the State House in the City of Providence on Tuesday, the sixth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.
Volume 125, No. 41 Wednesday, April 22, 1998 Forty-first Day

The House of Representatives meets at the State House in Providence, Wednesday, April 22, 1998, and is called to order at 3:13 o'clock P.M., by the Honorable John B. Harwood, Speaker.

The roll is called and a quorum is declared present with 93 members present and 7 members absent as follows:

PRESENT - 93.. The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, 5., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, 6., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Palumbo, Panciera, Picard, Fires, Pisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

ABSENT - 7; Representatives Campbell, McGowan, Mesolella, Metts, Moura, Murphy, Williams.


The Honorable Speaker presents Representative Rabideau, who delivers the Invocation and leads the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

(For Invocation, see Appendix, this Journal.)


By unanimous consent, the House Journal of Tuesday, April 21, 1998, is approved as printed.


Representative McGowan will be out of state on business and unable to attend session today.


Representative Barone welcomes to the House as guests, members from the Barrington Senior Center.

Representative George welcomes to the House Chambers, volunteers from the National Youth Caring for Others Organization.

(See Appendix for House Resolution)

Representative Watson welcomes to the Chambers, Lieutenant Tom Joyce along with his wife Janet.


A message from the Honorable Senate transmits with announcement of passage, of the following measures;

(98-S 2354) An Act relating to elections -campaign contributions.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2472) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to state affairs and government DCYF records confidentiality of records.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2039) An Act relating to food and drugs uniform controlled substance act.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2553) An Act relating to private detective act.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2475) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state affairs and government - confidentiality of records.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2175) An Act relating to criminal offenses - public utilities.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2997) An Act relating to education -curriculum.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.

(98-S 2810) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers- Public Utilities Commission.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2722) An Act relating to health and safety the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2935) An Act relating to mental health, retardation and hospitals - developmentally disabled adults.

Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare.

(98-S 2595) An Act relating to sexual assault.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2027 as amended) An Act relating to waters and navigation- regulation of boats.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2041) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to domestic relations visitation rights.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2564) An Act relating to criminal procedure bounty hunters.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2489) (Substitute cc An Act relating to Justices of the Supreme, Superior and Family Courts - state police.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

(98-S 2782 as amended) An Act relating to town meetings.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

(98-S 2804 as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.

(98-S 2962) An Act relating to motor and manufactured homes.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2655 as amended) An Act relating to partnerships - limited liability partnership.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2515) An Act relating to mandated benefits review act.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2936) An Act relating to food and drugs.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2968) An Act authorizing the town of North Kingstown to finance the acquisition of development rights to farmland and other real estate and to issue not more that $4,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2615 as amended) An Act relating to state affairs and government - enterprise zones.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 3006) An Act relating to taxation.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

(98-S 2257) An Act relating to regulation of sales and advertising price of malt beverages, wine and distilled liquor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.

(98-S 2213) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles registration of vehicles.

Read and referred to the Committee on Special Legislation.

(98-S 2534 as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Read and referred to the Committee on Labor.

(98-S 3073) Joint Resolution congratulating Diane Ponticelli on her many years of selfless dedication and devotion as a foster parent.

Representative Voccola requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Voccola, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.



Representative Benoit, for the Committee on Health, Education and Welfare, reports back the following measures, with reccommendation of Passage;

(98-H 8073) An Act relating to nurses.

Received and ordered to be Placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 8065) An Act relating to food markets.

Received and ordered to be Placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 8060) An Act relating to businesses and Professions Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 7363) An Act relating to education.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 8079) An Act relating to food, drugs and cosmetics act.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 7873 as amended) An Act relating to education - school employees.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 7697) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to confidentiality of health care communications and information act.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(98-H8066) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to licensing of health care facilities.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 8072) (Substitute "A") House Resolution ~e5pectfully requesting the Department of Education to develop continuing education relating to homosexuaji~y and matters relating thereto.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.


Representatives Carpente~, Giannini, Shavers, Slater and Benson introduce (98-H 9008) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $25,000 for Kids, INC. (Initiating Nonviolent Change).

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Kelley, Garvey, Kelso and Benson introduce (98-H 9009) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstow~ to finance the acquisi~~0~ of land for and constructing, equip ping and ~rnishing a Senior Citizen Facility and Meal Site and to issue not more than $1,000,ooo bonds therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Representatives Kelley, Garvey, Kelso and Benson introduce (98-H 9010) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstow~ to finance public works capital improvement Projects and to issue not more than $500,000 bonds therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Representatives Kelley, Garvey, Kelso and Benson introduce (98-H 9011) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for and constructing, equipping and furnishing a Middle School and to issue not more than $10,000,000 bonds therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Representatives Ginaitt and Reilly introduce (98-H 9012) An Act relating to licensing - Rhode Island passenger carrying vessel license.

Read and referred to the Joint Committee on Environment and Energy.

Representatives Kelley, Carter, Garvey, Benson, Kelso and Lally introduce (98-H 9013) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for open space, recreation and agricultural purposes and for the development of a greenway system along the Saugatucket River and to issue not more than $1,100,000 bonds therefor.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.

Representatives Lowe, Burlingame, Benoit, Carroll and Rabideau introduce (98-H 9014) An Act relating to towns and cities- general powers.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Representative Salisbury introduces (98-H 9150) An Act relating to organization of state employees.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.


From the Calendar are taken:

1. (98-H 7728) An Act relating to education curriculum.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

Representative Benoit moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Cicilline, Costantino, Shavers, Slater, Aj ello, Munschy, Lowe, Cambio, Martineau, Walter, Kelley, Rabideau and Bierman.

By unanimous consent, Representative Bier-man, seconded by Representative Rabideau, offers the following written motion to amend:



(98-H 7728)

Mr. Speaker:

I hereby move to amend (98-H 7728) entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION CURRICULUM" as follows:

1. On page 1, between lines 14 and 15, by inserting the following language:

"SECTION 2. Section 16-11-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-11 entitled "Certification of Teachers" is hereby amended to read as follows:

16-11-1. CERTIFICATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS REQUIRED DEDUCTIONS FROM STATE AID FOR NONCOMPLIANCE. - (a) No person shall be employed to teach, as principal or assistant, in any school supported wholly or in part by public money unless the person shall have a certificate of qualification issued by or under the authority of the board of regents for elementary and secondary education. Provided, however, that any person who is employed as a part time speech and language pathologist at the Rhode Island School for the Deaf, for a period of not less than ten (10) years prior to July 11, 1990, shall be required to have a certificate of qualification, and shall be exempt from the provisions of this section which require the certificate. In case any city or town shall pay or cause to be paid any of the public money to any person for teaching who did not, at the time of teaching, hold a certificate, then the department of elementary and secondary education shall deduct a sum equal to the amount so paid from the amount of the state's money due, or which may thereafter become due, to the city or town, before giving his or her order in favor of the city or town for any public money under the provisions of section 16-1-10, 16-1-11, and 16-5-22.

(b) No person certified to teach elementary or secondary school pursuant to subsection (a) shall be recertified, unless that person has successfully completed one course in Rhode Island history that has been approved by the department of elementary and secondary education, provided that this subsection shall apply only to a person's first recertification subsequent to 2002."

2. On p. 1, in line 15, by changing the cc to "3".

Respectfully submitted,

Representative, District 23

Representatives Kelley, Barr, Carroll, Ferguson, S. Anderson, Benson and Costantino discuss the amendment.

The motion to amend is read and fails on a roll call vote, 15 members voting in the affirmative and 64 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 15: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Amaral, Anderson, M., Benson, Bierman, Carter, Garvey, Iannitelli, Kelley, Little, Millard, Quick, Rabideau, Salisbury, Watson.

NAYS 64: Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Palumbo, Panciera, Picard, Fires, Pisaturo, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Simonian, Slater, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Williamson, Winfield.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 63 members voting in the affirmative and 15 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 63: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, lwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, McNamara, Millard, Munschy, Naughton, Falumbo, Picard, Fires, Quick, Rabideau, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson.

NAYS - 15: Representatives Barr, Carroll, ~eSimone, Fleury, Lanzi, McCauley, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Palangio, Panciera, Fisaturo, Reilly, San Bento, Winfield.

2. (98-H8294) House Resolution creating a special House commission to develop a public agenda for Rhode Island.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Aiken-Salandria, seconded by Representatives Pires and Carter, on a roll call vote, 73 members voting in the affirmative and 2 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 73: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, He£fner, Henseler, Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Palumbo, Fanciera, Picard, Fires, Pisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Voccola, Wasylyk, Watson, Winfield.

NAYS - 2: Representatives Iannitelli, Walter.


(98-H 8241) An Act relating to vicious dogs.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Lima, seconded by Representatives AikenSalandria and Henseler, on a roll call vote, 75 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 75; The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Falumbo, Panciera, Picard, Fires, Pisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock Simonian, Slater, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Wintield?


4. (98-H8096) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to education- voter registration.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A". The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Carroll, seconded by Representatives Pisaturo, AikenSalandria, Lanzi, Cicilline and Dennigan, on a roll call vote, 73 members voting in the affirmative and 5 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 73: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan' DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George,' Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, lwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Palumbo, Panciera, Picard, Fires, Pisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 5: Representatives Amaral, Little, Salisbury, Walter, Watson.

5. (98-H 7801) An Act relating to confidentiality of health care communications and information act - limitations on and permitted disclosures.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Cicilline, seconded by Representatives AikenSalandria, Slater, Cambio, Benoit, Lima and Ginaitt, on a roll call vote, 79 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 79: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, He£fner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Palumbo, Panciera, Picard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.


6. (98-H8781) An Act relating to the Department of Elderly Affairs.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Ginaitt, seconded by Representatives McNamara, Cambio, Benson, Shavers, Montanaro, George and Giannini, on a roll call vote, 75 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 75: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Panciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, William-son, Win£ield.


7. (98-H8075) An Act relating to the rights of the terminally ill.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Ginaitt, seconded by Representatives Henseler, Dennigan, Slater and Ajello, on a roll call vote, 76 members voting in the affirmative and 2 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 76: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Panciera, Picard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Watson, Winfield.

NAYS - 2: Representatives Iannitelli, Williamson.

8. (98-H8064 as amended) An Act relating to emergency medical transportation services.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

Read and passed, as amended, on motion of Representative Ginaitt, seconded by Representatives Slater, Dennigan and Benoit, on a roll call vote, 81 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 81: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Ca'nbio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.


9. (98-H 7817) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to business and professions.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute " A". The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Ginaitt, seconded by Representatives Shavers, Dennigan, Slater, Cicilline, Carter, Garvey and Cambio, on a roll call vote, 78 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 78: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, lwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

10. (98-H 7200) (Substitute cc An Act relating to education- establishing a right to a safe school for higher education.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute"A".

Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on the bottom of page 3 of the Calendar for as item number 22A.

11. (98-H7821) (Substitute"A") An Act relating to businesses and professions - physician assistants.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Ginaitt, seconded by Representatives Dennigan and Slater, on a roll call vote, 79 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 79: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

12. (98-H7375) An Act relating to lost or missing children.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Representative Kennedy moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Cambio, Picard, Henseler, Slater, Voccola, Giannini, Ginaitt, Coderre, Bierman and S. Anderson.

Representatives Iannitelli and Russo discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 59 members voting in the affirmative and 20 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 59: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Bierman, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Garvey, George, Giannini, Heffner, Henseler, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Lima, Lopes, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Reilly, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Williamson.

NAYS - 20: Representatives Ajello, Amaral, Benson, Burlingame, Carter, Coelho, Fleury, Iannitelli, Kelley, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Little, Millard, Fanciera, Quick, Rabideau, Rose, Salisbury, Walter, Watson.

13. (98-H8301) An Act relating to Rhode Island nonprofit corporations.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Kennedy, seconded by Representative Anzeveno, on a roll call vote, 67 members voting in the affirmative and 12 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 67: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, S., An:':eveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coelho, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Lally, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 12: Representatives Anderson, M., Costantino, DeSimone, Kelley, Kilmartin, Millard, Montanaro, Fanciera, Rabideau, Slater, Walter, Watson.

14. (98-H8254) An Act relating to health and safety Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Kennedy, seconded by Representative Carter, on a roll call vote, 83 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 83: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

15. (98-H8055) An Act relating to businesses and professions.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Representative Kennedy moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative Carter.

Representatives Burlingame, Kennedy and Kelley discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 46 members voting in the affirmative and 30 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 46: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Cambio, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Dennigan, Faria, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Giannini, Heffner, Iannitelli, Inman, lwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Levesque, C., Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Millard, Montalbano, Munschy, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Quick, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Slater, Voccola, Walter, Winfield.

NAYS - 30: Representatives Barr, Burlingame, Carroll, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, DeSimone, Garvey, George, Kilmartin, Lally, Lan:':i, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Menard, Montanaro, Naughton, Fanciera, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Simonian, Smith, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson.

16. (98-H7960) An Act relating to insurance.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Kennedy, seconded by Representatives Costantino, Shavers, Farrell, Wasylyk and several other members of the House, on a roll call vote, 81 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 81: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, ~eSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Win£ield.

NAYS - 1: Representative Millard.

17. (98-H8005) An Act relating to lay away sales,

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Kennedy, seconded by Representatives Anzeveno, Coderre and Martineau, on a roll call vote, 81 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 81: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Iannitelli Inman, Iwuc, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi,' Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Wintield.

NAYS -0.

18. (98-H7969) An Act relating to professional service corporations.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Martineau, seconded by Representatives Reilly and McNamara, on a roll call vote, 79 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 79: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler' Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lan:':i, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

19. (98-H7665) An Act relating to businesses and professions- public accountancy.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Representative Martineau moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Anzeveno and Coderre.

Representatives Lopes and Martineau discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 81 members voting in the affirmative and 4 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 81: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, l)ennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hef£ner, Henseler, Hetherington, Inman, lwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 4: Representatives Carter, Fleury, Iannitelli, Slater.

20. (98-H7718) An Act relating to businesses and professions- architects.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Representative Martineau moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Anzeveno, Coelho and George.

Representative Burlingame discusses the act. Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Wednesday, April 29, 1998.

21. (98-H7591) An Act relating to insurance.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Representative Martineau moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Slater, Rose and Picard.

Representatives Lopes, Castro and Burlingame discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 81 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 81: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, He£fner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

22. (98-H8247) An Act relating to relief of injured and deceased fire fighters and police officers.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage. Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Wednesday, April 29, 1998.

22A. (98-H 7200) (Substitute cc~~~) An Act relating to education- establishing a right to a safe school for higher education.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on the bottom of page 4 of the Calendar as item number 31A.


(98-H 8189) An Act relating to state affairs and government- insurers - settlement.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Representative Martineau moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Dennigan and Costantino.

Representatives Iannitelli, Martineau, C. Levesque and Benoit discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 56 members voting in the aflirmative and 25 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 56: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, Faria, Garvey, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, Menard, Millard, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Wasylyk, Winfield.

NAYS - 25: Representatives Aiken-Salandria, DeSimone, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Iannitelli, Kelley, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Lopes, McNamara, Montanaro, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Shavers, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Watson, Williamson.

24. (98-H8023) An Act relating to municipal firemen - incentive pay.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Martineau, seconded by Representative Caruolo, on a roll call vote, 67 members voting in the affirmative and 10 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 67: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Hef£ner, Henseler', Hetherington, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 10: Representatives Crowley, Dennigan, Iannitelli, Little, Long, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Walter, Watson.

25. (98-H8018) An Act relating to housing maintenance and occupancy code.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Martineau, seconded by Representatives Lima, Montalbano, Lopes, Ginaitt, Castro and Kilmartin, on a roll call vote, 80 members voting in the affirmative and 2 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 80: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Bierman, Burlin. game, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 2: Representatives Amaral, Salisbury.


(98-H 8013) An Act relating to commercial law - truth in lending and retail selling.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Martineau, seconded by Representatives Castro, Malik, Iwuc and Munschy, on a roll call vote, 80 members voting in the affirmative and 2 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 80: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, lannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS 2: Representatives Kelley, Walter.

27. (98-H8006) An Act relating to the state building code.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Representative Kennedy moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative Rose.

Representatives Lopes and Kennedy discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 76 members voting in the affirmative and 5 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 76: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Martineau, McNamara, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fisaturo, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 5: Representatives George, Kelley, Lopes, Rabideau, Shavers.

28. (98-H7919 as amended) An Act relating to cruelty to animals.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended.

Representative Montanaro moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Anzeveno, Lima, Barone, Lopes and Rabideau.

Representative McNamara discusses the act.

Read and passed, as amended, on a roll call vote, 76 members voting in the affirmative and 6 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 76: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Crowley, Dennigan, l)eSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 6: Representatives Iannitelli, Levesque, C., Long, Slater, Walter, Watson.

29. (98-H7583) An Act relating to criminal procedure.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Representative Flaherty moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Faria, San Bento, McNamara and Reilly.

Representatives Cicilline and Flaherty discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 61 members voting in the affirmative and 17 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 61: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Caruolo, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fires, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Winfield.

NAYS - 17: Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Benoit, Carroll, Cicilline, Kelley, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Fisaturo, Shavers, Walter, Watson, Williamson.

30. (98-H7904) An Act relating to obsolete and no longer applicable statutes.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Flaherty, seconded by Representatives Anzeveno and Sherlock, on a roll call vote, 78 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 78: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, l)ennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Millard, Montalbano, Munschy, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

31. (98-H7716) (Substitute cc A,,) An Act relating to courts and civil procedure.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

The bill marked Substitute "A". read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Flaherty, seconded by Representative Anzeveno, on a roll call vote, 76 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 76: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Cambio, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Falangio, Falumbo, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson Win£ield.

NAYS - 1: Representatives Rabideau.

31A.(98-H 7200) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to education- establishing a right to a safe school for higher education.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on the bottom of page 5 of the Calendar for as item numer 38A.

32. (98-H7554) (Substitute cc A,,) An Act relating to towns and cities - Bristol Municipal Court.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Representative Flaherty moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Anzeveno, Coelho, Millard and Salisbury,

Representatives Lopes and Heffner discuss the act.

Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on today's Calendar as item number 35A.

33. (98-H7456) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to domestic relations - temporary orders.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Representative Williamson moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative Flaherty.

By unanimous consent, Representative Williamson, seconded by Representative Flaherty, offers the following written motion to amend:



(98-H 7456) (Substitute "A")

Mr. Speaker:

I hereby move to amend (98-H 7456) (Substitute"A") entitled ''AN ACT RELATING TO DOMES TIC RELATIONS TEMPORARY ORDER," as follows:

On page 1 in line 10 add the word "except" following the word "parties".

Respectfully submitted,

Representative, District 38

The motion to amend is read and prevails on a roll call vote, 77 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 77: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Cambio, Carroll, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hef£ner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly' Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Shavers, Simonian, Smith,' Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Win£ield.

NAYS -0.

The bill marked Substitute "A". read and passed, as amended, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 68 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 68: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bramley, Burlingame, Cambio, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, lwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Lima, Little, Lopes, Lowe, McNamara, Millard, Montalbano, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, San Bento, Shavers, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

34. (98-H7676) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to children.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Thursday, April 23, 1998.

35. (98-H 7537) (Substitute cc An Act relating to the city of Central Falls - Municipal Court.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

Representative Flaherty moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Faria and Reilly.

Representatives Ginaitt, Rabideau, Bramley, Flaherty, Fleury, Cicilline, Lopes, Long, Castro and C. Levesque discuss the act.

Representative Rabideau moves to recommit the act, seconded by Representatives Lopes and Iannitelli.

The motion to recommit fails, on a roll call vote, 26 members voting in the affirmative and 57 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 26: Representatives Amaral, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Cambio, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Fleury, Garvey, Iannitelli, Jacquard, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Millard, Ficard, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Salisbury, Smith, Voccola, Watson.

NAYS - 57: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barone, Barr, Burlingame, Carroll, Caruolo, Castro, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fox, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Lopes, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Fires, Reilly, Rose, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Walter, Wasylyk, Williamson, Winfield.

Representatives Heffner, Burlingame and Cicilline discuss the act.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 65 members voting in the affirmative and 19 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 65: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Barr, Benson, Bramley, Burlingame, Cambio, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Lima, Lopes, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Reilly, Rose, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, William. son, Winfield.

NAYS - 19: Representatives Amaral, Benoit, Bierman, Carroll, Castro, Fleury, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Kelley, Levesque, G., Little, Long, Lowe, McCauley, Millard, Montanaro, Rabideau, Salisbury, Watson.


Representative Cicilline requests to hold (98-H 7537) (Substitute "A") on the desk.

There is no objection.


By unanimous consent, Representative Ferguson, seconded by Representative Flaherty requests to take up number 32 (98-H 7554) (Substitute A on today's Calendar next, as number 35A.

There is no objection.

35A. (98-H 7554) (Substitute"A") An Act relating to towns and cities Bristol Municipal Court.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

The act has been moved and seconded supra.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 68 members voting in the affirmative and 10 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 68: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bramley, Burlingame, Cambio, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, l)ennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Lima, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Reilly, Rose, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Wasylyk, Williamson Winfield.

NAYS - 10: Representatives Bierman, Fleury, Iannitelli, Kelley, Levesque, G., Little, Long, McCauley, Rabideau, Watson.

Representative Cicilline requests to hold (98-H 7554) (Substitute A on the desk.

There is no objection.


36. (98-H 8720) An Act relating to labor -employment security.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Menard, seconded by Representatives Faria, Reilly, Benson, 5. Anderson and Lopes, on a roll call vote, 80 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 80: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Cambio, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, San Bento, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

37. (98-H7870) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Department of Health - tattooing and body piercing.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute cc~~~(

Representative Costantino moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Cambio, Slater, Fox, Henseler and George.

Representative Carter discusses the act. Read, and by unanimous consent, ordered to be placed on the Calendar for Thursday, April 23, 1998.

38. (98-H 7630 as amended) Joint Resolution memorializing Congress to implement a national data bank documenting persons convicted of child abuse/neglect.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

Read and passed, as amended, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representatives Burlingame and Coderre, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.

38A. (98-H 7200) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to education - establishing a right to a safe school for higher education.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Representative Benoit moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative S. Anderson.

By unanimous consent, Representative 5. Anderson, seconded by Representatives Iannitelli and Benoit, offers the following written motion to amend:



(98-H 7200) (Substitute "A'')

Mr. Speaker:

I hereby move to amend (98-H 7200) (Substitute "A") entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - ESTABLISHING A RIGHT TO A SAFE SCHOOL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION" as follows:

On page 1, line 9, by inserting a comma after the word "conduct". "learn".On page 1, line 9, by inserting the following language after the word "learn". "learn"."or otherwise substantially interferes with the rights stated above" "learn".On page 2, line 15, by inserting the following language after the word "learn". "learn"."or otherwise substantially interferes with the rights stated above" "learn".On page 2, line 19, by inserting the words "or of," after the word "conduct". "learn".On page 2, line 20, by deleting the word "the", and inserting in place thereof "violation of those school regulations which relate in subsection (a)".

Respectfully submitted,

Representative, District 42

The motion to amend is read and prevails on a roll call vote, 84 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 84: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kilmattin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

The bill marked Substitute "A". read and passed, as amended, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 76 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 76: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Callahan, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

39. (98-H 7467) (Substitute cc An Act relating to health and safety - home care patient/ client rights.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute cc

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representatives Naughton, Williamson and Slater, on a roll call vote, 82 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 82: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson,

NAYS -0.

40. (98-H8892) An Act relating to sexual harassment, education and training in the workplace.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Henseler, seconded by Representatives Cambio, Naughton, Benson, Aiken-Salandria and Burlingame, on a roll call vote, 79 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 79: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kilmartin, Lally, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

41. (98-H7892) An Act relating to abused and neglected children.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Representative Flaherty moves to recommit the act, seconded by Representative Salisbury.

There is no objection.

The act is recommitted, by unanimous consent, onavoicevote.

42. (98-H7897) An Act relating to public officers and employees- selective service registration awareness and compliance act.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Representative Flaherty moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Slater, Coelho, Benson, Lopes and M. Anderson.

Representatives Cicilline, C. Levesque, Palumbo, Benson, Rabideau, Hetherington, Carter and S. Anderson discuss the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 71 members voting in the affirmative and 11 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 71: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Benoit Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio' Carpenter, Carter, Castro, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan,' DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falumbo, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 11: Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Barone, Cicilline, Coderre, Hetherington, Kelley, Levesque, C., Falangio, Fanciera, Rabideau.

43. (98-H8103) An Act relating to disorderly conduct.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Flaherty, seconded by Representatives Dennigan and Cicilline, on a roll call vote, 81 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 81: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlin. game, Callahan, Cambio, Carpenter, Carter, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, He£fner, Hetherington, lannitelli, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Win£ield.

NAYS -0.

44. (98-H8234) An Act relating to delinquent and dependent children.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Flaherty, seconded by Representatives Cambio, Benoit, Coderre and Iannitelli, on a roll call vote, 82 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 82: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Amaral, Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Carpenter, Carter, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, F aria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS -0.

45. (98-H8278) An Act relating to community obligations and banking offenses - fraudulent checks.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Representative Flaherty moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative Palumbo.

Representative Jacquard discusses the act.

Read and passed, on a roll call vote, 74 members voting in the affirmative and 8 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 74: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken-Salandria, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barone, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffher, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Little, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Montalbano, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Falumbo, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Shavers, Sherlock, Simonian, Smith, Wasylyk, Watson, Williamson, Winfield.

NAYS - 8: Representatives George, Iannitelli, Jacquard, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Long, Slater, Walter.

On suggestion of the Honorable Speaker, and by unanimous consent, the remainder of the Calendar is continued to Thursday, April 23, 1998.


At 5:12 o'clock P.M. on motion of the Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representative McNamara, and as a further mark of respect to the memory of Tilo Margarita; on motion of Representative Sherlock, and as a further mark of respect to the memory of Guido Cotoia; on motion of Representative Giannini, and as a further mark of respect to the memory of Michael Marfeo, seconded by Representatives Henseler and Pires, the House adjourns, on a unanimous rising vote.

Recording Clerk




Heavenly Father, look with favor on our deliberation and assist us by your grace to do what is just and wise.Amen.






Whereas, The 1997 National Youth Caring For Others Awards Program is dedicated to the late Ann and Gil Anderson, who created a family consisting of numerous nonbiological young people based on ther unconditional love and caring manner. Youth Caring For Others is modeled after their loving and caring lives; and

Whereas, The primary goal of Youth Caring For Others, Inc. is to provide encouragement and recognition to young people who, on a voluntary basis, provide one of the highest valued qualities to their fellow human beings - the quality of caring; and

Whereas, This splendid organization is also committed to providing educational and training opportunities focused on youth and their specific interests in caring, service and volunteerism; to meeting a variety of human needs of the general public through youth volunteer activity; and, to present to the general public positive volunteer activity performed by young people; and

Whereas, By increasing volunteerism by youth, Youth Caring For Others, Inc. also promotes their well-being via the goals of the organization. To be eligible for an Annual National Youth Caring For Others Award, the nominee must be tobacco, alcohol, and illegal substance abuse free; and

Whereas, Youth Caring For Others, Inc. is ultimately about enhancing the abilites of young people to be caring, compassionate, positive, productive citizens - goals we can all applaud; now therefore, be it

Resolved, That this House of Representatives of the State ofRhode Island and Frovidence Plantations hereby recognizes the superb goals of the Youth Caring For Others, Inc., and congratulates the organization on its Ann and Gil Anderson Memorial Awards Frogram; and be it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of State be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Youth Caring For Others, Inc.



In order for Friday, April 24, 1998:

1. (98-S 2014) An Act relating to the Westerly Fire District.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

Reading Clerk
Wednesday, April 22, 1998



In order for Thursday, April 23, 1998:

1. (98-H 7676) (Substitute ccA,,) An Act relating to children.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

2. (98-H7870) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Department of Health - tattooing and body piercing.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

3. (98-H8321) An Act relating to weapons.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

4. (98-H8029) An Act relating to criminal procedure.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

5. (98-H8028) An Act relating to the Department of Corrections.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

6. (98-H7750) An Act relating to trusts for minors.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

7. (98-H8309) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to criminal law - warrant squad.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute cc ~,J

8. (98-H7901) (Substitute cc ~J~) An Act relating to the Department of Corrections.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

9. (98-H 7689) An Act relating to public property and works- authorizing the transfer of property in the town of North Kingstown to the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

10. (98-H7795) House Resolution creating a special House commission to study all aspects of organ donations.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

11. (98-H7446) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to health and safety.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended.

12. (98-H8085) An Act relating to handicapped children - transition from school to self-sufficient adulthood.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

13. (98-H7555) An Act relating to food and drugs uniform controlled substances act.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

14. (98-H7819) An Act relating to health and safety.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

15. (98-H7871) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to businesses and professions.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute"A".

16. (98-H7797) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles- operators' and chauffeurs' licenses.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

17. (98-H7793 as amended) An Act relating to state affairs and government.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

18. (98-H7800) An Act relating to operators' and chauffeurs' licenses - anatomical gifts.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

19. (98-H7393) An Act relating to health and safety - establishing freedom of access to clinic entrances.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

20. (98-H7285 as amended) An Act relating to health and safety of pupils.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

21. (98-H8738 as amended) An Act authorizing the establishment of a Municipal Court in East Greenwich.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended.

22. (98-H8063) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety - people's privacy act.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

23. (98-H7995) An Act relating to alcoholic beverages - retail licenses.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

24. (98-H7996) An Act relating to alcoholic beverages - general provisions.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

25. (98-H 8436) Joint Resolution calling upon the governments of Cape Verde, the United States of America and the state of Rhode Island to form a state relationship between Rhode Island and Cape Verde.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

26. (98-H8016) (Substitute cc A,,) An Act relating to businesses and professions.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

27. (98-H8192) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to motor and other vehicles responsibility of owners of rental vehicles.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute cc

28. (98-H7279 as amended) An Act relating to zoning ordinances.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage as amended.

29. (98-H7540 as amended) An Act relating to disability business enterprises.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage as amended.

30. (98-H 7745) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to statutes and statutory construction.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

31. (98-H8793) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health insurance coverage.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A"

32. (98-H 8056) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to telecommunications.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

33. (98-H7980) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety - lead paint.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

34. (98-H8250) An Act relating to HMO's.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

35. (98-H7831) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers- community antenna television systems.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

36. (98-H7911) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state affairs and government open meetings.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute cc

37. (98-H7888) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to access to public records.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

38. (98-H8706) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to proceedings in Family Court.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

39. (98-H8789 as amended) An Act relating to criminal offenses.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended.

40. (98-H8952 as amended) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - operation of bicycles.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage as amended.

41. (98-H7898) An Act relating to alcoholic beverages - identification cards.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

42. (98-H7894) An Act relating to motor vehicles motor vehicles reparations act.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

43. (98-H8233) An Act relating to weapons.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

44. (98-H7469) An Act relating to partial birth abortions.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

45. (98-H7657) An Act relating to criminal offenses - mandatory community restitution.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

46. (98-H8797) An Act relating to civil and criminal procedure.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

47. (98-H8223) An Act relating to the administrative procedures act.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

48. (98-H8659) An Act relating to insurance - reporting of health care fraud.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

49. (98-H8033) An Act relating to businesses and professions- shows and exhibitions.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

50. (98-H8031) An Act relating to domestic violence prevention act.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

51. (98-H7905) An Act relating to open meetings.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

52. (98-H7313) An Act relating to interception of wire and oral communications.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

53. (98-H7913) An Act relating to motor vehicles.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

54. (98-H8364) An Act relating to real estate -titles.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

55. (98-H8282) An Act relating to businesses and professions electricians.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

56. (98-H 7593) Joint Resolution creating a special legislative commission to study the feasibility of allowing unionized classified employees at all higher education institutions to be able to negotiate directly with the Rhode Island Board of Governors.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

57. (98-H 7752) An Act relating to labor -wages.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

58. (98-H7202) An Act relating to labor.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

59. (98-H7506) An Act relating to motor vehicle offenses- driving under the influence.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.



In order for Friday, April 24, 1998:

1. (98-H 8221) An Act relating to business and professions- manicurist.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

2. (98-H 8083) (Substitute cc An Act relating to the Rhode Island school-to-work transition act of 1996.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A".

3. (98-H 7799) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health care.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute

4. (98-H8352) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles- parking facilities and privileges.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

5. (98-H8081) (Substitute "A")) An Act relating to health insurance coverage mandated hearing aid coverage.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute

6. (98-H 7123) (Substitute A as amended) An Act relating to health and safety - human cloning.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A" as amended.

7. (98-H7284) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to aeronautics- permanent noise monitoring act.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute

8. (98-H7545) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to businesses and professions - nurses.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A".

9. (98-H8158) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state affairs and government - DCYF records - confidentiality of records.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A".

10. (98-H7732) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety - cemeteries -scattering of ashes.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute cc

11. (98-H7516) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

12. (98-H8042) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute cc

13. (98-H7479) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to workers' compensation - general provisions.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute cc

14. (98-H7820) An Act relating to workers' compensation insurance.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

15. (98-H8799) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations -workers' compensation.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute A as amended.

16. (98-H 8043) (Substitute "A") House Resolution creating a special House commission to study the impact of nursing staff overtime in hospitals in Rhode Island.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A".

17. (98-H8325 as amended) An Act relating to employment security - reasonable assurance.

Committee on Labor recommends passage as amended.

18. (98-H8339) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to apprenticeship.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A".

19. (98-H 7810) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to businesses and professions -requiring the registration of roofing contractors.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A".

20. (98-H7675) An Act relating to labor and labor relations arbitration of school teacher disputes.

Committee on Labor recommends passage.

21. (98-H8330 as amended) An Act relating to criminal procedure- domestic abuse.

Committee on Labor recommends passage as amended.

22. (98-H7310) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute

23. (98-H 7736) (Substitute cc An Act relating to workers' compensation.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute

24. (98-H7981) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers the towing storage act.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

25. (98-H 7977 as amended) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers - duties of utilities and carriers.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage as amended.

26. (98-H7974) An Act relating to businesses and professions.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

27. (98-H7751) An Act relating to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Agency.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

28. (98-H7879) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to public utility companies.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute "A" as amended.

29. (98-H 7599) House Resolution memorializing U.S. Congress to investigate cable television rates.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

30. (98-H7558) An Act relating to property taxes and persons who are permanently and totally disabled.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

31. (98-H7504) An Act relating to barbers, hairdressers, cosmeticians.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

32. (98-H7436) An Act relating to public utilities and carriers- motor passenger carriers. Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

33. (98-H 7120) (Substitute cc An Act relating to towns and cities - low and moderate income housing.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill passage of Substitute cc ~J~



In order for Tuesday, April 28, 1998:

1. (98-H 8073) An Act relating to nurses.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

2. (98-H8065) An Act relating to food markets.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

3. (98-H8060) An Act relating to businesses and professions- Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

4. (98-H7363) An Act relating to education.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

5. (98-H8079) An Act relating to food, drugs and cosmetics act.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

6. (98-H7873 as amended) An Act relating to education - school employees.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

7. (98-H 7697) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to confidentiality of health care communications and information act.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

8. (98-H8066) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to licensing of health care facilities.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute A as amended.

9. (98-H 8072) (Substitute "A") House Resolution respectfully requesting the Department of Education to develop continuing education relating to homosexuality and matters relating thereto.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".



In order for Wednesday, April 29, 1998:

1. (98-H 7718) An Act relating to businesses and professions architects.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

2. (98-H8247) An Act relating to relief of injured and deceased fire fighters and police officers.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.



In order for Thursday, April 30, 1998:

1. (98-H 7585) An Act relating to criminal offenses - crime against nature.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage.

Reading Clerk
Wednesday, April 22, 1998

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