State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

JANUARY SESSION of the General Assembly begun and held at the State House in the City of Providence on Tuesday, the sixth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.
Volume 125, No. 65 Wednesday, June 24, 1998 Sixty-Fifth Day

The House of Representatives meets at the State House in Providence, Wednesday, June 24, 1998, and is called to order at 3:16 o'clock P.M., by the Honorable John B. Harwood, Speaker.

The roll is called and a quorum is declared present with 94 members present and 6 members absent as follows:

PRESENT - 94: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, 5., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Mesolella, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Panciera, Plcard, Fires, Pisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Russo, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Voccola, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Williamson, Winfield.

ABSENT - 6: Representatives Barone, McGowan, Montalbano, Murphy, Palumbo, Shavers.


The Honorable Speaker presents Representative Bierman, who delivers the Invocation and leads the membership in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

(For Invocation, see Appendix, this Journal.)


By unanimous consent, the House Journal of Tuesday, June 23, 1998, is hereby corrected on page 4, column 2, after line 15, by inserting the following:

Representatives Caruolo, Salisbury and Henseler introduce (98-H 9215) House Resolution extending congratulations.

Representative Henseler requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Henseler, seconded by Representative Salisbury, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.


On page 21, column 2, line 17 by deleting (98-H 7652) and inserting (98-H 7857).


By unanimous consent, the House Journal of Tuesday, June 23, 1998, is approved as corrected.


By unanimous consent, all House matters on the Clerk's desk are ordered to be transmitted to Honorable Senate forthwith.


Representative Elaine A. Coderre has been appointed to the Special House Commission to study all aspects of the Health Department of the State of Rhode Island and all matters relating thereto and to make recommendations therefor.

Representative Coderre replaces Representative Frank J. Anzeveno, Jr.

Speaker of the House
of Representatives


Representative Rabideau welcomes to the House as a guest Andrew Charles Potter Kelley (age 10), grandson of Representative Leona Kelley.


Representative Benson welcomes to the House the first Boy Scout Troop from North Kingstown, Boy Scout Troop 5 along with their leader as follows:

Donny McKendall (Troop Leader), Kyle Morin, Andrew Brennan, Arlen O'Haroian, Brendan Hart, Chris Gladney, Kyle Stamps, Bill Reilly, Eric Goulet, Andrew Baily, Neil Cottrell, Alex McKendall, Christina McKendall, Courtney Brennan, Brian Baily, Andy Salomone, Jim Capece.


Representative Dennigan introduces to the Chambers Vincent and Louise McNamara.


Representatives Castro, Shavers, Fox, Metts, Lopes and Carpenter introduce (98-H 9221) Joint Resolution to amend the title of the Constitution of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and the Preamble to the Constitution of the State of Rhode Island.

Read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.

Representatives Sherlock, Ginaitt, McNamara, Bramley, Naughton, Aiken and Hetherington introduce (98-H 9222) An Act revising the charter of the City of Warwick, and in amendment of chapter 1852 of the public laws, 1931, entitled "An Act to establish the City of Warwick" as amended.

Representative Sherlock requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Sherlock, seconded by Representatives McNamara, Aiken, Watson and the entire Warwick Delegation, on a roll call vote, 71 members voting in the affirmative and 0 voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 71: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Cambio, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, 6., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Metts, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Panciera, Picard, Fires, Pisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Salisbury, Scott, Slater, Smith, Walter, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.


By unanimous consent, all House matters on the Clerk's desk are ordered to be transmitted to the Honorable Senate forthwith.


Representatives Inman, George, S. Anderson and Campbell introduce (98-H 9223) House Resolution congratulating Chief Charles Bowen, Sr., on his retirement after 46 years of service.

Representative Inman requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Inman, seconded by the entire House of Representatives, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.

Representatives Amaral and Quick introduce (98-H 9224) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $2,500 for Tiverton Volunteer Fire Department.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representatives Long, Iannitelli and Little introduce (98-H 9225) Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $5,000 for Middletown Recreation Department.

Read and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Representative Moura introduces (98-H 9226) An Act relating to Rhode Island tourism and development.

Read and referred to the Committee on Corporations.



Representative Kennedy, for the Committee on Corporations, reports back the following measures, with recommendation of passage:

(98-H 8917) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to the Harrisville Fire District.

Representative Kennedy requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Kennedy, seconded by Representative Rabideau, on a roll call vote, 72 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 72: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, 5., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Farrell, Ferguson, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanri, Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Fanciera, Picard, Fires, Pisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Rose, Salisbury, Scott, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.

(998-S 2899) An Act validating and ratif"'ing an amendment to the home rule charter of the city of Pawtucket.

Representative Kennedy requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Kennedy, seconded by Representative Caruolo, on a roll call vote, 76 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 76: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, 5., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Lang, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Palangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Sherlock, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 1: Representative Anderson, M.

Representative Martineau, for the Committee on Corporations, reports back the following measure, with recommendation of passage:

(998-S 2970) An Act relating to the city of Woonsocket.

Representative Martineau requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Martineau, seconded by Representative Picard, on a roll call vote, 77 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 77: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott Sherlock, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams', Winfield.

NAYS --0.

From the Calendar are taken:

1. (98-H 7966) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to education- urban after-school programs.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Crowley, seconded by Representatives Rose, Dennigan, Giannini, Slater, Metts, Ajello, Smith, Iwuc, McNamara, Benoit and Barr, on a roll call vote, 66 members voting in the affirmative and 2 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 66: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bramley, Burlingame, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rose, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Winiield.

NAYS - - 2: Representatives Anderson, M., Iannitelli.

2. (98-H 8106) An Act relating to state affairs and government- user fees at state beaches.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Crowley, seconded by Representatives Walter, Garvey, Kennedy, Kelley, Watson and Ginaitt, on a roll call vote, 66 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 66: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Fanciera, Picard, Fires, Fisaturo, Reilly, Rose, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Winfield.

NAYS - - 1: Representative Iannitelli.

3. (98-H 8246) An Act relating to the family independence act.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Sherlock, seconded by Representatives Benoit, Metts, Slater, Ajello, Farrell, Kelley, Long, Reilly, Fox and Giannini, on a roll call vote, 62 members voting in the affirmative and 4 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 62: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Ferguson, Flaherty Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hethering? ton, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Reilly, Rose, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Wasylyk, Watson, Winfield.

NAYS - - 4: Representatives Anderson, M., Fleury, Iannitelli, Walter.

4. (98-H 7787) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Rhode Island Urban Education act of 1998.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Crowley, seconded by Representatives Fox, Giannini, Slater, Metts and Benson, on a roll call vote, 63 members voting in the affirmative and 6 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 63: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Munschy, Naughton, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Wasylyk, Watson, Winfield.

NAYS - - 6: Representatives Barr, George, Iannitelli, Lowe, Menard, Walter.


I, Richard Fleury, State Representative, District 40, hereby under oath, depose and say:

1. I expect to be called upon, in my capacity as State Representative, to participate in the consideration of, and vote upon: (98-H 8251).

2. I have the following interest in the matter listed under paragraph 1, above:

Legal matter being handled by me in my law practice.

3. In compliance with Section 36-14-6(1) & (2)A of the General Laws, I hereby request the Speaker of the House of Representatives to excuse me from voting on or participating in the consideration of the matter described in paragraph 1, above.

Representative , District 40
State of Rhode Island
County of Providence

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of June, A.D. 1998.

Notary Public

Representative Fleury is excused from voting on or participating in the consideration of the matter described in paragraph 1, above.

Speaker of the House
of Representatives


5. (98-H 8251) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety - managed care liability.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Representative Kennedy moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Ajello, Carter, Ginaitt, Slater, Dennigan, Aiken, Wasylyk, Giannini, Cicilline, Pisaturo, Hetherington, Coderre, Benoit, M. Anderson and Benson.

Representatives Henseler and Fleury discuss the act.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 64 members voting in the affirmative and 4 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 64: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Malik, McCauley, Menard, Metts, Moura, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 4: Representatives Iannitelli, Millard, Quick, Walter.

6. (98-H 7551) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to taxation on beverage containers.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

Representative Panciera moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative Ferguson.

By unanimous consent, Representative Ferguson, seconded by Representative Panciera, offers the following written motion to amend:



(98-H 7551) (Substitute "A")

Mr. Speaker:

I hereby move to amend (98-H 7551) (Substitute "A") entitled "AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION ON BEVERAGE CONTAINERS" as follows:

(1) On page 1, line 8, by deleting between the words, "beverage and containers", the word, "and".

Respectfully submitted,

Representative , District 91

The motion to amend is read and prevails on a roll call vote, 75 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 75: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Moura, Munschy, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 68 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 68: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hetherington, Iannitelll, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Moura, Munschy, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Reilly, Rose, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.

7. (98-H 7964) (Substitute "A") An Act establishing an enterprise equity fund.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Panciera, seconded by Representatives Pires and Martineau, on a roll call vote, 68 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 68: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, DeSimone, Farrell, Fleury, Garvey, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Moura, Munschy, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Wintield.

NAYS - - 1: Representative George.


Representative Metts requests the Journal to reflect that if he had voted on (98-H 7964) (Substitute "A"), he would have voted in the affirmative.

There is no objection.

8. (98-H 9073) House Resolution creating a special House commission to study extending the school year.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Panciera, seconded by Representatives Ajello and Aiken, on a roll call vote, 73 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 73: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.


I, Donald O. Reilly, Jr., State Representative, District 67, hereby under oath, depose and say:

1. I expect to be called upon, in my capacity as State Representative, to participate in the consideration of, and vote upon: (98-H 7764) (Substitute "A").

2. I have the following interest in the matter listed under paragraph 1, above:

I am a member of CHA.

3. In compliance with Section 36-14-6(1) & (2)A of the General Laws, I hereby request the Speaker of the House of Representatives to excuse me from voting on or participating in the consideration of the matter described in paragraph 1, above.

Representative, District 67
State of Rhode Island
County of Providence

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of June, A.D. 1998.

Notary Public

Representative Reilly is excused ffom voting on or participating in the consideration of the matter described in paragraph 1, above.

Speaker of the House
of Representatives

9. (98-H 7764) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Section 8 Tenant-Based Rental Certificate and Rental Voucher Programs.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

Representative Simonian moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative Ferguson.

Representatives Cicilline and Simonian discuss the act.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 70 members voting in the affirmative and 2 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 70: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McNamara, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Rose, Salisbury, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 2: Representatives Ajello, Metts.

10. (98-H 7288) (Substitute "A") Joint Resolution making an appropriation of $716.23 to pay the claim of Pamela J. Lennon of 104 Lake Drive, West Greenwich, Rhode Island 02817.

Joint Committee on Accounts and Claims recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative S. Anderson, seconded by Representatives Pires and Williamson, on a roll call vote, 69 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 69: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McNamara, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Rose, Salisbury, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.

11. (98-H 9182) An Act relating to cemeteries.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage.

Read and passed, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representatives Ajello, Lima, Slater, Kelley, Watson and Long, on a roll call vote, 70 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 70: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams.

NAYS --0.

12. (98-H 8287 as amended) House Resolution respectfully requesting the Director of the Department of Health to establish the position of the Director of the Division of Oral Health.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

Read and passed, as amended, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representatives George and Slater, and by unanimous consent, on a voice vote.

13. (998-S 2092 as amended) An Act relating to taxation of beverage containers.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

Read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Panciera, seconded by Representative Ferguson, on a roll call vote, 70 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 70: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 1: Representative Bramley.

14. (998-S 2811) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to salaries and traveling expenses.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

Representative Panciera moves passage of the act, seconded by Representative Rose.

Representative Ajello discusses the act.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 68 members voting in the affirmative and 10 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 68: Representatives Aiken, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kilmartin, Lally, Levesque, C., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Falangio, Fanciera, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, Sherlock, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Winfield.

NAYS - - 10: Representatives Ajello, Farrell, George, Kennedy, Lanzi, Levesque, G., Naughton, Flcard, Simonian, Williams.

15. (998-S 2239) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to health and safety.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended in concurrence.

Representative Sherlock moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Ginaitt, Naughton, Costantino, Slater, Lima, Iwuc and Aiken.

Representatives Salisbury and Sherlock discuss the act.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on a roll call vote, 79 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 79: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.

16. (998-S 2288 as amended) An Act relating to taxation - sales and use taxes - liability and computation.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

Read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Panciera, seconded by Representatives Salisbury, Cicilline, Metts, M. Anderson and Lima, on a roll call vote, 73 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 73: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherly, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McNamara Menard, Metts, Millard, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio', Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, Scott, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.

17. (998-S 2347) An Act relating to family independence act.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Sherlock, seconded by Representatives Lima, Metts, Ajello and Williams, on a roll call vote, 67 members voting in the affirmative and 6 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 67: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M. Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Scott, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Williams.

NAYS - -6: Representatives Fleury, Iannitelli, Lima, Walter, Watson, Winfield.

18. (998-S 2074) An Act relating to state affairs and government- user fees at state beaches.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Crowley, seconded by Representatives Lally and Carter, on a roll call vote, 76 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 76: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 1: Representative Iannitelli.


Representative Kennedy requests the Journal to reflect that if he had voted on (998-S 2074), he would have voted in the affirmative.

There is no objection.

19. (998-S 2475) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state affairs and government -confidentiality of records.

Committee on Judiciary recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" in concurrence.

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, in concurrence, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Lally, seconded by Representatives Caruolo, Benoit, Williams and Long, on a roll call vote, 74 members voting in the affirmative and 4 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 74: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelley, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Scott, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 4; Representatives Anderson, M., Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Metts.

20. (998-S 2411) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - operators' and chauffeurs' licenses.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

The bill marked Substitute "A" is read and passed, and the original bill indefinitely postponed, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representatives Sherlock, Ajello, Fox, Farrell, Slater, Aiken, Carter and Dennigan, on a roll call vote, 78 members voting in the affirmative and 1 member voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 78: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Farrell, Ferguson, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 1: Representative Metts.

21. (998-S 2997) An Act relating to education curriculum.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

Representative Benoit moves passage of the act, seconded by Representatives Slater, Coderre, Williams, Farrell, Metts and McNamara.

Representative Amaral discusses the act.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on a roll call vote, 42 members voting in the affirmative and 39 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 42: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Ajello, Benoit, Carpenter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Costantino, Crowley, Faria, Farrell, Flaherty, Fox, Henseler, Hetherington, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Lowe, Martineau, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Reilly, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Sherlock, Slater, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 39: Representatives Aiken, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carroll, Carter, Coelho, Dennigan, DeSimone, Ferguson, Fleury, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Iannitelli, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Malik, McCauley, Millard, Fanciera, Quick, Rabideau, Rose, Simonian, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson. 22. (998-S 3059 as amended) Joint Resolution extending the reporting date of the special legislative commission on mental illness and substance abuse services.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

Read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representatives Lima and Slater, on a roll call vote, 74 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 74: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, San Bento, Scott, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.

23. (998-S 2032) An Act relating to smoking in public places.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representatives Cicilline and Hetherington, on a roll call vote, 58 members voting in the affirmative and 22 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS 58: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Callahan, Carpenter, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Farrell, Ferguson, Flaherty, Fleury Fox, Garvey, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kennedy, Lally, Long, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Falangio, Fanciera, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Scott, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS - - 22: Representatives Aiken, Burlingame, Campbell, Carroll, Faria, George, Kelso, Kilmartin, Lanzi, Levesque, C. Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Menard, Munschy, Naughton, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Quick, San Bento, Watson.

24. (998-S 2570) An Act relating to businesses and professions- Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

Read and passed, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Benoit, seconded by Representative Caruolo, on a roll call vote, 75 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 75: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho, Costantino, Crowley, Dennigan, DeSimone, Farrell, Ferguson, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Lanzi, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Long, Lowe, Malik, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Montanaro, Moura, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Fisaturo, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Sherlock, Simonian, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.


Representative Long requests tohold(98-S2997) on the Desk.

There is no objection.


A message from the Honorable Senate transmits with announcement of passage, of the following measure:

Majority Leader Caruolo, seconded by Representative Anzeveno, requests leave of the House to take up the following Act.

There is no objection.

(98-H 7682 as amended) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles.

Representative Caruolo requests unanimous consent for immediate consideration.

There is no objection.

Read and passed, as amended, in concurrence, on motion of Representative Caruolo, seconded by Representatives Henseler, Garvey, Reilly, Coelho, Carter, Lowe, Anzeveno, Long, M. Anderson, S. Anderson, Dennigan and Farrell, on a roll call vote, 81 members voting in the affirmative and 0 members voting in the negative as follows:

YEAS - 81: The Honorable Speaker Harwood and Representatives Aiken, Ajello, Amaral, Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Anzeveno, Barr, Benoit, Benson, Bierman, Bramley, Burlingame, Callahan, Campbell, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Caruolo, Castro, Cicilline, Coderre, Coelho Costantino, Dennigan, DeSimone, Faria, Farrell, Fleury, Fox, Garvey, George, Giannini, Ginaitt, Heffner, Henseler, Hetherington, Iannitelli, Inman, Iwuc, Jacquard, Kelso, Kennedy, Kilmartin, Lally, Levesque, C., Levesque, G., Lima, Little, Long, Lopes, Lowe, Malik, Martineau, McCauley, McNamara, Menard, Metts, Millard, Moura, Munschy, Naughton, Falangio, Fanciera, Ficard, Fires, Quick, Rabideau, Reilly, Rose, Salisbury, San Bento, Scott, Sherlock, Slater, Smith, Walter, Wasylyk, Watson, Williams, Winfield.

NAYS --0.



Representative Pires, for the Committee on Finance reports back the following measure, with recommendation of passage:

(98-H 7647) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety - the State of Rhode Island Cancer Council, Inc.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.


Representative Martineau, for the Committee on Corporations, reports back the following measures, with recommendation of passage:

(98-H 7959) An Act relating to the city of Newport boarding and landing fees.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2273) An Act relating to businesses and professions.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2285) An Act relating to insurance.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2462) An Act relating to insurance.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2295) An Act relating to insurance.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2999) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to property exempt from attachment -homestead exemption.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2847) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to businesses and professions - oriental medicine.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2962) An Act relating to motor manufactured homes.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(998-S 2278 as amended) An Act relating to businesses and professions - pharmacy.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Calendar.

(98-H 9169) House Resolution extending the reporting date of the special House Commission to study all aspects of the Ferry Business in the State of Rhode Island and all matters relating thereto and to make recommendations therefor.

Received and ordered to be placed on the Consent Calendar.


Majority Leader Caruolo announces he will not be a candidate for re-election in East Providence, and reflects on his accomplishments for the past eighteen years.

He announces there will be a Democratic Caucus at 3:00 o'clock P.M. in the House Lounge tomorrow, to elect Representative Gerard Martineau as Majority Leader, and states his qualifications for the seat of Majority Leader.

The Majority Leader's last request is not to be eulogized, he would prefer to thank everyone in his office personally, after the session.

The Reading Clerk reads a statement from Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy, regarding Majority Leader Caruolo's resignation.

(for Message, see Appendix, this Journal)

Majority Leader Caruolo thanks Congressman Patrick Kennedy.


At 4:22 o'clock P.M. on motion of Representative Caruolo, seconded by Representative Salisbury, the House adjourns, on a voice vote.

Recording Clerk




Lord, we have been sent to these positions of responsibility by the people. Make us mindful that we are their servants. Give us the wisdom and energy to serve them honestly and well.Amen.


(98-H 7682 as amended) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles.


JUNE 24, 1998

It is with mixed emotions that I pass along my best wishes to my friend and mentor George Caruolo who has chosen to end what can only be defined as a dignified and admirable career in the General Assembly.

I have known George Caruolo all of my political life. To me he has been a teacher, a confidant, but most importantly, a friend. The Rhode Island General Assembly is truly at a loss with his departure.

Just in the last few years, our Majority Leader has, time and again, demonstrated why he has rightfully earned his place as a leader among leaders. From his outspoken hard work against for-profit health care, to leading the national legislative agenda in electric utility deregulation, to restoring the public's confidence in the General Assembly, George has done it all. On these issues, and so many more, I have found it a privilege to work with such a skilled legislator.

George's politics are straightforward. His allegiances are in the populist spirit. And his dedication to his oath of oftice is unsurpassed. It must be hard to walk away from his commitments in State affairs, but I know he does so for the highest purpose: to spend time with his family and watch his children grow.

George has shown me how it all works and I will be forever grateful. There are very few people who can see the widest picture of the political world but George has seemed to take it all in and pass it along with relative ease.

And so, I now, albeit unwillingly, surrender George's good nature, kind heart, and commitment to the people over to history. We can only hope that this departure from elective ofiice is a short term affair. For my part, I will continue to rely on his deep knowledge of history, his understanding of electoral politics, and most of all his respect for Rhode Island.

In short, I want to publicly recognize how important George Caruolo has been to me. The Majority Leader's counsel, level of dedication, and unswerving skill of leadership that he has demonstrated throughout his tenure in public service, has been invaluable to me and something unique that we can all aspire to.

I want to wish George the best. I know his wife Joyce and his four children Andrew, David, John, and Lizzie will enjoy having the opportunity to spend more time with their husband and father. Yet, ifI might leave the Majority Leader one final message, it would be to enjoy your time away, make the most of your opportunities, but don't stray too far because those of us in public service expect you back amidst our ranks very soon.



In order for Thursday, June 25, 1998:

1. (98-H 9173) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of East Providence to finance the construction and installation of sanitary sewers on Dexter Road and Amaral Street and the construction and installation of connector utilities in the city including the issue of not more than $1,208,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

2. (98-H 9174) (Substitute "A") An Act authorizing the city of East Providence to finance the construction of sanitary sewers, the construction of storm drainage and electrical improvements and improvements to various buildings in the city and the acquisition and installation of a geographic information system including the issue of not more than $6,175,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

3. (98-H 9130) An Act authorizing the city of Woonsocket to finance the acquisition, construction, renovation or improvement of a public works facility and the equipping thereof and to issue not more than $2,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

4. (98-H 9056) An Act authorizing the city of Newport to finance the construction of an addition to, and the renovation, rehabilitation, improvement, furnishing and equipping of, the Newport Public Library and the grounds around the library, including, but not limited to, parking facilities, landscaping, utilities and lighting and to issue not more than $3,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

5. (98-H 8860) An Act relating to the collection of taxes generally.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

6. (98-H 8735) An Act relating to taxation -collection of taxes generally municipal lien certificates.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

7. (98-H 8672) An Act relating to taxation real estate construction Smithfield.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

8. (98-H 8609) An Act authorizing the town of Burrillville to finance the construction, equipping and furnishing of an addition to and remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to the High School and to issue not more than $12,500,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

9. (98-H 8488) An Act relating to taxation town of Glocester.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

10. (98-H 8448) An Act relating to taxation -levy and assessment of local taxes.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

11. (98-H 9129) An Act authorizing the city of Woonsocket to finance road improvements in the city and to issue not more than $10,000,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

12. (98-H 8965) An Act relating to dogs -animal control ordinances in the town of Narragansett.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

13. (98-H 9193) An Act authorizing the town of North Smithfield to finance the construction of schools and school facilities (including demolition of existing schools and school facilities) and/or additions, renovations, improvements, alterations and repairs, and to finance the purchase of furnishings and equipment for schools and school facilities in the town by the issuance of not more than $32,465,000 bonds and/or notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

14. (98-H 9176) An Act authorizing the city of East Providence to finance the construction and equipping of a fire station, the construction and equipping of an addition to the police station and a garage storage building for the Police Department and the acquisition of equipment including the issue of not more than $1,685,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

15. (98-H 9175) An Act authorizing the city of East Providence to finance the construction of an addition to the East Providence High School and the construction of improvements and the acquisition of equipment for various schools in the city including the issue of not more than $5,097,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

16. (98-H 9172) An Act authorizing the city of East providence to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a recreation center, athletic fields and other recreational facilities in the city and the development of plans with respect to the acquisition and development and/or relocation of recreation, library and other sites in the city including the issue of not more than $925,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

17. (98-H 9013) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for open space, recreation and agricultural purposes and for the development of a greenway system along the Saugatucket River and to issue not more than $1,100,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

18. (98-H 9011) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for and constructing, equipping and furnishing a Middle School and to issue not more than $10,000,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

19. (98-H 9010) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance public works capital improvement projects and to issue not more than $500,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

20. (98-H 9009) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for and constructing, equipping and furnishing a Senior Citizen Facility and Meal Site and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

21. (998-S 3036) An Act relating to harbors and harbor lines.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

22. (998-S 3061) An Act authorizing the town of Westerly to issue bonds and notes to an amount not exceeding $255,000 to finance the construction and expansion of sewers and sewerage systems in the Pickering Drive and Butterfly Drive areas of town.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.



In order for Friday, June 26, 1998:

1. (998-S 3171) An Act reinstating and restoring forfeited or revoked corporate charters.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

2. (998-S 3089) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance public works capital improvement projects and to issue not more than $500,000 bonds and notes therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

3. (998-S 3087) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for open space, recreation and agricultural purposes and for the development of a greenway system along the Saugatucket River and to issue not more than $1,100,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

4. (998-S 3047) An Act authorizing the town of North Kingstown to finance the new construction, expansion, remodeling, demolition, renovation, additions, improvements and/or related equipment for the North Kingstown High School and school administration building ... not more than $33,000,000 bonds.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

5. (998-S 3004 as amended) An Act relating to collection of taxes generally.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

6. (998-S 2900) An Act relating to taxation -town of North Providence.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

7. (998-S 2615 as amended) An Act state affairs and government enterprise zones Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

8. (998-S 2385) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Pawtuxet River Authority.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

9. (998-S 2424) An Act relating to Kingston fire district in the town of South Kingstown.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.



In order for Tuesday, June 30, 1998:

1. (98-H 9169) House Resolution extending the reporting date of the special House Commission to study all aspects of the Ferry Business in the State of Rhode Island and all matters relating thereto and to make recommendations therefor.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

Reading Clerk

Wednesday, June 24, 1998



In order for Thursday, June 25, 1998:

1. (98-H 9180) An Act relating to public utilities commission.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

2. (98-H 7608) (Substitute "A" as amended) House Resolution creating a special House Commission to study the rapid depletion of fin fish in Rhode Island coastal waters.

Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended.

3. (98-H 7883) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to public utilities and carriers.

Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

4. (98-H 7468 as amended) An Act relating to health and safety.

Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends passage as amended.

5. (98-H 7993) (Substitute "A") An Act creating the commission on Indian Affiars.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

6. (98-H 9103) House Resolution creating a special House Commission to study the economic feasibility of the development of a third rail to Quonset.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

7. (98-H 9145) Joint Resolution reinstating the life of and extending the reporting and expiration dates of the special legislative commission to study review, revise and update laws relating to the administration of retail liquor licenses.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

8. (98-H 9183) House Resolution creating a special House Commission to study the Utilization Review Act.

Committee on Special Legislation recommends passage.

9. (98-H 8949) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to holidays and days of special observance.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

10. (98-H 7479) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to workers' compensation - general provisions.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

11. (998-S 2838 as amended) An Act relating to public utilities- 911 system.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

12. (998-S 2801) An Act relating to financial institutions.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

13. (998-S 2748) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles - mobile amd manufactured homes.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

14. (998-S 2662 as amended) An Act relating to the award of municipal contracts.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

15. (998-S 2648 as amended) An Act relating to arbitration.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

16. (998-S 2644) An Act relating to fire detection systems in existing residential occupancies.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

17. (998-S 2499) An Act relating to foreign insurance companies.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

18. (998-S 2350) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to massage therapy establishments.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

19. (998-S 2274 as amended) An Act relating to businesses and professions display of license registration by contractors.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

20. (998-S 2255 as amended) An Act relating to insurance- health maintenance organization.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

21. (998-S 2218) An Act relating to towns and cities.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

22. (998-S 2203) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles- motor vehicles reparations act.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

23. (998-S 2131) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to motor vehicles registration fees.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

24. (998-S 2738) An Act relating to waters and navigation water pollution. Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends passage.

25. (998-S 2853 as amended) An Act relating to scenic highways. Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends passage as amended.

26. (998-S 2560 as amended) An Act relating to businesses and professions requiring the registration of roofing contractors.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

27. (998-S 2534 as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

28. (998-S 2174) An Act relating to labor and labor relations- wages.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

29. (998-S 2089) An Act relating to insurance - temporary disability insurance.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

30. (998-S 2415) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to labor and labor relations fair employment practices.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

31. (998-S 2142) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

32. (998-S 2211) An Act relating to labor and labor relations- arbitration of school teacher disputes.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

33. (998-S 2591) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to arbitration of school teacher disputes.

Committee on Labor recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.



In order for Friday, June 26, 1998:

1. (98-H 8129) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to family independence act.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

2. (98-H 7407) An Act making an appropriation to pay Vietnam bonuses.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

3. (98-H 7635) An Act relating to motor and other vehicles- registration fees.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

4. (98-H 8318) An Act relating to registration of leased vehicles.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

5. (98-H 8444) An Act relating to sales tax -flea markets.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

6. (98-H 9151) An Act incorporating the New England Institute of Technology.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

7. (98-H 9194) An Act relating to insurance.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

8. (98-H 9190 as amended) An Act relating to businesses and professions - plumbers.

Committee on Labor recommends pasage as amended.

9. (98-H 8182) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state retirement system - definition of active member.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

10. (98-H 8348) An Act relating to employment security - reed act transfers.

Committee on Finance recommends passage.

11. (98-H 7514) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state affairs and government workforce 2000 council.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

12. (98-H 7996) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to alcoholic beverages general provisions.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

13. (98-H 8180) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to municipal retirement system -transfer of credit and contribution.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A.

14. (98-H 8190) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to towns and cities retirement of municipal employees.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

15. (98-H 7666) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to education and school discipline code.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

16. (98-H 8142) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to financial institutions - creation and expansion - school savings programs.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

17. (98-H 7569) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to emergency management.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

18. (98-H 7774) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to human services residential care and assited living facilities.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

19. (98-H 9191 as amended) An Act relating to employment security.

Committee on Labor recommends passage as amended.

20. (98-H 9168) An Act relating to taxation -Westerly Arts District.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

21. (98-H 7895) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to Family Court.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

22. (98-H 8987) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to public corporation debt management.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute cc~~~(

23. (98-H 7886) (Substitute cc A,,) An Act relating to motor vehicles - certificates of titles and security interests.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute cc~~J(

24. (98-H 7779) (Substitute cc An Act relating to elections- campaign contributions and expenditures reporting.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A"

25. (98-H 7652) (Substitute cc A'') An Act relating to businesses and professions pharmacy.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

26. (98-H 7857) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to public officers and employees.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

27. (98-H 7294) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to taxation business corporation tax.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A".

28. (98-H 8176) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to retirement system administration.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A"

29. (98-H 8150) An Act relating to Department of Environmental Management.

Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends passage.

30. (98-H 7885) (Substitute "A" as amended) An Act relating to waters and navigation -Coastal Resources Management Council.

Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute "A" as amended.

31. (98-H 7104) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to waters and navigation.

Joint Committee on Environment and Energy recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

32. (98-H 7199) (Substitute cc B An Act relating to offenses pertaining to schools.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage in concurrence.

33. (98-H 7702 as amended) An Act relating to certification of child care and youth workers.

Committee on Health, Education and Welfare recommends passage as amended.

34. (998-S 2944) (Substitute "A") Joint Resolution making an appropriation to pay certain claims.

Ordered on the Calendar.

35. (998-S 2048) An Act relating to public finance management board - comprehensive review.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

36. (998-S 2653) An Act relating to Rhode Island Job Development Act.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

37. (998-S 2484) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to state retirement systems definition of active member.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

38. (998-S 2485) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to municipal retirement systems -transfer of credit and contribution.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

39. (998-S 2006) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to towns and cities - retirement of municipal employees.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.

40. (998-S 2804 as amended) An Act relating to labor and labor relations.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

41. (998-S 2850 as amended) Joint Resolution creating a special legisalative commission to study the feasibility of allowing unionized classified employees at all higher education institutions to be able to negotiate directly with the Rhode Island Board of Governors.

Committee on Labor recommends passage in concurrence.

42. (998-S 2594) An Act relating to towns and cities - municipal court - town of Bristol.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

43. (998-S 3084) An Act authorizing the town of South Kingstown to finance the acquisition of land for and constructing and furnishing a senior center facility and meal sites and to issue not more than $1,000,000 bonds therefor.

Committee on Corporations reccommends passage in concurrence.

44. (998-S 3124) An Act relating to solemnization of marriages.

Committee on Judiciary recommends passage in concurrence.

45. (998-S 2526) (Substitute cc A An Act relating to taxation- personal income tax.

Committee on Finance recommends passage in concurrence.



In order for Tuesday, June 30, 1998:

1. (98-H 7647) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to health and safety - the State of Rhode Island Cancer Council, Inc.

Committee on Finance recommends indefinite postponement of the original bill and passage of Substitute

2. (98-H 7959) An Act relating to the city of Newport boarding and landing fees.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage.

3. (998-S 2273) An Act relating to businesses and professions.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

4. (998-S 2285) An Act relating to insurance.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

5. (998-S 2462) An Act relating to insurance.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

6. (998-S 2295) An Act relating to insurance.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

7. (998-S 2999) (Substitute A as amended) An Act relating to property exempt from attachment - homestead exemption.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

8. (998-S 2847) (Substitute "A") An Act relating to businesses and professions oriental medicine.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

9. (998-S 2962) An Act relating to motor manufactured homes.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

10. (998-S 2278 as amended) An Act relating to businesses and professions - pharmacy.

Committee on Corporations recommends passage in concurrence.

Reading Clerk

Wednesday, June 24, 1998

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