05-R 042

2005 -- H 5336

Enacted 02/03/05


H O U S E  R E S O L U T I O N





     Introduced By: Representatives Lima, Ajello, Naughton, Diaz, and Dennigan

     Date Introduced: February 03, 2005




     WHEREAS, February 4, 2005 has been marked as "Rhode Island Goes Red for Women

Day" in the State of Rhode Island; and

     WHEREAS, Traditionally, heart disease has been thought of as a "man's problem."

Statistics have proven otherwise. Heart disease is the number one killer among women in

America, followed by stroke being the 3rd leading cause of death; and

     WHEREAS, The biggest misnomer has been that breast cancer is the leading cause of

death among women. However, more than 1 in every 5 females have some form of cardiovascular

disease, claiming over 505,000 female lives every year, more than the next seven causes of death

combined, and nearly twice as many as all forms of cancer including breast cancer; and

     WHEREAS, "The Rhode Island Goes Red for Women Day" is designed to encourage

women to pay close attention to their hearts and mostly to be aware that cardiovascular disease

among women is serious and should not be taken lightly. This awareness and the action in which

they take to prevent cardiovascular disease will help them live longer, stronger lives; and

     WHEREAS, Ms. Linda Newton of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island and Dr.

Kathleen Hittner of the Miriam Hospital are leading the American Heart Association's efforts by

bringing together Rhode Island's corporate and civic leading ladies to educate all Rhode Island

women on effects of cardiovascular disease and how they can prevent their risk; now, therefore

be it

     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island and

Providence Plantations hereby recognizes February 4, 2005 as "Rhode Island Goes Red for

Women Day" and urge all citizens to wear red in recognition of family, friends and neighbors

who have suffered from heart disease, and as a show of support to fight it. By increasing

awareness of risk factors for this devastating disease and taking actions to reduce them, we can

save thousands of lives each year; and be it further

     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and he hereby is authorized and directed to

transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the American Heart Association, Ms. Linda

Newton of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island and Dr. Kathleen Hittner of the Miriam



