06-R 159

2006 -- S 2975

Enacted 03/28/06


S E N A T E  R E S O L U T I O N






     Introduced By: Senators Tassoni, Ciccone, and F Caprio

     Date Introduced: March 28, 2006



     WHEREAS, This Senate finds and declares:

     (1) That emergency management is a critical government function;

     (2) That natural disasters such as hurricanes Katrina and Rita, public health threats such

as avian/pandemic flu, and terrorism acts and threats, have made clear that high quality, well

coordinated emergency management plans and implementation programs are necessary and in the

public interest, and;

     (3) That defective emergency management plans and implementation programs can result

in increased deaths, injuries, property losses and environmental damage; now, therefore be it

     RESOLVED, That a special senate commission be and the same is hereby created

consisting of five (5) members: five (5) of whom shall be members of the Senate, not more than

four (4) from the same political party, to be appointed by the President of the Senate.

     In lieu of any appointment of a member of the legislature to a permanent advisory

commission, a legislative study commission, or any commission created by a senate resolution,

the appointing authority may appoint a member of the general public to serve in lieu of a

legislator, provided that the Majority Leader or the Minority Leader of the political party which is

entitled to the appointment consent to the appointment of the member of the general public.

     The purpose of said commission shall be to study the status, including the quality,

professionalism, and effectiveness of emergency management plans and implementation

programs in Rhode Island.

     Forthwith upon passage of this resolution, the members of the commission shall meet at

the call of the Senate President and organize and shall select, from among the legislators, a

chairperson. Vacancies in said commission shall be filled in like manner as the original


     The membership of said commission shall receive no compensation for their services.

     All departments and agencies of the state shall furnish such advice and information,

documentary and otherwise, to said commission and its agents as is deemed necessary or

desirable by the commission to facilitate the purposes of this resolution.

     The Joint Committee on Legislative Services is hereby authorized and directed to provide

suitable quarters for said commission; and be it further

     RESOLVED, That the commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the

Senate no later than February 1, 2007, and said commission shall expire on June 30, 2007.



