FY 2010


     SECTION 1. Subject to the conditions, limitations and restrictions hereinafter contained

in this article, the following general revenue amounts are hereby appropriated out of any money

in the treasury not otherwise appropriated to be expended during the fiscal year ending June 30,

2010. The amounts identified for federal funds and restricted receipts shall be made available

pursuant to Section 35-4-22 and Chapter 42-41 of the Rhode Island General Laws. For the

purposes and functions hereinafter mentioned, the state controller is hereby authorized and

directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of such sums or such

portions thereof as may be required from time to time upon receipt by him or her of properly

authenticated vouchers.


                                                                        FY 2010           FY 2010           FY 2010

      Enacted Change Final


     Central Management

      General Revenues                                       1,653,123          (338,266)          1,314,857

      Federal Funds                                             41,246               (41,246)            0

      Total - Central Management                        1,694,369          (379,512)          1,314,857

     Legal Services

      General Revenue                                         1,088,274          485,775             1,574,049

      Other Funds

      Legal Support/DOT                                     25,595               12,919               38,514

      Total - Legal Services                                  1,113,869          498,694             1,612,563

     Accounts and Control

      General Revenues                                       3,814,166          (264,311)          3,549,855

      Stimulus - Accounts and Control                   140,000             (140,000)          0

      Total – Accounts and Control                       3,954,166          (404,311)          3,549,855

      Budgeting General Revenues                     2,003,345          (276,136)          1,727,209


      General Revenues                                       2,050,754          107,800             2,158,554

      Federal Funds                                             0                      37,717               37,717

      Stimulus - Purchasing                                  570,000             (570,000)          0

      Restricted Receipts                                     0                      88,740               88,740

      Total – Purchasing                                      2,620,754          (335,743)          2,285,011


      General Revenues                                       1,465,588          (263,367)          1,202,221

      Stimulus - Auditing                                      70,000               (70,000)            0

      Restricted Receipts                                     0                      91,144               91,144

      Total – Auditing                                          1,535,588          (242,223)          1,293,365

     Human Resources

      General Revenues                                       9,872,296          (1,368,653)        8,503,643

      Federal Funds                                             726,665             (135,772)          590,893

      Restricted Receipts                                     437,675             (81,055)            356,620

      Other Funds                                                1,379,919          (44,371)            1,335,548

      Total - Human Resources                            12,416,555         (1,629,851)        10,786,704

     Personnel Appeal Board General Revenues             84,090               (3,027)              81,063

     Facilities Management

      General Revenues                                       37,680,174         (6,430,949)        31,249,225

      Federal Funds                                             1,214,588          (281,333)          933,255

      Restricted Receipts                                     1,038,271          (170,531)          867,740

      Other Funds                                                4,443,003          (570,223)          3,872,780

      Total – Facilities Management                      44,376,036         (7,453,036)        36,923,000

     Capital Projects and Property Management

      General Revenues                                       2,613,613          18,816 2,           632,429

      Stimulus - Capital Projects                           80,000               45,625               125,625

      Restricted Receipts                                     1,113,397          (105,417)          1,007,980

      Total – Capital Projects and Property Mgmt 3,807,010           (40,976)            3,766,034

     Information Technology

      General Revenues                                       18,637,302         (347,851)          18,289,451

      Federal Funds                                             6,458,209          (1,363,091)        5,095,118

      Stimulus - Information Technology                390,000             (242,386)          147,614

      Restricted Receipts                                     985,163             (119,760)          865,403

      Other Funds                                                1,698,714          (26,970)            1,671,744

      Total – Information Technology                    28,169,388         (2,100,058)        26,069,330

     Library and Information Services

      General Revenues                                       884,607             (51,224)            833,383

      Federal Funds                                             1,025,116          254,137             1,279,253

      Restricted Receipts                                     6,000                (3,000)              3,000

      Total - Library and Information Services       1,915,723          199,913             2,115,636


      General Revenues                                       3,466,719          (168,153)          3,298,566

      Federal Funds                                             14,196,840         (4,634,946)        9,561,894

      Stimulus - Planning                                      3,681,730          (997,172)          2,684,558

      Other Funds

      Federal Highway - PL Systems Planning      2,002,192          706,822             2,709,014

      Air Quality Modeling                                   10,000               0                      10,000

      Total - Planning                                           23,357,481         (5,093,449)        18,264,032


      General Revenues

     Economic Development Corporation              5,500,807          (82,435)            5,418,372

     EDC – RI Airport Corporation Impact Aid     1,025,000          0                      1,025,000

     Sixty percent (60%) of the first $1,000,000 appropriated funds shall be distributed to each

airport serving more than 1,000,000 passengers based upon its percentage of the total passengers

served by all airports serving more than 1,000,000 passengers. Forty percent (40%) of the first

$1,000,000 shall be distributed to North Central Airport, Newport-Middletown Airport, Block

Island Airport, Quonset Airport, TF Green Airport, and Westerly Airport based on the share of

landings during the calendar year 2006 2009, respectively. No airport shall receive less than

$25,000. Each airport receiving any portion of the amount appropriated shall make an impact

payment to the towns or cities in which the airport is located in the full amounts received from the

Corporation within thirty (30) days of the payment from the Corporation.

     Each community upon which any parts of the above airports are located shall receive at

least $25,000.

      EDC – EPScore (Research Alliance)           1,500,000          0                      1,500,000

      Miscellaneous Grants                                   395,956             0                      395,956

      Slater Centers of Excellence                        2,000,000          0                      2,000,000

      Torts – Courts                                             400,000             400,000             800,000

      Transfer to RICAP                                     22,000,000         (22,000,000)      0

      State Employees/Teachers Retiree Health Subsidy 2,344,502    0                    2,344,502

      Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Payment             135,306,888       (18,126,896)      117,179,992

      Property Valuation                                      1,843,500          (219,129)          1,624,371

      Payment in Lieu of Tax Exempt Properties   27,580,409         0                      27,580,409

      Distressed Communities Relief Program       10,384,458         0                      10,384,458

      Station Fire                                                 10,000,000         (10,000,000)      0

      Resource Sharing and State Library Aid       8,773,398          0                      8,773,398

      Library Construction Aid                              2,844,547          (105,059)          2,739,488

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,378,997          0                      1,378,997

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Statehouse Renovations                               2,500,000          (500,000)          2,000,000

      Lead Mitigation Group Homes                      85,338               (85,338)            0

      Cranston Street Armory                               300,000             (250,000)          50,000

      Cannon Building                                          275,000             285,000             560,000

      Pastore Center Rehab. DOA                       800,000             (300,000)          500,000

      Zambarano Building Rehabilitation                900,000             691,462             1,591,462

      Old State House                                          250,000             (200,000)          50,000

      State Office Building                                   1,350,000          (500,000)          850,000

      Old Colony House                                       270,000             75,000               345,000

      Neighborhood Opportunities Program           2,500,000          0                      2,500,000

     William Powers Building                               500,000             700,000             1,200,000

     Fire Code Compliance State Buildings            400,000             444,348             844,348

     Pastore Center Fire Code Compliance           550,000             226,299             776,299

     Pastore Center Water Tanks                         415,000             (197,392)          217,608

     Ladd Center Water System                           350,000             50,000               400,000

     Pastore Center Power Plant                          1,000,000          (893,398)          106,602

     Replacement of Fueling Tanks                      725,000             85,000               810,000

     Environmental Compliance                            250,000             0                      250,000

     Pastore Utilities Upgrade                              1,500,000          (700,000)          800,000

     Pastore Center Building Demolition               200,000             (200,000)          0

     Veterans Memorial Auditorium                     0                      1,000,000          1,000,000

     McCoy Stadium                                           407,500             592,500             1,000,000

     Washington County Government Center        75,000               178,000             253,000

     Hazard Building Renovations                         650,000             300,532             950,532

     DoIT Computer Center                                 3,968,224          988,057             4,956,281

     Forand Building Exterior Shell                       0                      201,972 2          01,972

     Chapin Health Laboratory                             0                      100,000             100,000

      Total – General                                           253,499,524       (48,041,477)      205,458,047

     Debt Service Payments

      General Revenues                                       157,553,100       (8,406,660)        149,146,440

     Federal Funds                                              809,471             0                      809,471

     Restricted Receipts                                      6,309,696          934,726             7,244,422

     Other Funds

      RIPTA Debt Service                                   826,370             (1,573)              824,797

      Transportation Debt Service                         41,350,022         (1,385,797)        39,964,225

     RIRBA - DLT – Temporary Disability Insurance 45,586        0                      45,586

     Investment Receipts – Bond Funds                100,000             0                      100,000

     COPS - DLT Building – TDI                        279,166             0                      279,166

      Total - Debt Service Payments                     207,273,411       (8,859,304)        198,414,107

     Energy Resources

     Federal Funds                                              41,107,828         12,444,521         53,552,349

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              6,800,000          12,398,777         19,198,777

     Restricted Receipts

     American Electric Power – Weatherization    0                      240,000             240,000

     Overcharge Interest Earnings                        222,040             (40)                  222,000

     Energy Efficiency and Resources Mgmt. Council 58,801         (14,107)            44,694

     Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative                4,900,000          6,494,889          11,394,889

     Renewable Energy Fund Administration         123,804             (111,680)          12,124

     Demand Side Management Grants                2,026,726          1,783,274          3,810,000

      Total – Energy Resources                            55,239,199         33,235,634         88,474,833

     Pension Changes

      General Revenues

     Pension Reform                                           5,474,761          (5,474,761)        0

     Pension Reform FY 2010                              0                      (3,305,996)        (3,305,996)

      Federal Funds

     Pension Reform                                           2,862,204          (2,862,204)        0

     Pension Reform FY 2010                              0                      (1,281,809)        (1,281,809)

      Restricted Receipts

     Pension Reform                                           337,944             (337,944)          0

     Pension Reform FY 2010                              0                      (345,633)          (345,633)

      Other Funds

     Pension Reform                                           769,799             (769,799)          0

     Pension Reform FY 2010                              0                      (566,230)          (566,230)

      Total – Pension Changes                             9,444,708          (14,944,376)      (5,499,668)

     Operational Savings General Revenues       (67,881,345)      67,881,345         0

     Sheriffs General Revenues                           17,240,788         (2,397,165)        14,843,623

      Grand Total – Administration                       601,864,659       9,614,942          611,479,601

     Business Regulation

     Central Management General Revenues      1,084,422          96,514               1,180,936

     Banking Division

     General Revenues                                        1,749,677          (235,977)          1,513,700

     Restricted Receipts                                      125,000             0                      125,000

      Total - Banking Division                               1,874,677          (235,977)          1,638,700

     Securities Division

     General Revenues                                        823,110             (109,139)          713,971

     Restricted Receipts                                      15,000               0                      15,000

      Total - Securities Division                            838,110             (109,139)          728,971

     Commercial Licensing, Racing & Athletics

     General Revenues                                        795,557             (16,223)            779,334

     Restricted Receipts                                      449,196             (2,014)              447,182

      Total - Commercial Licensing, Racing

      & Athletics                                                 1,244,753          (18,237)            1,226,516

     Insurance Regulation

     General Revenues                                        4,645,367          (668,693)          3,976,674

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,165,615          (18,899)            1,146,716

      Total - Insurance Regulation                        5,810,982          (687,592)          5,123,390

     Board of Accountancy General Revenues    164,526             (7,520)              157,006

     Board for Design Professionals General Revenues 314,575 (13,821)            300,754

      Grand Total - Business Regulation                11,332,045         (975,772)          10,356,273

     Labor and Training

     Central Management

     General Revenues                                        310,311             (239,497)          70,814

     Restricted Receipts                                      832,687             (260,997)          571,690

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Center General Roof                                   793,001             (745,543)          47,458

      Total - Central Management                        1,935,999          (1,246,037)        689,962

     Workforce Development Services

     General Revenues                                        95,409               (18,196)            77,213

     Federal Funds                                              18,189,313         11,083,009         29,272,322

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              12,836,684         (124,837)          12,711,847

     Restricted Receipts                                      11,793,736         (1,612,468)        10,181,268

     Other Funds                                                 0                      100,000             100,000

      Total - Workforce Development Services     42,915,142         9,427,508          52,342,650

     Workforce Regulation and Safety General Revenues 2,254,033   (208,840)   2,045,193

     Income Support

     General Revenues                                        3,581,636          458,002             4,039,638

     Federal Funds                                              19,170,615         2,702,567          21,873,182

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              1,520,000          150,683             1,670,683

     Federal Funds - Stimulus - UI                        162,650,000       128,790,000       291,440,000

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,301,331          368,595             1,669,926

     Other Funds

      Temporary Disability Insurance Fund            182,191,509       (19,368,876)      162,822,633

      Employment Security Fund                           500,700,000       71,312,920         572,012,920

      Total - Income Support                                871,115,091       184,413,891       1,055,528,982

     Injured Workers Services Restricted Receipts 11,387,196     (1,791,410)        9,595,786

     Labor Relations Board General Revenues   426,605             (51,322)            375,283

      Grand Total - Labor and Training                 930,034,066       190,543,790       1,120,577,856

     Department of Revenue

     Director of Revenue General Revenues       562,988             (184,144)          378,844

     Office of Revenue Analysis General Revenues 598,055         (184,675)          413,380

     Lottery Division Lottery Funds                     187,710,749       3,773,181          191,483,930

     Municipal Finance General Revenues         1,173,544          (121,448)          1,052,096


     General Revenues                                        17,028,276         (1,811,534)        15,216,742

     Federal Funds                                              1,292,658          (178,250)          1,114,408

     Federal Funds-Stimulus                                 0                      16,258               16,258

     Restricted Receipts                                      830,192             (105,340)          724,852

     Other Funds

      Motor Fuel Tax Evasion                               105,149             (23,064)            82,085

      Temporary Disability Insurance                    948,004             (128,182)          819,822

      Total – Taxation                                          20,204,279         (2,230,112)        17,974,167

     Registry of Motor Vehicles

     General Revenues                                        16,828,201         (543,874)          16,284,327

     Federal Funds                                              1,312,271          (23,797)            1,288,474

     Restricted Receipts                                      15,100               4,350,000          4,365,100

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds-Registry      11,400,000         1,487,680          12,887,680

      Total – Registry of Motor Vehicles               29,555,572         5,270,009          34,825,581

      Grand Total – Revenue                                239,805,187       6,322,811          246,127,998


     General Revenues                                        35,874,012         (1,931,479)        33,942,533

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,556,712          (53,681)            1,503,031

      Grand Total – Legislature                            37,430,724         (1,985,160)        35,445,564

     Lieutenant Governor General Revenues     973,262             (96,646)            876,616


     Administration General Revenues                1,904,137          (68,627)            1,835,510

     Corporations General Revenues                  1,782,133          (36,639)            1,745,494

     State Archives

     General Revenues                                        80,084               0                      80,084

     Restricted Receipts                                      474,338             22,587               496,925

      Total - State Archives                                  554,422             22,587               577,009

     Elections & Civics

     General Revenues                                        878,262             (170,385)          707,877

     Federal Funds                                              500,000             (91,600)            408,400

      Total – Elections and Civics                         1,378,262          (261,985)          1,116,277

     State Library General Revenues                   575,937             (23,449)            552,488

     Office of Public Information General Revenues 300,688      (720)                299,968

      Grand Total – State                                     6,495,579          (368,833)          6,126,746

     General Treasurer


     General Revenues                                        2,367,841          (289,026)          2,078,815

     Federal Funds                                              249,523             4,516                254,039

     Other Funds

      Temporary Disability Insurance Fund            202,290             11,884               214,174

      Total – Treasury                                         2,819,654          (272,626)          2,547,028

     State Retirement System

     Restricted Receipts

      Admin Expenses - State Retirement System 9,097,737           238,042             9,335,779

      Retirement - Treasury Investment Operations 1,109,132        4,041                1,113,173

      Total - State Retirement System                   10,206,869         242,083             10,448,952

     Unclaimed Property Restricted Receipts      15,051,045         1,826,682          16,877,727

     RI Refunding Bond Authority General Revenues 41,641       (9,159)              32,482

     Crime Victim Compensation Program

     General Revenues                                        90,817               (3,230)              87,587

     Federal Funds                                              858,017             (21,076)            836,941

     Federal Funds - Stimulus                               186,000             (375)                185,625

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,482,589          20,628               1,503,217

      Total - Crime Victim Compensation Program 2,617,423         (4,053)              2,613,370

      Grand Total – General Treasurer                  30,736,632         1,782,927          32,519,559

     Board of Elections

     General Revenues                                        1,600,141          (441,810)          1,158,331

     Federal Funds                                              250,000             (29,419)            220,581

      Grand Total - Board of Elections                  1,850,141          (471,229)          1,378,912

     Rhode Island Ethics Commission General Revenues 1,437,730  (25,073)    1,412,657

     Office of Governor

     General Revenues                                        4,856,754          (534,324)          4,322,430

     Contingency Fund                                         250,000             (156,000)          94,000

     From the appropriation for contingency shall be paid such sums as may be required at the

discretion of the Governor to fund expenses for which appropriations may not exist. Such

contingency funds may also be used for expenditures in departments and agencies where

appropriations are insufficient, or where such requirements are due to unforeseen conditions or

are non-recurring items of an unusual nature. Said appropriation may also be used for the

payment of bills incurred due to emergencies or to any offense against public peace and property,

in accordance with the provisions of Titles 11 and 45 of the General Laws of 1956, as amended.

All expenditures and transfers from this account shall be approved by the Governor.

     Federal Stimulus - OERR 630,630 (595,630) 35,000

     Restricted Receipts - OERR                         0                      1,257,414          1,257,414

      Grand Total – Office of Governor                5,737,384          (28,540)            5,708,844

     Commission for Human Rights

     General Revenues                                        1,016,242          (56,988)            959,254

     Federal Funds                                              408,505            (95,286)            313,219

      Grand Total - Commission for Human Rights 1,424,747          (152,274)          1,272,473

     Public Utilities Commission

     Federal Funds                                              103,600             (7,070)              96,530

     Federal Funds-Stimulus                                 0                      107,334             107,334

     Restricted Receipts                                      7,308,931          (190,764)          7,118,167

      Grand Total - Public Utilities Commission      7,412,531          (90,500)            7,322,031

     Rhode Island Commission on Women

     General Revenues                                        109,462             (40,192)            69,270

     Office of Health and Human Services

     General Revenues                                        3,621,896          (358,776)          3,263,120

     Federal Funds                                              4,484,003          (630,584)          3,853,419

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,284,790          (424,144)          860,646

      Grand Total – Health and Human Services   9,390,689          (1,413,504)        7,977,185

     Children, Youth, and Families

     Central Management

     General Revenues                                        5,077,434          (1,052,910)        4,024,524

     Federal Funds                                              2,274,715          (460,577)          1,814,138

     Restricted Receipts                                      0                      507,014             507,014

      Total - Central Management                        7,352,149          (1,006,473)        6,345,676

     Children's Behavioral Health Services

     General Revenues                                        10,687,390         801,135             11,488,525

     Federal Funds                                              9,494,176          3,937,083          13,431,259

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              758,871             379,138             1,138,009

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Groden Center Mt. Hope                             50,000               (33,545)            16,455

      NAFI Center                                              584,224             (584,224)          0

      Groden Center Cowesett                             0                      62,000               62,000

      Total - Children's Behavioral Health Services 21,574,661       4,561,587          26,136,248

     Juvenile Correctional Services

     General Revenues                                        34,117,789         (3,332,897)        30,784,892

     Federal Funds                                              1,706,512          648,615             2,355,127

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              310,257             236,410             546,667

     Restricted Receipts                                      23,059               (23,059)            0

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Training School-Girls’ Facility (Adolph Meyer) 0                   100,000             100,000

      Total - Juvenile Correctional Services           36,157,617         (2,370,931)        33,786,686

     Child Welfare

      General Revenues                                       99,526,633         (2,842,672)        96,683,961

      18 to 21 Year Olds                                      9,213,181          (110,997)          9,102,184

     Federal Funds

      Federal Funds                                             60,445,770         (5,230,188)        55,215,582

      18 to 21 Year Olds                                      3,095,672          1,088,925          4,184,597

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              7,418,972          (1,115,403)        6,303,569

     Restricted Receipts                                      2,180,000          (174,207)          2,005,793

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Camp E-Hun-Tee                                        85,000               (85,000)            0

      Fire Code Upgrades                                    500,000             (12,636)            487,364

      Total - Child Welfare                                   182,465,228       (8,482,178)        173,983,050

     Higher Education Incentive Grants General Revenues 200,000        0          200,000

      Grand Total - Children, Youth, and Families 247,749,655        (7,297,995)        240,451,660

     Elderly Affairs

     General Revenue

      General Revenues                                       8,776,624          (1,958,340)        6,818,284

      RIPAE                                                       1,142,763          (139,948)          1,002,815

      Safety and Care of the Elderly                     1,300                0                      1,300

     Federal Funds                                              13,842,956         3,301,658          17,144,614

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              1,367,408          (5)                    1,367,403

     Restricted Receipts                                      392,115             702,228             1,094,343

      Grand Total - Elderly Affairs                        25,523,166         1,905,593          27,428,759


     Central Management

     General Revenues                                        1,811,914          (96,394)            1,715,520

     Federal Funds                                              9,260,272          9,693,934          18,954,206

     Restricted Receipts                                      2,504,304          639,765             3,144,069

      Total - Central Management                        13,576,490         10,237,305         23,813,795

     State Medical Examiner

     General Revenues                                        2,439,972          183,753             2,623,725

     Federal Funds                                              135,017             100,108             235,125

      Total - State Medical Examiner                    2,574,989          283,861             2,858,850

     Environmental and Health Services Regulation

     General Revenues                                        8,914,730          (1,424,196)        7,490,534

     Federal Funds                                              3,811,915          620,537             4,432,452

     Restricted Receipts                                      3,332,067          387,101             3,719,168

      Total - Environmental and Health Services

      Regulation                                                   16,058,712         (416,558)          15,642,154

     Health Laboratories

     General Revenues                                        7,079,007          (286,918)          6,792,089

     Federal Funds                                              900,905             405,013             1,305,918

      Total - Health Laboratories                          7,979,912          118,095             8,098,007

     Public Health Information

     General Revenues                                        1,945,787          (234,763)          1,711,024

     Federal Funds                                              2,348,236          (652,946)          1,695,290

     Total – Public Health Information                  4,294,023          (887,709)          3,406,314

     Community and Family Health and Equity

     General Revenues                                        5,089,737          (680,223)          4,409,514

     Federal Funds                                              56,830,511         3,142,973          59,973,484

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              2,343,752          (1,585,336)        758,416

     Restricted Receipts                                      18,857,066         33,277               18,890,343

     Other Funds

      Walkable Communities Initiative                   46,263               (33,172)            13,091

      Safe and Active Commuting                         0                      56,749               56,749

      RI Airport Corporation Funds                       185,149             (91,979)            93,170

      Total – Community and Family Health

      & Equity                                                     83,352,478         842,289             84,194,767

     Infectious Disease and Epidemiology

     General Revenues                                        2,273,425          (56,562)            2,216,863

     Federal Funds                                              2,200,762          (68,335)            2,132,427

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      201,830             201,830

     Total – Infectious Disease and Epidemiology 4,474,187           76,933               4,551,120

      Grand Total – Health                                   132,310,791       10,254,216         142,565,007

     Human Services

     Central Management

     General Revenues                                        5,980,973          (923,342)          5,057,631

     Federal Funds                                              5,255,506          (163,010)          5,092,496

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              3,176,247          1,015,686          4,191,933

     Restricted Receipts                                      601,715             198,286             800,001

      Total - Central Management                        15,014,441         127,620             15,142,061

     Child Support Enforcement

     General Revenues                                        2,373,898          (162,863)          2,211,035

     Federal Funds                                              5,924,700          (135,567)          5,789,133

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              2,300,000          0                      2,300,000

      Total – Child Support Enforcement               10,598,598         (298,430)          10,300,168

     Individual and Family Support

     General Revenues                                        22,152,850         (1,641,831)        20,511,019

     Federal Funds                                              57,876,042         990,789             58,866,831

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              2,350,000          19,212,960         21,562,960

     Restricted Receipts                                      134,150             45,850               180,000

     Other Funds

      Food Stamp Bonus Funding                          0                      150,000             150,000

      Intermodal Surface Transportation Fund       4,400,000          (215,000)          4,185,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Blind Vending Facilities                                125,000             (50,000)            75,000

      Total - Individual and Family Support            87,038,042         18,492,768         105,530,810

     Veterans' Affairs

     General Revenues                                        17,852,470         (138,773)          17,713,697

     Federal Funds                                              5,933,514          769,281             6,702,795

     Restricted Receipts                                      2,273,637          (609,037)          1,664,600

      Total - Veterans' Affairs                              26,059,621         21,471               26,081,092

     Health Care Quality, Financing and Purchasing

     General Revenues                                        21,771,668         (2,252,931)        19,518,737

     Federal Funds                                              44,871,085         (488,068)          44,383,017

     Federal Funds-Stimulus                                 0                      2,400,000          2,400,000

     Restricted Receipts                                      60,000               0                      60,000

      Total - Health Care Quality,

      Financing & Purchasing                               66,702,753         (340,999)          66,361,754

     Medical Benefits

     General Revenues

      Managed Care                                            205,075,368       (1,388,887)        203,686,481

      Hospitals                                                     97,221,709         5,321,374          102,543,083

      Long Term Care

      Nursing Facilities                                         105,152,488       13,074,712         118,227,200

      Home and Community Based Services         24,491,324         (5,231,820)        19,259,504

      Other                                                          28,303,764         10,548,746         38,852,510

      Pharmacy                                                   48,704,880         (18,790,200)      29,914,680

      Rhody Health                                              53,398,400         2,345,200          55,743,600

     Federal Funds

      Managed Care                                            307,580,071       (9,115,848)        298,464,223

      Hospitals                                                     117,144,752       12,558,528         129,703,280

      Long Term Care

      Nursing Facilities                                         153,952,160       18,643,640         172,595,800

      Home and Community Based Services         35,718,777         (7,630,221)        28,088,556

      Other                                                          47,823,829         16,738,767         64,562,596

     Pharmacy                                                    5,840,820          (131,550)          5,709,270

     Rhody Health                                               77,877,600         3,420,300          81,297,900

     Special Education                                         20,733,240         0                      20,733,240

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              138,618,537       13,273,710         151,892,247

     Restricted Receipts                                      5,246,911          568,089             5,815,000

      Total - Medical Benefits                              1,472,884,630    54,204,540         1,527,089,170

     Supplemental Security Income Program

     General Revenues                                        20,706,354         1,301,166          22,007,520

     Family Independence Program

     General Revenues

     Child Care                                                   6,500,000          (326,523)          6,173,477

     Federal Funds                                              89,872,800         (10,428,503)      79,444,297

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      4,542,144          4,542,144

      Total - Family Independence Program          96,372,800         (6,212,882)        90,159,918

     State Funded Programs

     General Revenues

     General Public Assistance                             2,395,456          153,030             2,548,486

     Federal Funds                                              130,737,444       60,338,964         191,076,408

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              35,000,000         0                      35,000,000

      Total - State Funded Programs                     168,132,900       60,491,994         228,624,894

      Grand Total - Human Services                     1,963,510,139    127,787,248       2,091,297,387

     Mental Health, Retardation, and Hospitals

     Central Management

     General Revenues                                        1,035,453          (324,215)          711,238

     Federal Funds                                              131,287             0                      131,287

     Restricted Receipts                                      0                      986,375             986,375

      Total - Central Management                        1,166,740          662,160             1,828,900

     Hospital and Community System Support

     General Revenues                                        2,655,402          (965,910)          1,689,492

     Federal Funds                                              849,939             0                      849,939

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              182,290             0                      182,290

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Medical Center Rehabilitation                        1,000,000          (566,255)          433,745

     Community Facilities Fire Code                     1,050,000          (768,933)          281,067

     DD Private Waiver Com Facilities-Fire Code 965,669             (274,307)          691,362

      Total - Hospital & Community System Support 6,703,300       (2,575,405)        4,127,895

     Services for the Developmentally Disabled

     General Revenues                                        80,278,072         4,576,120          84,854,192

     Federal Funds                                              118,998,274       7,157,426          126,155,700

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              25,799,627         294,133             26,093,760

     Restricted Receipts                                      2,813,044          (803,714)          2,009,330

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Regional Center Repair/Rehabilitation            500,000             0                      500,000

     MR Community Facilities                              770,000             0                      770,000

     Developmental Disability Group Homes         860,000             210,421             1,070,421

      Total - Services for the Developmentally

      Disabled                                                     230,019,017       11,434,386         241,453,403

     Integrated Mental Health Services

     General Revenues                                        28,312,837         (471,009)          27,841,828

     Federal Funds                                              45,139,838         (3,378,728)        41,761,110

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              8,200,103          (767,733)          7,432,370

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     MH Community Facilities Repair                   200,000             70,600               270,600

     MH Housing Development-Thresholds          500,000             0                      500,000

     MH Residence Furniture                               26,000               0                      26,000

      Total - Integrated Mental Health Services     82,378,778         (4,546,870)        77,831,908

     Hospital and Community Rehabilitative Services

     General Revenues                                        40,770,397         (6,346,305)        34,424,092

     Federal Funds                                              50,477,112         (6,795,314)        43,681,798

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              10,798,682         (1,383,575)        9,415,107

     Restricted Receipts                                      2,300,000          3,305,000          5,605,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Zambarano Buildings and Utilities                  500,000             572,000             1,072,000

     Hospital Consolidation                                   4,470,000          (3,800,000)        670,000

     MHRH Administrative Upgrades                  555,000             0                      555,000

      Total - Hospital & Community

      Rehabilitative Services                                 109,871,191       (14,448,194)      95,422,997

     Substance Abuse

     General Revenues                                        12,963,619         (339,506)          12,624,113

     Federal Funds 18,807,689 385,923 19,193,612

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              673,397             (180,544)          492,853

     Restricted Receipts                                      90,000               0                      90,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Asset Protection                                           200,000             0                      200,000

      Total - Substance Abuse                              32,734,705         (134,127)          32,600,578

      Grand Total – M. H., Retardation, & Hosp   462,873,731       (9,608,050)        453,265,681

     Office of the Child Advocate

     General Revenues                                        547,048             (36,464)            510,584

     Federal Funds                                              41,100               4,794                45,894

      Grand Total – Office of the Child Advocate 588,148             (31,670)            556,478

     Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

     General Revenues                                        370,146             (21,416)            348,730

     Governor's Commission on Disabilities

     General Revenues                                        366,450             (23,308)            343,142

     Federal Funds                                              174,949             23,380               198,329

     Restricted Receipts                                      10,001               3,558                13,559

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Facility Renovation – Handicapped                175,000             15,151               190,151

      Grand Total - Governor's Commission on

      Disabilities                                                  726,400             18,781               745,181

     Mental Health Advocate General Revenues 448,423           (72,226)            376,197

     Elementary and Secondary Education

     Administration of the Comprehensive Education Strategy

     General Revenues                                        20,387,006         (1,293,194)        19,093,812

     Federal Funds                                              192,228,874       (6,319,299)        185,909,575

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              47,202,040         19,858,462         67,060,502

     Restricted Receipts

     Restricted Receipts                                      878,114             121,808             999,922

     HRIC Adult Education Grants                       4,640,000          435,000             5,075,000

     Statewide Transportation - RIPTA Grant       0                      200,000             200,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Shepards Building Air Quality                        0                      146,388             146,388

     State-owned Chariho Repairs                        200,000             0                      200,000

     State-owned East Providence Repairs           0                      50,000               50,000

     State-owned Warwick Repairs                      0                      100,000             100,000

     State-owned Woonsocket Repairs                 0                      200,000             200,000

     State-owned Cranston Repairs                      0                      160,000             160,000

      Total – Administration of the Comprehensive

      Education Strategy                                      265,536,034       13,659,165         279,195,199

     Davies Career and Technical School

     General Revenues                                        14,056,193         (645,718)          13,410,475

     Federal Funds 1,379,313 117,824 1,497,137

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              718,226             445,675             1,163,901

     Restricted Receipts                                      0                      376                   376

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Davies HVAC                                             925,000             (276,823)          648,177

     Davies Asset Protection                               125,000             0                      125,000

     Davies Roof Repair                                      1,000,000          0                      1,000,000

      Total - Davies Career and Technical School 18,203,732         (358,666)          17,845,066

     RI School for the Deaf

     General Revenues                                        5,947,646          (318,700)          5,628,946

     Federal Funds                                              319,863             66,245               386,108

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              348,107             83,817               431,924

     Restricted Receipts                                      603,540             117,401             720,941

      Total - RI School for the Deaf                      7,219,156          (51,237)            7,167,919

     Metropolitan Career and Technical School

     General Revenues                                        12,187,381         (330,050)          11,857,331

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              571,386             80,050               651,436

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     MET School East Bay                                  4,000,000          (3,200,000)        800,000

      Total – Metropolitan Career and Technical

      School                                                        16,758,767         (3,450,000)        13,308,767

     Education Aid

     General Revenues                                        623,428,385       (37,178,371)      586,250,014

     Federal Funds                                              0                      67,046               67,046

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              33,410,743         16,407,746         49,818,489

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,379,423          8,855,021          10,234,444

      Total – Education Aid                                  658,218,551       (11,848,558)      646,369,993

     Central Falls School District

     General Revenues                                        42,428,937         (2,273,684)        40,155,253

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              2,167,539          1,885,929          4,053,468

     Permanent School Fund – Central Falls          183,624             0                      183,624

      Total - Central Falls School District              44,780,100         (387,755)          44,392,345

     Housing Aid General Revenues                    61,538,663         (3,239,548)        58,299,115

     Teachers' Retirement General Revenues       77,752,559         (5,405,670)        72,346,889

      Grand Total - Elementary and Secondary Ed 1,150,007,562    (11,082,269)      1,138,925,293

     Public Higher Education

     Board of Governors/Office of Higher Education

     General Revenues                                        7,364,037          (708,476)          6,655,561

     Federal Funds                                              3,757,508          (148,469)          3,609,039

     Restricted Receipts                                      0                      112,577             112,577

      Total - Board of Governors/Office of

      Higher Education                                         11,121,545         (744,368)          10,377,177

     University of Rhode Island

     General Revenues

     General Revenues                                        61,485,106         (4,700,803)        56,784,303

     Debt Service                                                14,299,321         (80,580)            14,218,741

     Federal Funds

     RI Developmental Disabilities Council            474,013             (474,013)          0

     Stabilization Funds - Fire Safety                     7,171,090          0                      7,171,090

     Stimulus – Byrne Grant Crime Lab                0                      125,076             125,076

     University and College Funds

     University and College Funds                        478,515,279       22,145,373         500,660,652

     Debt – Dining Services                                 1,141,724          (2,415)              1,139,309

     Debt – Education and General                       5,136,539          (2,117,224)        3,019,315

     Debt – Health Services                                 130,411             100                   130,511

     Debt – Housing Loan Funds                          7,605,889          1,155,995          8,761,884

     Debt – Memorial Union                                150,716             (2,859)              147,857

     Debt – Ryan Center                                     2,797,945          (1,302)              2,796,643

     Debt – Alton Jones Services                         149,425             (2)                    149,423

     Debt - Parking Authority                               1,257,596          (2,400)              1,255,196

     Debt – Sponsored Research                          100,589             1,799                102,388

     Debt – URI Vehicle Lease Payments            71,080               0                      71,080

     Debt – URI Energy Conservation                  2,133,127          (798,406)          1,334,721

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Asset Protection                                           4,444,640          0                      4,444,640

     New Chemistry Building                               0                      300,000             300,000

     Nursing & Assoc. Health Building                 0                      25,000               25,000

     URI Biotechnology Center                            0                      2,765,090          2,765,090

     Superfund Site Remediation                          0                      46,911               46,911

      Total – University of Rhode Island               587,064,490       18,385,340         605,449,830

     Notwithstanding the provisions of section 35-3-15 of the general laws, all unexpended or

unencumbered balances as of June 30, 2010 relating to the University of Rhode Island are hereby

reappropriated to fiscal year 2011.

     Rhode Island College

      General Revenues

      General Revenues                                       40,818,151         (3,163,655)        37,654,496

      Debt Service                                               1,368,648          362,190             1,730,838

     Federal Funds

      Stabilization Funds - Fire Safety                    5,695,093          0                      5,695,093

      University and College Funds

     University and College Funds                        101,997,361       (6,354,695)        95,642,666

     Debt – Education and General                       295,196             0                      295,196

     Debt – Housing                                            3,629,430          (1,608,426)        2,021,004

     Debt – Student Center and Dining                 172,639             0                      172,639

     Debt – Student Union                                   231,856             0                      231,856

     Debt – RIC Vehicle Lease Payments            12,002               0                      12,002

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Asset Protection                                           1,929,910          1,293,646          3,223,556

     New Art Center                                           0                      100,000             100,000

     Total – Rhode Island College                        156,150,286       (9,370,940)        146,779,346

     Notwithstanding the provisions of section 35-3-15 of the general laws, all unexpended or

unencumbered balances as of June 30, 2010 relating to Rhode Island College are hereby

reappropriated to fiscal year 2011.

     Community College of Rhode Island

     General Revenues

     General Revenues                                        46,527,444         (3,807,715)        42,719,729

     Debt Service                                                1,444,137          1,071                1,445,208

     Federal Funds

     Stabilization Funds - Fire Safety                     3,240,712          0                      3,240,712

     Restricted Receipts                                      667,543             (25,543)            642,000

      University and College Funds

     University and College Funds                        77,374,247         653,332             78,027,579

     Debt – Bookstore                                         102,718             0                      102,718

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Asset Protection                                           1,228,125          558,609             1,786,734

     Fire Code and HVAC                                   1,848,485          (342,632)          1,505,853

     Total – Community College of RI                  132,433,411       (2,962,878)        129,470,533

     Notwithstanding the provisions of section 35-3-15 of the general laws, all unexpended or

unencumbered balances as of June 30, 2010 relating to the Community College of Rhode Island

are hereby reappropriated to fiscal year 2011.

     Grand Total – Public Higher Education          886,769,732       5,307,154          892,076,886

     RI State Council on the Arts

      General Revenues

      Operating Support                                       663,261             (28,069)            635,192

     Grants                                                         1,320,725          (39,375)            1,281,350

      Federal Funds                                             855,840             47,936               903,776

      Federal Funds Stimulus                                0                      291,500             291,500

      Restricted Receipts                                     0                      100,000             100,000

      Other Funds

      Arts for Public Facilities                               435,000             0                      435,000

      Grand Total - RI State Council on the Arts 3,274,826             371,992             3,646,818

     RI Atomic Energy Commission

      General Revenues                                       775,346             11,092               786,438

      Federal Funds                                             107,000             215,051             322,051

      URI Sponsored Research                            284,769             (31,086)            253,683

      Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      RINSC Asset Protection                              50,000               0                      50,000

      Grand Total - RI Atomic Energy Commission 1,217,115         195,057             1,412,172

     RI Higher Education Assistance Authority

      General Revenues

     Needs Based Grants and Work Opportunities 6,382,700          (607,631)          5,775,069

     Authority Operations and Other Grants          923,041             (86,477)            836,564

      Federal Funds                                             14,575,320         (2,389,400)        12,185,920

      Other Funds

     Tuition Savings Pgm. – Needs Based Grants 6,017,300           332,700             6,350,000

     Tuition Savings Program – Administration      732,977             (20,258)            712,719

      Grand Total – RI Higher Ed Assistance

      Authority                                                    28,631,338         (2,771,066)        25,860,272

     RI Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission

      General Revenues                                       1,285,100          (28,227)            1,256,873

      Federal Funds                                             819,367             94,367               913,734

      Restricted Receipts                                     509,037             (27,788)            481,249

      Grand Total – RI Historical Preservation

      and Heritage Commission                            2,613,504          38,352               2,651,856

     RI Public Telecommunications Authority

      General Revenues                                       1,142,702          (142,007)          1,000,695

      Corporation for Public Broadcasting             765,656             (151,627)          614,029

      Grand Total – RI Public Telecommunications

      Authority                                                    1,908,358          (293,634)          1,614,724

     Attorney General


      General Revenues                                       13,010,243         (836,425)          12,173,818

      Federal Funds                                             1,218,040          9,415                1,227,455

      Federal Funds – Stimulus                             0                      671,647             671,647

      Restricted Receipts                                     344,298             57,329               401,627

      Total – Criminal                                          14,572,581         (98,034)            14,474,547


      General Revenues                                       4,385,190          615,532)            3,769,658

      Restricted Receipts                                     588,632             349,876             938,508

      Total – Civil                                                4,973,822          (265,656)          4,708,166

     Bureau of Criminal Identification

      General Revenues                                       1,000,244          25,333               1,025,577

      Federal Funds                                             56,500               30,759               87,259

      Total - Bureau of Criminal Identification       1,056,744          56,092               1,112,836


     General Revenues                                        2,704,066          (37,991)            2,666,075

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Building Renovations and Repairs                 200,000             406,847             606,847

      Total – General                                           2,904,066          368,856             3,272,922

     Grand Total - Attorney General                     23,507,213         61,258               23,568,471


     Central Management General Revenues      8,021,430          (1,099,242)        6,922,188

     Parole Board

      General Revenues                                       1,269,396          24,449               1,293,845

     Federal Funds                                              24,300               13,700               38,000

     Total - Parole Board                                     1,293,696          38,149               1,331,845

     Institutional Corrections

     General Revenues                                        153,293,213       (3,456,186)        149,837,027

     Federal Funds                                              1,948,122          217,046             2,165,168

     Federal Funds Stimulus                                 0                      248,833             248,833

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      General Renovations – Maximum                 434,705             15,400               450,105

     Women's Bathroom Renovations                   650,000             0                      650,000

     Bernadette Guay Building Roof                     1,290,000          (862,733)          427,267

     Asset Protection                                           2,500,000          (248,600)          2,251,400

     Reintegration Center match                           188,571             1,497,818          1,686,389

     General Renovations - Women                      705,000             963,363             1,668,363

     Total - Institutional Corrections                      161,009,611       (1,625,059)        159,384,552

     Community Corrections

     General Revenues                                        14,806,523         (1,739,901)        13,066,622

     Federal Funds                                              224,246             268,415             492,661

     Federal Funds - Stimulus                               0                      409,667             409,667

     Restricted Receipts                                      0                      122,837             122,837

     Total – Community Corrections                     15,030,769         (938,982)          14,091,787

     Grand Total – Corrections                             185,355,506       (3,625,134)        181,730,372


     Supreme Court

     General Revenues

      General Revenues                                       24,678,116         (1,113,249)        23,564,867

      Defense of Indigents                                   3,365,689          0                      3,365,689

     Federal Funds                                              102,440             498,424             600,864

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      41,257               41,257

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,302,005          288,743             1,590,748

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Judicial HVAC                                             300,000             0                      300,000

     Judicial Complexes Asset Protection              525,000             561,466             1,086,466

     Total - Supreme Court                                  30,273,250         276,641             30,549,891

     Superior Court

     General Revenues                                        19,861,308         (610,068)          19,251,240

     Federal Funds                                              90,000               (5,500)              84,500

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      80,750               80,750

     Restricted Receipts                                      287,000             0                      287,000

     Total - Superior Court                                   20,238,308         (534,818)          19,703,490

     Family Court

     General Revenues                                        18,151,560         (2,718,548)        15,433,012

     Federal Funds                                              1,253,012          1,403,677          2,656,689

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      121,771             121,771

     Total - Family Court                                     19,404,572         (1,193,100)        18,211,472

     District Court

     General Revenues                                        10,175,958         (399,785)          9,776,173

     Restricted Receipts                                      639,193             (231,035)          408,158

     Total - District Court                                    10,815,151         (630,820)          10,184,331

     Traffic Tribunal General Revenues              7,545,676          (177,641)          7,368,035

     Workers' Compensation Court Restricted Receipts 7,578,922   (250,544)       7,328,378

     Judicial Tenure and Discipline General Revenues 128,922   (22,519)            106,403

     Grand Total – Judiciary                                 95,984,801         (2,532,801)        93,452,000

     Military Staff

     National Guard

     General Revenues                                        1,517,828          (150,954)          1,366,874

     Federal Funds                                              11,008,369         (402,802)          10,605,567

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      605,000             605,000

     Restricted Receipts                                      190,000             0                      190,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     AMC – Roof Replacement                           1,100,000          (152,955)          947,045

     State Armories Fire Code Comp.                   50,000               169,496             219,496

     Federal Armories Fire Code                          12,500               66,232               78,732

     Asset Protection                                           250,000             153,482             403,482

     Quonset Point Hangar                                  0                      460,797             460,797

     Logistics/Maint Facilities Fire Code               6,250                57,500               63,750

     Woonsocket Building Demolition                   63,340               (46,540)            16,800

     Total - National Guard                                  14,198,287         759,256             14,957,543

     Emergency Management

     General Revenues                                        1,762,151          (261,762)          1,500,389

     Federal Funds                                              0,933,246          4,165,476          15,098,722

     Restricted Receipts                                      147,449             200,583             348,032

     Total - Emergency Management                   12,842,846         4,104,297          16,947,143

     Grand Total - Military Staff                           27,041,133         4,863,553          31,904,686

     Public Safety

     Central Management

     General Revenues                                        770,605             (98,930)            671,675

     Federal Funds                                              4,531,428          264,653             4,796,081

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      2,512,829          2,512,829

     Restricted Receipts                                      133,000             347,724             480,724

     Total – Central Management                         5,435,033          3,026,276          8,461,309

     E-911 Emergency Telephone System

     General Revenues                                        4,831,572          (58,167)            4,773,405

     Federal Funds                                              0                     259,688             259,688

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     E-911 PSAP Building Renovations                55,000               (55,000)            0

     Total - E-911 Emergency Telephone

     System                                                        4,886,572          146,521             5,033,093

     State Fire Marshal

     General Revenues                                        2,631,162          (198,716)          2,432,446

     Federal Funds                                              376,000             654,293             1,030,293

     Restricted Receipts                                      0                      10,900               10,900

     Total - State Fire Marshal                             3,007,162          466,477             3,473,639

     Capitol Police General Revenues                 3,310,591          (113,900)          3,196,691

     Municipal Police Training Academy

     General Revenues                                        349,696             (29,955)            319,741

     Federal Funds                                              186,505             41,735               228,240

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      107,724             107,724

     Total - Municipal Police Training

     Academy                                                     536,201             119,504             655,705

     State Police

     General Revenues                                        42,852,283         (89,326)            42,762,957

     Federal Funds                                              2,133,313          2,117,498          4,250,811

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      375,560             375,560

     Federal Funds – Stimulus – State Fiscal Stabilization 10,000,000   17,669          10,017,669

     Restricted Receipts                                      476,000             591,282             1,067,282

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Barracks & Training                                     750,000             (350,000)          400,000

     State Police New Headquarters                    13,000,000         3,334,316          16,334,316

     Parking Area Improvements                         225,000             (200,000)          25,000

     Statewide Microwave Upgrade                     2,300,000          2,257,860          4,557,860

     Headquarters Repairs/Rehabilitation              50,000               50,150               100,150

     Headquarters Sewer Project                         0                      293,049             293,049

     Traffic Enforcement - Municipal Training      107,150             159,467             266,617

     Lottery Commission Assistance                     170,708             (9,811)              160,897

     Airport Corporation                                      167,171             17,147               184,318

     Road Construction Reimbursement                2,020,300          412,954             2,433,254

     Total - State Police                                       74,251,925         8,977,815          83,229,740

     Grand Total – Public Safety                          91,427,484         12,622,693         104,050,177

     Office of Public Defender

     General Revenues                                        9,583,189          (446,412)          9,136,777

     Federal Funds                                              225,898             89,067               314,965

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              0                      66,358              66,358

     Grand Total - Office of Public Defender        9,809,087          (290,987)          9,518,100

     Environmental Management

     Office of the Director

     General Revenues                                        5,185,950          (776,864)          4,409,086

     Federal Funds                                              791,315             (135,000)          656,315

     Restricted Receipts                                      2,668,020          (124,495)          2,543,525

     Total – Office of the Director                       8,645,285          (1,036,359)        7,608,926

     Natural Resources

     General Revenues                                        18,222,294         (1,244,589)        16,977,705

     Federal Funds                                              18,203,843         725,290             18,929,133

     Restricted Receipts                                      3,586,240          76,544               3,662,784

     Other Funds

     DOT Recreational Projects                           71,354               1,213,698          1,285,052

     Blackstone Bikepath Design                          980,601             (830)                979,771

     Transportation MOU                                    0                      78,737               78,737

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Dam Repair                                                 1,910,000          (810,000)          1,100,000

     Recreational Facilities Improvement              1,100,000          838,044             1,938,044

     Fort Adams Rehabilitation                             250,000             0                      250,000

     Galilee Piers Upgrade                                   750,000             (380,000)          370,000

     Newport Piers                                              500,000             228,386             728,386

     Total - Natural Resources                             45,574,332         725,280             46,299,612

     Environmental Protection

     General Revenues                                        12,076,125         (1,033,800)        11,042,325

     Federal Funds                                              12,660,714         (567,873)          12,092,841

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              2,025,000          1,580,031          3,605,031

     Restricted Receipts                                      8,991,789          (1,248,056)        7,743,733

     Transportation MOU                                    0                      116,698             116,698

     Retrofit Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles             1,000,000          1,560,000          2,560,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Rose Hill Superfund Site                               0                      21,670               21,670

     Total - Environmental Protection                   36,753,628         428,670             37,182,298

     Grand Total - Environmental Mgmt                90,973,245         117,591             91,090,836

     Coastal Resources Management Council

     General Revenues                                        2,027,574          (88,839)            1,938,735

     Federal Funds                                              1,608,438          1,686,670          3,295,108

     Federal Funds - Stimulus                               0                      3,030,564          3,030,564

     Restricted Receipts                                      250,000             0                      250,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Providence River Dredging                           1,655,509          0                      1,655,509

     Grand Total - Coastal Resources Mgmt

      Council                                                       5,541,521          4,628,395          10,169,916

     State Water Resources Board

     General Revenues                                        1,370,785          (273,032)          1,097,753

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

      Big River Management Area                       103,000             (25,542)            77,458

      Big River Well Development                        0                      376,520             376,520

     Grand Total - State Water Resources Brd      1,473,785          77,946               1,551,731


     Central Management

     Federal Funds                                              17,203,537         (6,680,604)        10,522,933

     Other Funds

     Gasoline Tax                                                1,905,734          (721,492)          1,184,242

     Total - Central Management                         19,109,271         (7,402,096)        11,707,175

     Management and Budget

     Other Funds

     Gasoline Tax                                                1,186,330          170,662             1,356,992

     Infrastructure Engineering

     Federal Funds                                              266,742,846       (35,884,555)      230,858,291

     Federal Funds – Stimulus                              97,402,000         (30,480,272)      66,921,728

     Restricted Receipts                                      1,500,000          (500,000)          1,000,000

     Other Funds

     Gasoline Tax                                                56,395,537         (4,827,938)        51,567,599

     State Infrastructure Bank                              1,387,984          16                     1,388,000

     Land Sale Revenue                                      3,199,768          (1,199,768)        2,000,000

     Highway Logo Program                                100,000             0                      100,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     RIPTA - Land and Buildings                         2,602,609          1,328,591          3,931,200

     Pawtucket/Central Falls Train Station            40,267               0                      40,267

     Total - Infrastructure Engineering                  429,371,011       (71,563,926)      357,807,085

     Infrastructure Maintenance

     Gasoline Tax                                                36,749,879         (1,480,124)        35,269,755

     Non-Land Surplus Property                           25,000               15,000               40,000

     Outdoor Advertising                                     200,000             125,000             325,000

     Rhode Island Capital Plan Funds

     Cherry Hill/Lincoln Facility                            950,000             (950,000)          0

     Maintenance Facilities Improvements            325,000             80,445               405,445

     East Providence Facility                                0                      1,017,190          1,017,190

     Salt Storage Facilities                                    1,000,000          300,000             1,300,000

     Maintenance Facility Fire Alarm                    150,000             0                      150,000

     Total - Infrastructure Maintenance                39,399,879         (892,489)          38,507,390

     Grand Total – Transportation                        489,066,491       (79,687,849)      409,378,642

     Statewide Totals

     General Revenues                                        3,000,341,114    (113,554,473)    2,886,786,641

     Federal Funds                                              2,828,214,952    268,046,862       3,096,261,814

     Restricted Receipts                                      162,397,115       27,118,944         189,516,059

     Other Funds                                                 1,823,784,957    71,940,146         1,895,725,103

      Statewide Grand Total                                 7,814,738,138    253,551,479       8,068,289,617

     SECTION 2. Each line appearing in Section 1 of this Article shall constitute an


     SECTION 3. The general assembly authorizes the state controller to establish the

internal service accounts shown below, and no other, to finance and account for the operations of

state agencies that provide services to other agencies, institutions and other governmental units on

a cost reimbursed basis. The purpose of these accounts is to ensure that certain activities are

managed in a businesslike manner, promote efficient use of services by making agencies pay the

full costs associated with providing the services, and allocate the costs of central administrative

services across all fund types, so that federal and other non-general fund programs share in the

costs of general government support. The controller is authorized to reimburse these accounts for

the cost of work or services performed for any other department or agency subject to the

following expenditure limitations:

                                                                                    FY 2010        FY 2010           FY 2010

     Account                                                                                           Enacted         Change          Final

     State Assessed Fringe Benefit Internal Service Acct               31,824,722      1,671,458        33,496,180

     Administration Central Utilities Internal Service Acct              24,525,696       (2,806,179)    21,719,517

     State Central Mail Internal Service Account                              5,582,779         (384,436)       5,198,343

     State Telecommunications Internal Service Account               3,508,119         (79,439)         3,428,680

     State Automotive Fleet Internal Service Account                     14,408,646       (1,264,436)    13,144,210

     State Fleet Replacement Revolving Loan Fund                         2,500,000         0                    2,500,000

     Capital Police Internal Service Account                                      763,874            (127,326)       636,548

     Health Insurance Internal Service Fund                                      306,132,044     0                    306,132,044

     Corrections General Svcs & Warehouse Internal

     Service Acct                                                                                    6,766,198        219,330          6,985,528

     Correctional Industries Internal Service Account                     7,205,297        76,838            7,282,135

     Secretary of State Record Center Internal Service Account    814,696           (11,296)         803,400

     SECTION 4. Departments and agencies listed below may not exceed the number of full-

time equivalent (FTE) positions shown below in any pay period. Full-time equivalent positions do

not include seasonal or intermittent positions whose scheduled period of employment does not

exceed twenty-six consecutive weeks or whose scheduled hours do not exceed nine hundred and

twenty-five (925) hours, excluding overtime, in a one-year period. Nor do they include

individuals engaged in training, the completion of which is a prerequisite of employment.

Provided, however, that the Governor or designee, Speaker of the House of Representatives or

designee, and President of the Senate or designee may authorize an adjustment to any limitation.

Prior to the authorization, the State Budget Officer shall make a detailed written recommendation

to the Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the President of the Senate. A copy of the

recommendation and authorization to adjust shall be transmitted to the chairman of the House

Finance Committee, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the House Fiscal Advisor

and the Senate Fiscal Advisor.

     No agency or department may employ contracted employees or employee services where

the contracted employees would work under state employee supervisors without determination of

need by the Director of Administration acting upon positive recommendations of the Budget

Officer and the Personnel Administrator and 15 days after a public hearing.

     Nor may any agency or department contract for services replacing work done by state

employees at that time without determination of need by the Director of Administration acting

upon the positive recommendations of the Budget Officer and the Personnel Administrator and 30

days after a public hearing.

     State employees whose funding is from non-state general revenue funds that are time

limited shall receive limited term appointment with the term limited to the availability of non-

state general revenue funding source.


     Departments and Agencies                                                               Full-Time Equivalent

     Administration                                                                                              895.6 835.4

     Business Regulation                                                                                      91.0 85.5

     Labor and Training                                                                                       436.3 514.4

     Revenue                                                                                                      424.0 413.5

     Legislature                                                                                                   297.9 288.8

     Office of the Lieutenant Governor                                                                             8.0

     Secretary of State                                                                                        57.0 56.5

     General Treasurer                                                                                        83.0 79.5

     Board of Elections                                                                                        12.0 11.5

     Rhode Island Ethics Commission                                                                               12.0

     Office of the Governor                                                                                 43.0 44.0

     Commission for Human Rights                                                                      14.5 14.2

     Public Utilities Commission                                                                           44.0 45.5

     Rhode Island Commission on Women                                                                        1.0

     Office of Health and Human Services                                                           74.1 52.9

     Children, Youth, and Families                                                                        700.0 658.5

     Elderly Affairs                                                                                             31.0 29.5

     Health                                                                                                         414.6 397.4

     Human Services                                                                                           954.6 919.7

     Mental Health, Retardation, and Hospitals                                                      1,398.4 1,294.0

     Office of the Child Advocate                                                                                    5.8

     Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing                                                           3.0

     Governor's Commission on Disabilities                                                                       4.0

     Office of the Mental Health Advocate                                                                       3.7

     Elementary and Secondary Education                                                            134.4 129.7

     School for the Deaf                                                                                      60.0 57.6

     Davies Career and Technical School                                                             133.0 128.5

     Office of Higher Education                                                                           20.4 17.2

     Provided that 1.0 of the total authorization would be available only for a position that is

supported by third-party funds.

     University of Rhode Island                                                                            2,453.5 2,364.5

     Provided that 602.0 550.1 of the total authorization would be available only for positions

that are supported by third-party funds.

     Rhode Island College                                                                                    895.1 880.3

     Provided that 82.0 75.1 of the total authorization would be available only for positions

that are supported by third-party funds.

     Community College of Rhode Island                                                              813.1 767.9

     Provided that 100.0 61.5 of the total authorization would be available only for positions

that are supported by third-party funds.

     Rhode Island State Council on the Arts                                                                      8.6

     RI Atomic Energy Commission                                                                                 8.6

     Higher Education Assistance Authority                                                          42.6 37.3

     Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission                                                       16.6

     Public Telecommunications Authority                                                            18.0 16.0

     Office of the Attorney General                                                                      231.1 230.0

     Corrections                                                                                                  1,423.0 1,402.5

     Judicial                                                                                                        729.3 699.7

     Military Staff                                                                                                111.0 109.0

     Public Safety                                                                                                432.1 418.6

     Office of the Public Defender                                                                       91.0 92.0

     Environmental Management                                                                          417.0 402.5

     Coastal Resources Management Council                                                                   30.0

     Water Resources Board                                                                                            6.0

     Transportation                                                                                              780.2 739.4

     Total                                                                                               14,863.0 14,340.8

      SECTION 5. Notwithstanding any provision of section 42-11-2.4 of the Rhode Island

General Laws, the State Controller shall transfer the sum of three million six hundred thirty-eight

thousand dollars ($3,638,000) from the State Fleet Replacement Revolving Loan Fund to the

State General Fund by June 30, 2010.

     SECTION 6. Notwithstanding any provisions of Chapter 38 in Title 45 of the Rhode

Island General Laws, the Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation shall

transfer to the State Controller the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000)

on June 30, 2010.

     SECTION 7. This article shall take effect upon passage.