SECTION 1. This article consists of joint resolutions that are submitted pursuant to

Rhode Island General Laws § 35-18-1, et seq.


     SECTION 2. Information Technology Improvements.

     WHEREAS, The division of taxation is the primary revenue collecting agency for the

State of Rhode Island, administering fifty-seven (57) different tax/fee types and collecting nearly

three billion dollars per year. Currently an assortment of software systems is being utilized to

administer these taxes and fees. The most critical of these systems is built on forty (40) year old

technology that is increasingly difficult and expensive to use and maintain; and

     WHEREAS, Recognizing the need to better serve the citizens of Rhode Island and the

need to modernize its technology, and to support related tax enforcement activities, the State of

Rhode Island and the division of taxation would benefit from the acquisition of a modern

integrated tax system that would centralize all taxpayer information in one computer system; and

     WHEREAS, The State of Rhode Island is actively reforming its education system by,

among other initiatives, developing enterprise data systems that will offer five platforms,

including the instruction management system and the educator evaluation system. These data

systems will provide an unprecedented level of student and teacher data to track student, teacher,

and school performance and address the student achievement gaps; and

     WHEREAS, Rhode Island’s local education agencies (“LEAs”), districts, charter schools

and state schools need to upgrade their existing technology infrastructure in order to provide

twenty-first century technology-based learning, including e-learning opportunities, on-line

textbooks, and on-line assessments. In addition, several LEAs have insufficient wireless access

in their classrooms to access new data systems and on-line resources; and

     WHEREAS, The project costs associated with these information technology

improvements are estimated to be $44.8 million. The total financing obligation of the State of

Rhode Island would be approximately $45.3 million, with $44.8 million deposited in the project

fund and $0.5 million allocated to pay the associated costs of financing. Total payments on the

State’s obligation over ten (10) years on the $45.3 million issuance are projected to be $66.6

million, assuming an average interest rate of 4.0%. The payments would be financed within the

department of administration from general revenue appropriations; now, therefore, be it

     RESOLVED, That this general assembly hereby approves financing in an amount not to

exceed $45.3 million for the provision of funds for information technology improvements,

including $0.5 million to pay costs of financing; that $19.8 million be made available from the

project fund for improvements to the technology infrastructure of local education agencies; that

$25.0 million be made available from the project fund for an integrated tax system; and provided

further, that any funding amount from federal forfeiture funds for law and tax enforcement

received for these purposes may be used to reduce the amount of borrowed funds; be it further

     RESOLVED, That this joint resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage by

the general assembly.


     SECTION 3. Rhode Island Airport Corporation.

     WHEREAS, The Rhode Island economic development corporation is a public

instrumentality of the State of Rhode Island (the "state"), created by the general assembly

pursuant to Rhode Island general laws §§ 42-64-1 et seq. (as enacted, reenacted and amended, the

"act"); and

     WHEREAS, The act declares, in part, that new industrial, manufacturing, recreational,

and commercial facilities are required to attract and house new industries and thereby reduce the

hazards of unemployment; and that unaided efforts of private enterprises have not met, and

cannot meet, the needs of providing those facilities due to problems encountered in assembling

suitable building sites, lack of adequate public service, unavailability of private capital for

development, and the inability of private enterprise alone to plan, finance, and coordinate

industrial, recreational, and commercial development; and

     WHEREAS, The act further declares it to be the public policy of the state to furnish

proper and adequate airport facilities within the state and to encourage the integration of these

facilities so far as practicable; and

     WHEREAS, In furtherance of these goals, it is the policy of the state to retain existing

industries and to induce, encourage and attract new industries through the acquisition,

construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of industrial, manufacturing, recreational, and

commercial facilities, as well as transportation, residential, environmental, utility, public service,

institutional and civic and community facilities, and to develop sites for such facilities; and

     WHEREAS, The act has empowered the Rhode Island economic development

corporation to establish subsidiary corporations to exercise its powers and functions, or any of

them, and, pursuant to such power, the Rhode Island economic development corporation has

established the Rhode Island airport corporation to plan, develop, construct, finance, manage, and

operate airport facilities in the state; and

     WHEREAS, The act provides that the Rhode Island airport corporation shall have the

power to purchase, take, receive, lease or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, use and

otherwise deal in and with, real or personal property, or any interest therein, wherever situated;


     WHEREAS, The act also provides that the Rhode Island airport corporation shall have

the power to sell, mortgage, lease, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of or encumber any

project, (or in the case of a sale, to accept a purchase money mortgage in connection therewith) or

to grant options for any such purposes with respect to any real or personal property or interest

therein, all of the foregoing for such consideration as the Rhode Island airport corporation shall

determine. Any lease by the Rhode Island airport corporation to another party may be for such

part of the Rhode Island airport corporation's property, real or personal, for such period, upon

such terms or conditions, with or without an option on the part of the lessee to purchase any or all

of the leased property for such consideration, at or after the retirement of all indebtedness

incurred by the Rhode Island airport corporation on account thereof, as the Rhode Island airport

corporation shall determine; and

     WHEREAS, The act authorizes the Rhode Island economic development corporation to

borrow money and issue bonds for any of its corporate purposes; and

     WHEREAS, Pursuant to §§ 35-18-3 and 35-18-4 of Rhode Island general laws, the

Rhode Island economic development corporation requests the approval of the general assembly of

the Rhode Island economic development corporation's issuance of airport revenue bonds (the

"bonds") for the purpose of providing funds to the Rhode Island airport corporation for financing

the various capital projects including, but not limited to, a de-icer management system, runway

and taxiway improvements, noise mitigation and land acquisition, and facility developments (the

“Fiscal Year 2013 Airport Project"), funding capitalized interest, costs of issuing the bonds and

related costs, and the establishment of reserves for the project and the bonds, including a debt

service reserve fund; and

     WHEREAS, The Rhode Island airport corporation anticipates the need to utilize short

term borrowings to fund timing differences between construction activities and receipt of federal


     WHEREAS, The financing of the Fiscal Year 2013 Airport Project will be accomplished

through one or more loan agreements having the Rhode Island airport corporation as borrower,

such agreement or agreements to require that the Rhode Island airport corporation make loan

payments in an amount no less than the debt service on the bonds; now, therefore, be it

     RESOLVED, The general assembly hereby approves the Rhode Island economic

development corporation's issuance of the bonds. The bonds will be special obligations of the

Rhode Island economic development corporation, payable exclusively from loan repayments

under a loan agreement with the Rhode Island airport corporation and from bond proceeds, funds,

accounts, and properties and the proceeds thereof pledged therefor, and thus the Rhode Island

economic development corporation's maximum liability will be limited to loan repayments

received under the loan agreement and the aggregate amount of such other funds, accounts,

properties, and proceeds; and be it further

     RESOLVED, That the total amount of debt approved to be issued in the aggregate shall

be not more than $174,000,000. Total debt service on the bonds is not expected to exceed

$12,000,000 annually and $351,000,000 in the aggregate based on level annual payments, an

average interest rate of 6.83%, and a 30-year maturity. Total debt service on short-term

borrowings to fund timing differences between construction activities and receipt of federal

grants is not expected to exceed $6,700,000 annually and $34,000,000 in the aggregate based on

an average interest rate of 4.00% and an 8-year maturity; and be it further

     RESOLVED, That the general assembly hereby approves the Rhode Island airport

corporation's entering into the loan agreements described above. Payments under the loan

agreements shall be derived exclusively from project revenues and such other proceeds, funds,

accounts, projects and the proceeds thereof as the Rhode Island airport corporation may pledge

therefore; and be it further

     RESOLVED, That none of the bonds or the loan agreements shall constitute indebtedness

of the state or a debt for which the full faith and credit of the state is pledged or a moral

obligation thereof; and be it further

     RESOLVED, That this resolution shall apply to debt issued within one (1) year of the

date of passage of this resolution.


     SECTION 4. Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation

     WHEREAS, The Rhode Island resource recovery corporation (the “corporation”) is a

public corporation of the State of Rhode Island (the “state”), constituting a public instrumentality

and agency exercising public and essential governmental functions of the state, created by the

general assembly pursuant to Rhode Island general laws §§ 23-19-1 et seq., entitled the “Rhode

Island resource recovery corporation act” (as enacted, reenacted and amended, the “act”); and

     WHEREAS, Pursuant to the act, the corporation is designated to carry out the provisions

of the act; and

     WHEREAS, Also pursuant to the act, the purposes of the corporation include the

planning, design, construction, financing, management, ownership, operation, and maintenance of

transfer stations, waste processing facilities, resource recovery facilities, and all other solid waste

management facilities and the provision of solid waste management services to municipalities and

persons within the state; and

     WHEREAS, For the purpose of planning, designing, constructing, financing, managing,

owning, operating, and maintaining transfer stations, waste processing facilities, resource

recovery facilities, and all other solid waste management facilities and providing solid waste

management services to municipalities and persons within the state, the corporation is authorized

to issue from time to time its negotiable bond and notes in one or more series in such principal

amounts as in the opinion of the corporation shall be necessary to provide sufficient funds for

achieving its purpose, including the payment of interest on the bonds and notes of the

corporation, the establishment of reserves to secure the bonds and notes, and the making of all

other expenditures of the corporation incident to and necessary or convenient to carrying out its

purposes and powers; and

     WHEREAS, Pursuant to Rhode Island general laws §§ 35-18-3 and 35-18-4, the

corporation has requested the approval of the general assembly of the corporation’s issuance of

not more than $40 million of revenue bonds (the “bonds) for the purpose of providing funds for

capital projects and for costs associated with the bonds including capitalized interest, debt service

reserve and costs of issuance; and

     WHEREAS, The corporation will use the bond proceeds to fund the design and

construction of a leachate pretreatment facility to comply with projected changes in discharge

standards for the disposal of wastewater, including leachate, into a public sewer system. The

treatment facility (the “facility” or the “project”) is expected to have the capacity of pretreating

650,000 gallons of wastewater daily and utilize sequencing batch reactor technology for

wastewater treatment; and

     WHEREAS, The corporation currently discharges wastewater/leachate flows from

several sources from its solid waste operations, including leachate from primary and secondary

collection systems in phases II/III, IV and V of the central landfill, underdrains constructed under

the liners of various sections of the landfill as required by Rhode Island department of

environmental management (“RIDEM”) regulations, discharge from the phase I hot spot

treatment system operated as part of superfund remediation requirements, and condensate from

the landfill gas collection and treatment systems and sanitary flows from the various buildings

and facilities on site; and

     WHEREAS, The landfill-related leachate is currently discharged through the Cranston

sewer system to the Cranston wastewater treatment facility (“WWTF”); and

     WHEREAS, The corporation does not currently pretreat the collected flows prior to

discharge into the Cranston WWTF; and

     WHEREAS, The corporation has received final approval from the RIDEM for the

construction of phase VI of the landfill, which will include a primary and secondary leachate

collection system and will operate for approximately 20 years; and

     WHEREAS, Municipal wastewater treatment plants that the corporation can potentially

discharge into are currently implementing upgrades to their facilities to meet lower effluent

discharge standards required by their permits with RIDEM; and

     WHEREAS, The corporation has previously engaged an engineering consultant to

conduct a preliminary evaluation of future requirements to treat wastewater discharges from the

various operations at the Shun Pike facilities; and

     WHEREAS, Over the past several years the engineering consultant has been assisting the

corporation in evaluating approaches to treat wastewater flows, consisting primarily of landfill

leachate, to meet the discharge standards established by municipal wastewater treatment facilities

that are in proximity to the corporation’s operations; and

     WHEREAS, The engineering consultant has issued a report indicating that based on these

standards, and the more stringent effluent standards anticipated in the future, the corporation will

be required to construct a new pretreatment plant facility on-site to comply with these standards

prior to discharging wastewater into any municipal sewer system; and

     WHEREAS, The engineering consultant has proposed utilizing a reliable, cost-effective

and high-efficiency technology, sequential batch reactors, which are basically industrial tanks in

which all metabolic processing and solid / liquid separation occurs in one tank and in a

continuously repeated time sequence; and

     WHEREAS, Sequential batch reactor processes are known to save more than 60% of the

expenses required for conventional activated sludge processing and achieve high effluent quality

in a very short aeration time; and

     WHEREAS, The estimated cost of the project is anticipated to be approximately $35

million to $40 million; and

     WHEREAS, In the event that not all of the bond proceeds are used to carry out the

specified project, the corporation will use any remaining funds to pay debt service on the bonds;

now, therefore, be it

     RESOLVED, That this general assembly hereby approves the corporation’s issuance of

not more than the total of the competitively awarded contract plus financing costs, or $40 million,

whichever is less, of bonds for the purpose of providing funds for the project and for costs

associated with bonds including capitalized interest, debt service reserve and costs of issuance;

and be it further

     RESOLVED, That the bonds will be general obligations of the corporation payable from

the corporation’s revenues and thus the corporation’s maximum liability will be for the total debt

service on the bonds which is estimated to be $3.0 million per year or $59 million in the

aggregate based on an average interest rate of 4.0 percent and a 20 year maturity; and be it further

     RESOLVED, That the bonds will not constitute indebtedness of the state or any of its

subdivisions or a debt for which the full faith and credit of the state or any of its subdivisions is

pledged except to the extent that the state provides the corporation with annual budget

appropriations pursuant to Rhode Island general laws § 23-19-13(i) and the corporation’s

revenues are not otherwise sufficient to pay debt service on the bonds, the maximum possible

financial obligation of the state under the bonds will be to appropriate for any deficiency; and be

it further

     RESOLVED, That this joint resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage by

this general assembly, provided that the delivery of the bonds shall be not later than one (1) year

from the date of such passage.


     SECTION 5. GARVEE Program.

     WHEREAS, The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (“RIDOT”) has undertaken

five (5) major transportation projects, and these projects were either substantially completed or

under construction in the year 2011; and

     WHEREAS, The construction of these projects was deemed critical in order to preserve

and maintain the public safety and continued economic success and viability of the State of

Rhode Island, its ports and infrastructure; and

     WHEREAS, RIDOT explored various options to finance the costs of the five (5) major

transportation projects and determined that the federal-aid financing program authorized in

federal law by Section 311 of the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 and

commonly referred to as the Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle Program (“GARVEE

Program”) represented the best financing mechanism for the State of Rhode Island, inasmuch as

the GARVEE Program accelerated the funding and construction of the five (5) major

transportation projects; and

     WHEREAS, The General Assembly, in Chapter 376, Article 36, Sections 8 and 9 of the

Rhode Island Public Laws of 2003, granted RIDOT, through the Rhode Island Economic

Development Corporation (“RIEDC”), the authorization to issue bonds (“GARVEE Bonds”) or

other debt instruments backed by future appropriations for federal-aid transportation projects

whereby such amounts are used to cover an assortment of bond-related costs, including principal

and interest payments, issuance costs, insurance, and other costs incidental to a financing; and

     WHEREAS, The original Public Corporation Debt Management authorization in Chapter

376, Article 36, Sections 8 and 9 of the Rhode Island Public Laws of 2003 included a total of

$709.6 million in GARVEE funding to be distributed across five projects, as follows: $126.2

million for the Sakonnet River Bridge; $348.3 million for the Route I-195 Relocation; $85.4

million for the Washington Bridge; $42.5 million for the Freight Rail Improvement Program

(FRIP), and $107.2 million for Route 403; and

     WHEREAS, Additional grants and Federal earmark funding have been received for the

completion of the Washington Bridge project, while, at the same time, preliminary cost estimates

for the Sakonnet River Bridge replacement, which were used to allocate GARVEE proceeds,

have proven to be lower than the funding required; and

     WHEREAS, The reallocation of GARVEE funds to the Sakonnet River Bridge project

will allow an equal amount of Federal highway funding to be applied to other highway projects

included in the Rhode Island Transportation Improvement Program (“TIP”); and

     WHEREAS, The reallocated GARVEE financing associated with these projects is

estimated to be:

     (1) For the Sakonnet River Bridge: (a) a total capital cost of one hundred twenty seven

million three hundred eighty two thousand five hundred sixty six dollars ($127,382,566); (b) the

total debt issuance of GARVEE and/or other than GARVEE Bonds associated with payment of

the capital costs, financing costs, costs of issuance or insurance or credit enhancement would be

an amount not to exceed one hundred thirty five million eight hundred twenty five thousand

dollars ($135,825,000); (c) with respect to the total debt issuance of one hundred thirty five

million eight hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($135,825,000) referenced in subsection (b)

above, an amount not to exceed twenty five million two hundred forty eight thousand dollars

($25,248,000) of bonds would be repaid by the State of Rhode Island with other than FHWA

funds (the "State Match Bonds"); (d) total debt service payments on the State Match Bonds over

an expected twenty (20) year period on the twenty five million two hundred forty eight thousand

dollars ($25,248,000) issuance are projected to be thirty seven million four hundred fifty eight

thousand dollars ($37,458,000), assuming an average coupon rate of 5.1%; and (e) the debt

service payments on the State Match Bonds are supported from the Motor Fuel Tax Allocation as

hereinafter defined; and total debt service on all bonds of two hundred four million five hundred

thirty two thousand nine hundred twenty dollars ($204,532,920); and

      (2) For the Washington Bridge: (a) a total capital cost of $75,845,000; (b) the total debt

issuance of GARVEE and/or other than GARVEE Bonds associated with payment of the capital

costs, financing costs, costs of issuance or insurance or credit enhancement would be an amount

not to exceed $75,845,000; and (c) no State Match Bonds will be issued in connection with the

Washington Bridge as all costs related to the construction and financing of this project will be

covered by the FHWA funds due the State of Rhode Island; and total debt service on all bonds of

one hundred eighteen million four hundred twenty two thousand five hundred dollars

($118,422,500); now, therefore, be it

     RESOLVED, That this General Assembly finds that the Projects are essential public

facilities and are of a type and nature consistent with the purposes and within the powers of the

Department of Transportation to undertake, and hereby approves that the Sakonnet River Bridge

and Washington Bridge remain critical components of the infrastructure of the State of Rhode

Island, and that it is in the best interests of the State to maximize the use of proceeds from the

GARVEE bonds already issued. Therefore, this General Assembly hereby approves the following

reallocation in GARVEE bond proceeds:

      (1) For the New Sakonnet Bridge: the issuance of an amount not to exceed one hundred

twenty seven million three hundred eighty two thousand five hundred sixty six dollars

($127,382,566) in GARVEE Bonds, the repayment of which shall be derived from and supported

by FHWA funds due the State of Rhode Island, and an amount not to exceed twenty five million

two hundred forty eight thousand dollars ($25,248,000) in State Match Bonds and to incur and

pay debt service payments for such State Match Bonds in an amount not to exceed thirty seven

million four hundred fifty eight thousand dollars ($37,458,000) and total debt service on all bonds

of two hundred four million five hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred twenty dollars

($204,532,920) as specified in (1) above for bonds issued for the Sakonnet River Bridge, such

debt service payments to be made from the Motor Fuel Tax Allocation, as hereinafter defined, or

such other revenue source as the Rhode Island General Assembly shall designate from time to

time for the construction, design, maintenance, completion, finance costs, including, but not

limited to, costs of issuance, credit enhancement, legal counsel and underwriter fees and expenses

and other costs associated with the Sakonnet River Bridge.

      (2) For the Washington Bridge: the issuance of an amount not to exceed $75,845,000 in

GARVEE Bonds, the repayment of which shall be wholly derived from and supported by FHWA

funds due the State of Rhode Island; and total debt service on all bonds of one hundred eighteen

million four hundred twenty two thousand five hundred dollars ($118,422,500); and be it further

     RESOLVED, That no other changes in allocation or expenditure are authorized beyond

the amendments included in this Joint Resolution, and that no additional GARVEE bond issuance

is required beyond the limits specified in Chapter 376, Article 36, Sections 8 and 9 of the Rhode

Island Public Laws of 2003.


     SECTION 6. This article shall take effect upon passage.