Chapter 161
2019 -- S 0952
Enacted 07/11/2019

A N   A C T

Introduced By: Senators Paolino, and Pearson
Date Introduced: June 05, 2019

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
     SECTION 1. Manville Fire District Charter: Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 8a, 8b,
8c, 8d, 9, 10 and 11 of an act, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the Manville Fire District", passed
at the May session, A.D. 1891, as amended by an act passed at the January session, A.D. 1893, by
chapter 1644 of the public laws, passed at the January session, A.D. 1908, and by chapter 1168 of
the public laws, passed at the January session, A.D. 1914 and by chapter 2426 of the public laws,
passed at the January session, A.D. 1923, and by the acts and resolves at the January session,
A.D. 1953, and by chapter 3565 of the public laws passed at the January session, A.D. 1955, and
by the acts and resolves passed at the January session, A.D. 1958, and by chapter 26 of the public
laws passed ·at the January session, A.D. 1980, and by chapter 19 of the public laws, passed at
the January session, A.D. 1988 are hereby repealed:
     Section 2. The taxpayers of said district qualified to vote in town affairs or propositions to
impose taxes or for the expenditures of money shall be eligible to vote and act in all meetings of
the corporation Provided, however, that such taxpayers must have paid their taxes in full to the
fire district not less than ninety-six (96) hours previous to the time specified for the meetings at
which they may desire to vote.
     Section 3. There shall be an annual meeting of said corporation on the second Tuesday in
September of each and every year, for the purpose of electing officers, ordering taxes and
providing for assessing and collecting the same, enacting by-laws as prescribed in section 10 and
transacting such business or adopting such measures, consistent with the charter, which the
qualified voters at said meeting shall deem beneficial to the fire district. The newly elected
officers shall assume office on the first day of October of the same year. And in order to bring
before that annual meeting any measure pertaining to the fire district it shall not be necessary that
the purpose of the meeting be specified in the notice or notices posted to call said meeting. All
meetings of said corporation shall be called by the clerk, or in the event of his death or inability,
by the moderator, by posting notices not less than fourteen (14) days before each ~ meetings in
eight (8) public places within the district and by advertising two (2) local newspapers three (3)
days prior to date of said meeting. Each notice posted and each newspaper advertisement shall
contain time and place at which such meeting is to be held. In the case of a special meeting where
the posting of notices for fourteen (14) days prior to the date would create ate a financial
emergency, the clerk or in the event of his death, the moderator shall at the direction of the board
of fire wardens advertise in two (2) local newspapers notice of said special meeting three (3) days
prior to the date of said special meeting.
     Section 4. Special meetings of said corporation shall be held for purposes pertaining to
the fire district, provided an application in writing be made to the clerk of the corporation by all
fire wardens or by thirty (30) or more qualified voters of said fire district; setting forth
specifically the whole purpose of the desired meeting. Business at such meeting shall be limited
to the specific item(s) specified on the warrant for said special meeting. It shall thereupon be the
duty of the clerk, (or in case of his death or inability, of the moderator), to issue notices of the
proposed meeting in the manner prescribed in section 3, which notices shall specify the subject to
be acted upon, mention the names of the fire wardens, or of not less than thirty (30) taxpayers
who shall have applied for the holding of said meeting, and be signed by the clerk or by the
moderator of the corporation.
     Section 5. The officers of the fire district shall consist of one (1) moderator, one (1) clerk,
one (1) treasurer, one (1) tax collection, three (3) assessors of taxes, two (2) auditors, five (5) fire
wardens; and said officers shall be elected by the qualified voters at the annual meeting of the fire
district to remain in office until the next annual meeting or the election of their successors. Any
officer who shall neglect his duty may be impeached by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voters of
the district present at the meeting at which such vote is taken. All vacancies occurring by reason
of death, incapacity, resignation, or the retirement of any officer may be filled at a special
meeting of the district called for that purposes; provided, however, that any vacancy occurring
within the two (2) months preceding the annual meeting shall be filled by a majority vote of the
board of fire wardens.
     Section 6. The terms of the tax assessors, auditors, and the fire wardens shall be for two
(2) year terms. All other officers shall be elected for one (1) year terms.
     Section 6a. Election of Tax Assessors: -- At the annual meeting on the even numbered
years, two (2) tax assessors shall be elected for a two (2) year term and on the odd numbered
years one (1) tax assessor shall be elected to a two term.
     Section 6b. Election of Fire Wardens: -- At the annual meeting on the even numbered
years three (3) fire wardens shall be elected for two (2) year terms and on the odd numbered years
two (2) fire wardens shall be elected to two (2) year terms.
     Section 6c. At the annual meeting one (I) auditor shall be elected for a two (2) year term.
     Section 7. The moderator shall preside at all annual and special meetings of the fire
district which shall have been called by proper notice; and at such meetings shall conduct the
proceedings, decide all discussions according to law, and have command over all the records of
the clerk, of the treasurer, and of the tax collector during such meetings. The rulings or decisions
of the moderator at said meetings shall be binding upon the fire district. The decision of the
presiding officer may be appealed upon by those present and entitled to a vote and a two-third
(2/3) majority of the voters will be required to sustain the appeal and overrule the decision. An
appeal of his decisions or ruling may be taken by an qualified voter of said district to the superior
court to be holden within the county of Providence. All meetings whether annual or special
meetings of the fire district shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's "Rules of Order".
     Section 8. The fire chief shall be appointed by the board of fire wardens. The deputy fire
chief shall be appointed by the board of fire wardens on the recommendation of the fire chief.
These appointments shall be made whenever a vacancy occurs. The fire chief and the deputy fire
chief shall serve under the direction of the board of fire wardens.
     Section 8a. The appointment of the fire chief and the deputy fire chief shall be for a
probationary period of three (3) full years, beginning with the first day of appointment. At the end
of the probationary period, the board of fire wardens shall grant tenure with a majority vote.
     Section 8b. If the need for dismissal due to just cause of a fire chief or a deputy fire chief
occurs, a hearing will be held with all concerned present. At that time a four (4) out of five (5)
majority vote of the board of fire wardens will be necessary for dismissal.
     Section 8c. The fire chief or the deputy fire chief in the case of dismissal by the board of
fire wardens may petition his case to said board of fire wardens for a second hearing within
seventy-two (72) hours. In the event that the dismissal is upheld a fire chief or a deputy fire chief
may as a final plea, bring his plea to the members of the Manville fire district within fourteen (14)
days of the second hearing according to the law of special meetings. Then and only then can the
decision of the fire wardens be reversed by a 2/3 majority of eligible voters present and voting.
Should the probationary period not end in tenure, the fire chief or the deputy fire chief as the right
of due process in accordance with the rules of section 8.
     Section 8d. The fire chief and the deputy fire chief or any other executive officer of the
fire department when on duty at a fire in the fire district where the fire headquarters or station of
said company is located or in response to an alarm for such a fire shall in absence of the police
have the power to suppress any tumult or disorder and to command the inhabitants of the fire
district all needful assistance for the suppression of fire and in preservation of property exposed
to fire the officers above enumerated shall have authority to go onto and enter property or
premises and do whatever may reasonably be necessary in the performance of their duties while
engaged in the work of extinguishing any fire or performing any duties incidental thereto. The
fire chief and deputy fire chief are authorized to procure the assistance of the state fire marshal's
division of fire safety in their fire fighting activities when necessary.
     Section 9. No member of the fire department of the Manville fire district who, while on
duty performing the duties of a fire fighter or rescue person, and in the performance of said duty
voluntarily and gratuitously renders emergency assistance to a person in need thereof, shall be
liable for civil damages for any personal injuries which result from acts or omissions by such
persons rendering the emergency care which may constitute ordinary negligence. This immunity
does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross, willful, or wanton negligence. The fire
chief and deputy fire chief and all members of this fire department shall not render themselves
liable personally and they are hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may
occur to persons or property as a result of an act required or permitted in the discharge of their
official duties and any fire chief and deputy fire chief acting in good faith and without malice,
shall be free from liability for acts performed or by any reason of his failure to act in the
performance of his official duties.
     Section 10. The qualified voters of said fire district shall at the annual meeting or at a
special meeting called for this purpose, have the power to propose changes in the by-laws
consistent with this charter. Final passage of said by-laws shall require the approval of voters at a
subsequent meeting to be held no less than thirty (30) days and no more than sixty (60) days from
the date of the proposal.
     Section 11. Such fire company, including the rescue service, shall constitute the fire
department with the fire district under the command of the fire chief and shall be governed by the
fire district. Such company shall also be subject to the provisions contained in chapter 152 and
200 of the public statutes and all acts in amendment thereto and to the exemptions, privileges, and
remedies therein provided and the rules and regulations of the department of health pertaining to
rescue service.
     SECTION 2. Manville Fire District Charter: The act, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the
Manville Fire District", passed at the May session, A.D. 1891, as amended by an act passed at the
January session, A.D. 1893, by chapter 1644 of the public laws, passed at the January session,
A.D. 1908, and by chapter 1168 of the public laws, passed at the January session, A.D. 1914 and
by chapter 2426 of the public laws, passed at the January session, A.D. 1923, and by the acts and
resolves at the January session, A.D. 1953, and by chapter 3565 of the public laws passed at the
January session, A.D. 1955, and by the acts and resolves passed at the January session, A.D.
1958, and by chapter 26 of the public laws passed at the January session, A.D. 1980, and by
chapter 19 of the public laws, passed at the January session, A.D. 1988 is hereby amended by
adding thereto the following sections:
     Section 2. Voter Eligibility eligibility: The qualified voters residing within said district
shall be eligible to vote at the annual meeting of the corporation. Such qualified voters shall be
eligible to hold any office in the corporation. Voter eligibility will be further defined in the
district bylaws.
     Section 3. Annual Meeting meeting: There shall be an annual meeting of said corporation
on the second Tuesday in September for the purpose of electing officers, ordering taxes, and
providing for assessing and collecting the same. The annual meeting date and requirements for
said meeting will be defined in the district bylaws.
     Section 4. Special Meetings meetings: Special meetings of said corporation shall be held
for purposes pertaining to the fire district; provided a written request be made to the Board of Fire
Wardens Chairman and Clerk board of fire wardens chairman and clerk of the corporation by
at least two (2) Fire Wardens fire wardens or by thirty (30) or more qualified voters of said fire
district; setting forth specifically the whole purpose and agenda topics of the desired meeting.
Business at such meetings shall be limited to the specific item(s) specified on the warrant/notice
for said special meeting. It shall thereupon be the duty of the Clerk to issue notices of the
proposed meeting in the manner defined in the district bylaws.
     Section 5. District Officers officers: The officers of the fire district shall consist of five
(5) Fire Wardens fire wardens. Said officers shall be elected by the qualified voters at the annual
meeting of the fire district and shall remain in office until the expiration of their term. Any officer
who shall neglect his or her duty may be impeached by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voters of the
district present at the meeting at which such vote is taken.
     All vacancies for any officer position may be filled at a special meeting of the district
called for that purpose; provided, however, that any vacancy occurring within the two (2) months
preceding the annual meeting shall be filled by the affirmative vote of three (3) Fire Wardens fire
wardens for an interim term lasting until that annual meeting. All elected officers shall assume
office on the first day of October of the same year. The terms and duties of the officers will be
defined by the district bylaws.
     Section 6. Appointed Personnel personnel: The Board of Fire Wardens board of fire
wardens will appoint one (1) Treasurer treasurer, one (1) Tax Collector tax collector, and one
(1) Clerk clerk, by the affirmative vote of three (3) Fire Wardens fire wardens. The terms and
duties of the appointed positions will be defined by the district bylaws.
     Section 7. Presiding of Meetings meetings: The Board of Fire Wardens Chairman board
of fire wardens chairman shall preside over all meetings of the fire district including the annual
meeting and special meetings unless a Moderator moderator is appointed by the affirmative vote
of three (3) Fire Wardens fire wardens; and at such meetings shall conduct the proceedings,
decide all discussions according to law, and have command over all the records of the Clerk, of
the Treasurer clerk, of the treasurer, and of the Tax Collector tax collector during such
meetings. The rulings of the Board board at said meetings shall be binding upon the fire district.
The annual meeting may be conducted by any Fire Warden fire warden that who is not eligible
for re-election that term or, in the alternative, by a Moderator moderator selected by the
affirmative vote of three (3) Fire Wardens fire wardens. All meetings of the fire district shall be
conducted in accordance with Robert's "Rules of Order".
     Section 8. Operations Personnel personnel: The Board of Fire Wardens board of fire
wardens shall hold control over the operations of the fire district and hold within its authority the
power to appoint a Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief fire chief and deputy fire chief to manage
all firefighting activities in the district and otherwise subject to the authority of the Board of Fire
Wardens board of fire wardens. The confirmation of a Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief fire
chief and deputy fire chief requires an affirmative vote of three (3) Fire Wardens fire wardens.
The process, terms, and duties of the appointed positions will be defined by the district bylaws.
     Section 9. Amendments: The Board of Fire Wardens board of fire wardens shall have
the power to make changes to their bylaws and their policy and procedures consistent with this
charter. Final passage of said bylaws and policy and procedures or any amendment thereto shall
take place at an open meeting as defined in the district bylaws.
     SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage.