WHEREAS, The Eleanor Slater Hospital/Zambarano Unit has been serving the State of Rhode Island for the last ninety-one years. Since its inception, the hospital has furnished crucial health care for many Rhode Islanders; and
WHEREAS, In recent years this excellent facility has provided outstanding health care services to those Rhode Islanders in greatest need. Those patients include geriatric patients, patients with developmental disabilities, people afflicted with Alzheimer's disease, and those with spinal cord injuries; and
WHEREAS, The Eleanor Slater Hospital/Zambarano Unit serves as a model for all long-term care facilities; and
WHEREAS, For the past nineteen years, the patients have been involved in an organized group named Patients for Progress, who have dedicated themselves to promoting superior care for all individuals at our state hospitals; and
WHEREAS, Patients for Progress has worked tirelessly to insure a quality existence for all patients, and also works to convey the creditable and commendable work that goes on each and every day at the Eleanor Slater Hospital/Zambarano Unit; and
WHEREAS, The distinguished members of Patients for Progress who honor us with their presence today merit our unqualified admiration and respect; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations hereby extends its sincere welcome to Patients for Progress and the employees of the Eleanor Slater Hospital/Zambarano Unit to the House of Representatives, and the membership expresses its deep appreciation for the continuation of their laudable efforts on behalf of all long-term care patients; and be it further
RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations hereby declares its continuing support to assure that the Eleanor Slater Hospital/Zambarano Unit remains an exemplary long-term health care facility for all Rhode Islanders; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to Patients for Progress and to the staff of the Eleanor Slater Hospital/Zambarano Unit.