RESOLVED, That there is hereby appropriated, out of any moneyin the treasury not otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year1997-1998, the sums stipulated to pay the claims of the following:
Senator Walaska
the sum of $159.79 to pay the claim of Robert P. Antonelli of24 Long Street, Warwick, Rhode Island 02886 for damages to hisvehicle when it struck a highway defect at or near Route 95 Southboundand the Jefferson Boulevard exit, in the city of Warwick on orabout June 3, 1996;
Senator Polisena
the sum of $233.53 to pay the claim of Richard Chiodini of 19Betsy Williams Drive, Johnston, Rhode Island 02919 for damagesto his vehicle which occurred on May 19, 1996 when, while travelingsouthbound on Route 95 about one (1) mile south of Exit 18, hisvehicle struck a highway defect;
Senator Celona
the sum of $104.52 to pay the claim of Karen Cornell of 21 CarverLane, Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 for damage to her vehiclewhich occurred on February 14, 1997 when, while traveling Westat or near Route 138, Newport Bridge, West of the Newport mainlandside, in the city of Newport, her vehicle struck a highway defect;
Senator Kelly
the sum of $130.66 to pay the claim of F. Claude Defrain of 167Central Street, Manville, Rhode Island 02838 for damages to hisvehicle which occurred when it struck a highway defect at or nearMendon Road and Route 116 in the town of Cumberland, on or aboutMarch 1, 1996;
Senator Alves
the sum of $125 to pay the claim of Nicole T. Baccala of 16 HollyHill Lane, Cranston, Rhode Island 02921 for damage to her vehiclewhich occurred on December 27, 1996 when, while traveling Southon Warwick Avenue near 1383 Warwick Avenue in the city of Warwick,her vehicle struck a pothole;
Senator Celona
the sum of $88.60 to pay the claim of Linda S. Gould of 99 RocklandStreet, Fall River, Massachusetts 02724 for damage to her vehiclewhich occurred on or about February 9, 1996 when it struck a highwaydefect at or near Route 95 eastbound, downtown exit, in the cityof Providence;
Senator Irons
the sum of $178.96 to pay the claim of John H. Hayward of 166Greenslitt Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02861 for damages tohis vehicle when it struck a highway defect at or near Route 6westbound and Killingly Street, in the town of Johnston on orabout May 1, 1997;
Senator Bates
the sum of $198.14 to pay the claim of Richard L. Johnson of19 Salisbury Road, Barrington, Rhode Island for damages to hisvehicle which occurred when it struck a highway defect at or nearRoute 95 northbound at the Cranston/Providence line, on or aboutJanuary 31, 1996;
Senator Celona
the sum of $550 to pay the claim of Patricia Kaloustian of 1744Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence, Rhode Island 02904 fordamages to her vehicle which occurred when it struck a highwaydefect at or near the Thurbers Avenue on-ramp to Route 95 southboundin the city of Providence on or about October 24, 1996;
Senator Paiva-Weed
the sum of $370.60 to pay the claim of Stanley Kalwaki of 11Green Lane, Newport, Rhode Island 02840 for damages to his vehiclewhen it struck a highway defect at or near East Main Road southboundon Sandy Point Road, in the town of Portsmouth on or about February16, 1996;
Senator Caprio
the sum of $150 to pay the claim of Albert Lapati of 28 SycamoreStreet, Providence, Rhode Island 02909 for damage to his vehiclewhich occurred on or about March 22, 1997 when, while travelingat or near the intersection of Service Road and Broadway in thecity of Providence, his vehicle struck a highway defect;
Senator Celona
the sum of $477.71 to pay the claim of Elizabeth A. Larson of155 St. Barnabe Street, Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895, for damagesto her vehicle which occurred when it struck a highway defectat or near Route 146 northbound, 1/8 mile south of Eastern Landscaping,in North Smithfield, on or about February 21, 1996;
Senator Celona
the sum of $618.75 to pay the claim of Brian J. McFarland of100 Pomham Street, Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 for damages tohis vehicle when it struck a highway defect at or near Route 7northbound approximately 1/4 mile after exiting route 295 northboundin the town of Smithfield, on or about February 21, 1996;
Senator Celona
the sum of $315.54 to pay the claim of Hope V. Mathewson of 1155Douglas Avenue, Apt. 101, Douglas Manor, North Providence, RhodeIsland 02904 for damages to her vehicle when it struck a highwaydefect at or near route 95, southbound, at the Thurber Avenueexit, in the city of Providence, on or about October 18, 1996;
Senator Lenihan
the sum of $355.67 to pay the claim of Barbara Mello of 69 WoodHaven Road, Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02861 for damages to her vehiclewhen it was struck by airborne building materials from a state-ownedbuilding located at the northeasterly corner of Brownell Street,in the city of Providence, on or about March 6, 1997;
Senator Celona
the sum of $100 to pay the claim of George Melo of 277 FrancisAvenue, North Providence, Rhode Island 02904 for damages to hisvehicle when it struck a highway defect at or near route 95 southboundexit 27, in the city of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, on or about March24, 1996;
Senator Celona
the sum of $99.10 to pay the claim of Rose M. Morissette of5 Alern Way, Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865 for damage to her vehiclewhich occurred on or about February 14, 1997 when, while travelingat or near Route 146 and Eastern Landscaping in the town of Smithfield,her vehicle struck a highway defect;
Senator Celona
the sum of $53.50 to pay the claim of Jacqueline L. Puglianoof 71 Quail Drive, North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852 for damageto her vehicle which occurred on or about March 11, 1997 when,while traveling at or near Post Road and West Main Road in thetown of North Kingstown, her vehicle struck a pothole;
Senator Lenihan
the sum of $529.25 to pay the claim of Clifton E. Reynolds of75 Ridgefield Drive, East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818 for damagesto his vehicle which occurred when it was struck by a manuallyoperated exit gate arm at the Port of Galilee parking lot in thetown of Narragansett, on or about January 25, 1996;
Senator Enos
the sum of $132.25 to pay the claim of Andrea L. Sousa of 178Stoney Hollow Road, Tiverton, Rhode Island for damage to her vehiclewhich occurred on or about March 14, 1997 when, while travelingwest at or near Route 195 and the South Main Street exit in thecity of Providence, her vehicle struck a highway defect;
Senator Bates
the sum of $414.58 to pay the claim of St. Angelo Buick GMCTruck, 500 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, Rhode Island 02914for damages to building glass located at or near 236 County Road,Barrington, when struck by snow and ice thrown by a state plow,on or about April 10, 1996;
Senator Celona
the sum of $586.08 to pay the claim of Stephen W. White of 24Pontiac Road, Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882 for damages tohis vehicle when it struck a highway defect at or near Route 195westbound, near the Chestnut Street overpass in the city of Providence,on or about September 7, 1996; and the state controller is herebyauthorized and directed to draw his orders upon the general treasurerfor the payment of said sum.