96-H 9118

Effective Without the Governor's Signature

Jul. 18, 1996.


It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 2 of an act entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Westerly Cemetery Company", passed at the October Session, 1849 is hereby amended to read as follows:

The estate, property and affairs of said corporation shall be managed by five trustees, a majority of whom shall be a quorum capable of doing business. The trustees shall be elected to five year terms, it being the intention to elect only one trustee at every annual meeting.

At the next annual meeting, five trustees shall be voted in, one for a one year term, one for a two year term, one for a three year term, one for a four year term and one for a five year term. The election shall be by ballot, and every proprietor of a lot, or if there be more that one proprietor of any such lot, then such one as a majority of the proprietors of such original lot, for the time being, shall designate to represent such lot, shall have either in person or by proxy, one vote for each such lot, and the person being a lot proprietor, having a majority of all the votes given at such election, shall be declared a duly elected trustee for each of the five different terms.

At every annual meeting subsequent to the next annual meeting, one trustee shall be voted in for a five year term. The election shall be by ballot, and every proprietor of a lot, or if there be more than one proprietor of any such lot, then such one as a majority of the proprietors of such original lot, for the time being, shall designate to represent such lot, shall have either in person or by proxy, one vote for each such lot, and the person being a lot proprietor, having a majority of all the votes given at such election, shall be declared a duly elected trustee for a five year term.

The trustees shall in all cases be chosen from among the lot proprietors, and shall have the power to fill vacancies in their number that may occur during the period from which they hold their office; and in case of a failure in the annual meeting of the company, the trustees for the time being shall continue in office and shall elect others to fill vacancies until an election shall take place by the company.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.

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