R 99
99-S 873
Enacted 3/19/99

S E N A T E    R E S O L U T I O N


Introduced By: Senators Kelly and Parella

Date Introduced : March 19, 1999

WHEREAS, COZ (Child Opportunity Zone) Family Centers develop and support partnerships among families, schools, and the community while enhancing the following core areas: child care, school-age enrichment, youth development programs, preventative health and safety programs, mental and emotional health support, adult education, home to work assistance, job skill training, school to career transition, resources identification and referral, family school connections, and community building; and

WHEREAS, COZ also provides families with the means to build their community's capacity to provide these needed services. With public and private partners providing fiscal support, technical assistance, and training, COZ is able to improve outcomes for all children; and

WHEREAS, COZ Family Centers began in 1933, today, they are active in 14 communities and are recognized nationally as a model for state working "to redesign their human services system at both state and local level to better support children and families"; and

WHEREAS, We would be remiss if we did not mention the many COZ centers around the Ocean State which provide the little extra that helps change lives. An East Bay COZ center helped local neighborhood children participate in summer camp for the first time. A northern Rhode Island center provided volunteer interpreters to help immigrant families participate in parent-teacher conferences. An Aquidneck Island center developed a "Safe Baby Equipment Exchange". A West Bay COZ center developed a partnership between an elementary school and community agencies to provide after-school day care; and

WHEREAS, The Rhode Island Monthly Magazine summed it up best when they said "The idea is simple: Work with the community to help children and families succeed. Consolidate services in one place, using the schools -- already a cornerstone of family life -- as a base"; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations hereby congratulates COZ Family Centers on the celebration of their 5th Anniversary; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the State be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution the COZ Family Centers.

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